U.S. Department of Justice

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Basics and Beyond: Suicide Prevention in Jails
By Leukefeld, Alison; Brower, Jaime. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (Washington, DC); U.S. Marshals Service (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Issues surrounding the prevention of inmate suicide in jails are addressed. This presentation will enable readers to: understand the problem of jail suicide—rates of suicide in certain groups, the decrease in jail suicide rates, what makes jails risky environments, and challenges of prevention; describe suicide risk factors, warning signs, and suicide myths that increase ones risk; and discuss intervention best practices—the qualities of a suicide prevention program (a written suicide prevention... Read More

1 video DVD (56 minutes)
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New Jail Planning: Getting It Right
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
This video explores the lessons learned by four communities that built new jails. The communities utilized the four major steps of the Facility Developmental Process model:
  • Determine the need and feasibility;
  • Decide to build, plan operations;
  • Design the jail;
  • And build the jail, plan the transition.... Read More

1 DVD (20 min.)
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The Mentally Ill in Jail: Whose Problem Is It Anyway? [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections. Academy Division (Aurora, CO).
This 3-hour program, originally broadcast July 15, 2009, provides an overview of opportunities that can help your organization prepare to work with persons suffering from mental illness in jails. Mental health issues in the criminal justice system are a community wide problem, and corrections stakeholders, including government officials and corrections personnel, all have a role in identifying creative programs and solutions that tackle the problem at its core. This broadcast investigates the sc... Read More
3 computer disks; DVD-ROM (159 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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How to Run a Direct Supervision Housing Unit: For Existing Direct Supervision Jails
  • [Lesson Plans, Slides & Participant Manual]
  • National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Developed for line staff of existing direct supervision jails, this training progam provides effective inmate management techniques that will enable participants to operate a direct supervision housing unit. This program contains the following modules:
    • Introduction;
    • Orientation to direct supervision;
    • Officer role in the unit–influencing behavior;
    • Direct supervision housing unit strategies;
    • Time management in the unit;
    • Managing inmate behavior;
    • Managing differences and di... Read More

    approximately 300 pages
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    Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide prepares supervisors for conversations with new inspectors taking the "Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors" self-guided course (NIC accession no. 022124). Questions and answer keys are provided along with discussion topics for each chapter.... Read More
    78 p.
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    Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This self-paced, self-instruction course explains the role and responsibilities of a jail inspector. Questions are asked at the end of each chapter which lead to answers from and discussion with their supervisors. Supervisors use the publication "Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide" (NIC accession no. 022123). Chapters cover: legal issues; standards; the inspection process; facility design; communication; government structures and processes; and resources.... Read More
    136 p.
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    How to Run a Direct Supervision Housing Unit: A Training Curriculum
    By Jacobsen, Vic; Reid, Tom. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO). Minnesota Jail Resource Center (St. Paul, MN); Minnesota State Sheriffs' Association (St. Paul, MN).
    Developed for line staff, this 32-hour workshop covers 12 steps to effective inmate management. Segments include:
    • Orientation to direct supervision
    • The officer's role in the unit
    • Principles of running a direct supervision housing unit
    • Building flexibility in your leadership style
    • Planning and organizing in the unit
    • Managing differences in the unit
    • Managing inmate behavior, and difficult situations & inmates
    • Establishing yourself in the unit
    • Ho... Read More

    1 DVD (26 min.) + 1 CD
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    Jails in America: A Report on Podular Direct Supervision, Version 3.0
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This video explains the strengths of podular/direct supervision. Subjects include:
    • The three types of jail design and inmate management (i.e., linear/intermittent surveillance, podular/remote supervision, and podular/direct supervision);
    • Benefits of direct supervision;
    • The eight key principles of direct supervision;
    • Inmate management strategies;
    • Booking;
    • Orientation;
    • Classification;
    • The day room;
    • The housing unit;
    • Disciplinary segregation housing;
    • And inmate ... Read More

