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EPA Tribal Portal

EPA Logo American Indian Tribal Portal Logo The EPA Tribal Portal was created as a gateway to EPA environmental information specifically related to tribal governments, such as environmental policies, practices and laws.

The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO)

EPA Logo AIEO Logo The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO)coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian country, with a special emphasis on helping tribes administer their own environmental programs.

Science in Indian Country

EPA Logo Science and American Indians Logo The Science and American Indians web site provides a wide range of science information and resources gathered through tribal traditional knowledge, analytical science, and integrated approaches to science by tribes, EPA, and other federal agencies and tribal organizations. In addition, this site provides information on the activities and products of the EPA workgroup that address tribally driven science issues, the National EPA-Tribal Science Council (TSC).

IAQ Tribal Partners Program

EPA Logo IAQ Tribal Partners Program Logo IAQ Tribal Partners Program This Web site aims to further empower champions of healthy IAQ in tribal communities with tools for networking, sharing innovative and promising programs and practices, and by serving as a reservoir of the best available tribal-specific IAQ information and materials.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Logo Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry OTA works directly with tribal governments and representatives on site-specific work, responding to requests for information and evaluating environmental health data and community health concerns. Site-specific Activities. F wor hazardousaste sites that may affect tribal populations, ATSDR conducts public health assessments and consultations to address multiple exposure pathways, determine who may come in contact with hazardous substances, evaluate whether harmful exposures are occurring and what public health actions/follow-up activities may be needed.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Native American Liaison

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Native American Liaison Logo U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Native American Liaison Working together with Native American Liaisons and officials from among the Federally recognized tribes nationwide, the Office of the Native American Liaison identifies areas where both Federal and tribal conservation efforts can most effectively conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats.

U.S. Geological Survey Native American Tribal Liaison

U.S. Geological Survey Logo U.S. Geological Survey Native American Tribal Liaison Combining traditional ecological knowledge with empirical studies allows the USGS and Native American governments, organizations, and people to increase their mutual understanding and respect for this land. USGS provides information to tribes as part of our basic mission of providing unbiased scientific information to the Nation, and as part of the Federal Trust Responsibility to tribes.

Guide to USDA Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Guide to USDA Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives This Guide to USDA Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives is an updated reference for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal leaders and members, planners, community leaders, producers, and anyone else who works with American Indians on numerous USDA programs. Please use this book often to decide which of our programs will best serve your needs and to improve your access to USDA programs and services.

NOAA's Salmon Fishery Management

NOAA Logo NOAA's Salmon Fishery Management Harvest in the Northwest Region includes commercial, recreational and tribal fishing. Management of those fisheries in the Northwest is a cooperative process involving federal, state, tribal and Canadian representatives.

NOAA's Subsistence Halibut Fishing in Alaska

NOAA Logo NOAA's Subsistence Halibut Fishing in Alaska Special permits for community harvest, ceremonial, and educational purposes also are available to qualified Alaska communities and Alaska Native Tribes. Permit holders must comply with SHARC registration and reporting processes.

US Forest Service - Tribal Relations

US Forest Service US Forest Service - Tribal Relations strives to be in the top tier of federal land managing agencies in partnering appropriately and collaboratively with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal governments and communities for mutually beneficial outcomes.

Reclamation's Native American Affairs Office and Program

See full size image Reclamation's Native American Affairs Office and Program provides technical assistance to Indian Tribes in the field of water resource development and management through direct participation, training, and partnering. The goal of the TAP is to establish cooperative working relationships with the Tribes which enable the Tribe to take advantage and benefit from Reclamation's technical expertise and resources. This could take many forms from assisting tribal technical experts to providing the technical data necessary to assess, plan and develop on-reservation water resources. Assistance can also be provided through training to enhance a Tribe's knowledge and expertise in the use, protection and development of resources.

Recovery Funding for Tribal Community Services Block Grant

HHS.gov/RecoveryRecovery Funding for Tribal Community Services Block Grant
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (PDF, 407 pp, 1.07MB) was created to jumpstart the economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century.  HHS is responsible for the implementation and management of health and human service Recovery Act programs.

National Congress of American Indians

See full size image The National Congress of American Indians site tracks Federal Stimulus grant funding thru spreadsheets and links to federal grant programs under the Recovery Act. Tribal Stimulus exit EPA

National Tribal Environmental Council

National Tribal Environmental CouncilNational Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) exit EPA was formed in 1991 with seven tribes and input from several intertribal organizations, including the Council of Energy Resource Tribes and the Native American Rights Fund, as a membership organization dedicated to working with and assisting tribes in the protection and preservation of tribal environments. NTEC's membership is open to any federally-recognized tribe throughout the United States, and currently has 186 member tribes. It is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

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