    1 DVD (26 min.)
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    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, Winter 2005
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This Large Jail Network meeting took place January 30-February 1, 2005, in Longmont, Colorado. Contents of these proceedings include: NICs Core Competency Model Project: Preparing Leaders in Corrections for the Future by Robert Brown; Training as a Strategic Management Tool by Tom Reid; Legal Issues and Mentally Ill Inmates by Bill Collins; Mental Health Services in Jails: Identifying Problems by Joel A. Dvoskin; Informal Announcements by David Parrish; Mental Health Issues: Open Forum Discussio... Read More
    67 p.
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    LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2004; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2004
    By (Multiple). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, Colorado).
    This issue includes: Foreword, by Richard Geaither, National Institute of Corrections Jails Division; You Can Do It: Putting an End to Pharmacy Cost Increases, by Mike Kalonick, Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, Detention Bureau; Accreditation for Adult Local Detention Facilities: Moving from Process Measures to Outcome Measures, by Bob Verdeyen, American Correctional Association; Got Training? Training as a Strategic Management Tool for Performance Enhancement, by Tom Reid, Na... Read More
    56 p.
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    Interpersonal Communications in the Correctional Setting: IPC
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Juvenile Detention Association (Richard, KY).
    This basic communication skills training program, developed by Robert R. Carkhuff, has been used by correctional agencies for more than thirty-five years to train officers and counselors. Sessions contained in this course are: introduction to the IPC (interpersonal communication) model; the basics -- sizing up the situation; positioning; posturing; observing; listening; summary of the basics; the add-ons -- communicating to inmates; responding to inmates -- identifying content; responding to inm... Read More
    2 computer disks; 1 DVD-ROM (100 min.) + 1 CD-ROM
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    Jail Inmates with Mental Illness: A Community Problem
  • [Videoconference Held April 17, 2002]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This videoconference addresses issues faced by jails that must deal with increasing numbers of inmates with serious mental illnesses. Topics discussed include:
    • Essential jail-based service components for mentally ill inmates;
    • Creative approaches to meet the service needs of the mentally ill;
    • Identification of potential resources that can be used in the management of this special population;
    • Mental health courts;
    • And how to maintain continuity of care.
    ... Read More

    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    NIC Broadcast: Mental Illness in Jails Q & A
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Questions and answers regarding the following topics are provided: deferred prosecution, recidivism, isolation, cost concerns, coordinated efforts, medicating for behavior issues, classification, diversion and mental health courts, jail overcrowding, rehabilitation, privitization, standards of care, assessment tools, treatment review committees, follow-up, stakeholders, case referral, continuity of care, and additional resources.... Read More
    9 p.
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    Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails
    By Liebert, Dennis R.; Miller, Rod. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An integrated series of steps that result in a comprehensive and innovative staffing plan is presented. The staffing analysis process involves: jail profiling; net annual work hours calculation; development of a facility activity schedule; staff coverage plan development; completion of a staff summary; schedule development; evaluation, revision, and improvement of the plan; operational costs calculation; report preparation; and implementation of the plan and monitoring of the results. Appendixes... Read More
    43 p.
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    Alleviating Jail Crowding: A Systemic Approach
  • [Videoconference Held April 18, 2001]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Since jail crowding is often called the most pressing problem facing criminal justice systems in the U.S., this 3-hour videoconference aims to help jurisdictions develop effective strategies and techniques for managing jail population levels. Issues discussed include:
    • The systemic problem of crowding and the need for effective system-wide policy
    • Decision points in the system that help control crowding
    • Data collection and analysis
    • Long and short term strategies to reduce j... Read More

    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    Boot Camp Program Planning and Facility Design: Residential and Community Program Components
    By Swanson, Richard M.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Developed for NIC Jails Division's Boot Camp Workshop, this document outlines the steps necessary in implementing such a program. It provides lesson plans on planning and staffing issues, as well as overheads and forms used in the workshop.... Read More
    54 p.
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    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1996
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    NIC's Large Jail Network meeting's highlights are presented in this document. The focus of the meeting was the topic of juveniles in adult jails, and among the issues discussed were: effective approaches to handling juveniles in jails; preparing and training staff to manage juvenile offenders; the public health dimension of jail medical services; and community, media, and interagency issues.... Read More
    79 p.
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    Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Jail Standards Division (Lincoln, NE).
    Particular skills common to most inspectors are identified in this document that was designed as an entrance level training vehicle for inspectors. Legal issues, standards, the inspection process, facility design and its impact on operations, communications, organizational structures, and resources are topics addressed.... Read More
    155 p.
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    Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors, Supervisor's Guide
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Jail Standards Division (Lincoln, NE).
    The purpose of the Supervisor's Guide is to provide the supervisor a means to facilitate interaction between himself and the new inspector about the topics in the self-study course.... Read More
    50 p.
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    Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails
    By Miller, Rod; Liebert, Dennis. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The process of staffing analysis consists of seven steps: 1- "Profiling" the jail setting; 2- Examining intermittent activities; 3- Determining coverage and assignment; 4- Scheduling; 5- Evaluating and improving initial plans; 6- Preparing the staffing analysis report; and 7- Implementing and monitoring. ... Read More
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    Competency Profile of Jail Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided on the managerial and operational duties, with accompanying tasks, of the Jail Administrator.... Read More
    6 p.
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    Basic Guide to Mental Health Services in Jails: The Workbook
    By Lloyd, Lillis M.. Correctional Management Consultants (Phoenix, AZ); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Areas addressed include history of mental health in jails, major types of mental disorders, personality disorders, suicide awareness/prevention, and liability and negligence. Length of training is sixteen hours. Audience includes correctional professionals such as officers, mental health staff, social workers, counselors, nurses, and intake and classification workers. The training package consists of a one-volume manual.... Read More
    120 p.

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