Tribal Stimulus

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TransportationHousing and Community DevelopmentPublic SafetyHealthEducation and Social ServicesFood and NutritionWaterEnvironmentEnergyTelecommunicationsEconomic, Business & Workforce Development

Transportation Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Indian Reservation Roads Program Transportation $310 million Formula Tribes 4-1-2009
BIA Construction, Road and Bridge Maintenance Transportation $143 million Formula Tribes NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 3-15-2009
Tribal Transit Grant Program Transportation, FTA $17.25 million Tribal set-aside Tribes 3-15-2009
Housing and Community Development Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Native American Housing Block Grants (NAHASDA) Housing $510 million Formula Tribes At least $255 million will be distributed according to the 2008 formula; $242.3 million will be awarded competitively 4-2-2009
Community Development Block Grants Housing $10 million Formula grants Tribes,States,Local governments,Others $100 million total appropriated; tribal statutory 1% set-aside which is $10 million. 4-1-2009
Housing Improvement Program Interior, BIA $20 million Grants Tribes,Tribal organizations NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 4-1-2009
Rural Housing Service (RHS) Agriculture $200 million Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Housing $100 million Tribes,States,Local governments Eligible entities are applicants who already applied under the Lead Hazard Reduction Program Notice of Funding Availability for FY 2008. 4-2-2009
Strengthening Communities Fund Health, ACF New authorization Competitive grants Tribes,Others Divided into two parts: The Nonprofit Capacity Building program and the State, Local and Tribal Government Capacity Building program. Tribes and tribal organizations are eligible to apply for both. 5-12-2009
Public Safety Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Correctional Facilities on Tribal Lands Program Justice, BJA $225 million Competitive grants to tribes Tribes 4-1-2009
Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Justice, OVW $21 million Tribal set-aside Tribes $175 million was appropriated for the STOP Violence Against Women program, which has a 10% tribal set-aside; $50 million was appropriated for transitional housing assistance grants, which includes a 7% tribal set-aside; both of these set-asides are administered through the Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program. 4-1-2009
BIA Construction, Detention Center Rehabilitation Interior, BIA $17 million Tribes NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 4-1-2009
Rural Law Enforcement Justice, BJA $125 million Competitive grants Tribes,States,Local governments 4-1-2009
Victim's Compensation Justice, OVC $5 million Competitive grants Tribes,States,Local governments,Non-profits 4-14-2009
Byrne Competitive Grants Justice, BJA $225 million Competitive grants Tribes,States,Local governments,Non-profits 4-1-2009
COPS Hiring Grants Justice, COPS $1 billion Competitive grants Tribes,States,Local governments The Act waives the per officer cap and the local match requirement for this program. 4-14-2009
Southwest Border Justice, BJA $125 million Competitive grants Tribes,States,Local governments Only tribes, states, and local governments on the Southwest border eligible. 4-1-2009
Firefighter Assistance Grants FEMA $210 million Grants State, local and tribal fire departments Funds may be used to modify, upgrade or construct non-federal fire stations. 5-26-2009
Health Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Indian Health Amendments to the Social Security Act Health, CMS Not applicable Amendment Indians or Indian health programs 4-1-2009
Indian Health Services Health, IHS $85 million Tribes Funding is to be used for Health Information Technology for infrastructure development and deployment at its Director's discretion - no specified amounts given. 4-6-2009
Indian Health Facilities Health, IHS $415 million Tribes $100 million is for maintenance and improvement, $68 million is for sanitation facilities construction, $227 million is for health care facilities construction, and $20 million is for equipment. 4-3-2009
Health IT Technology and Quality Health $2 billion Comprehensive title I/T/Us included in "health care provider" 4-1-2009
Health IT Infrastructure Health New authorization IHS included with other agencies Secretary, HHS, invests funds through IHS and other agencies for health IT infrastructure. 4-1-2009
Health Information Technology Grants Health New authorization Competitive grants Tribes,States Grants are for the development of loan programs to facilitate the widespread adoption of certified Electronic Health Records technology. 4-1-2009
Health IT Study and Report Health New authorization Secretary of HHS to consult with the Director of IHS and others on study and report the availability of open source health information technology systems to federal safety net providers (including small, rural providers). 4-2-2009
Education and Social Services Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
BIA School Replacement Interior, BIA $132 million NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 3-15-2009
BIA School Rehabilitation Interior, BIA $136 million NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 3-15-2009
School Construction Tax Credit Bonds Interior, BIA $400 million Bond Tribes $200 million allocation to the Secretary of the Interior for both CY 2009 and CY 2010 in school construction bonds that tribal governments may issue for schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 4-1-2009
Title I - Education for the Disadvantaged Education $72.3 million Tribal set-aside BIE schools Title I grants to BIE schools. 4-1-2009
Title II - Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Education $4.875 million Tribal set-aside BIE schools Title II educational technology grants for BIE schools. 4-1-2009
Head Start Health, ACF $10 million Tribal set-aside Tribes,States,Others Will be allocated according to the current statutory formula. 4-1-2009
Impact Aid Education $100 million Formula School districts >50% impacted by Indian land Formula - $40M; Discretionary - $60M Report language encourages "shovel ready" projects. $40 million for formula to arrive asap (eligibility as under current law). $60 million for discretionary grants - awards competitive, announcements by end of year. 4-1-2009
Early Head Start Health, ACF $10 million Competitive grants Tribes,States,Others While no Tribal set-aside is given for the Early Head Start program, the conference report did call upon the Secretary of HHS to give consideration to the circumstances of Tribal programs in awarding the grants and emphasized the need for waivers for matching funds 4-1-2009
Child Care and Development Block Grant Health, CCB $20 - 40 million Tribal set-aside Tribes,Tribal consortia $2 billion total was appropriated and the tribal set-aside will be between 1 and 2% at agency's discretion. 4-1-2009
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs Education, RSA $680 million Grants Tribes,States,Tribal consortia ED will not distribute stimulus funds under the statutory 1-2% tribal set-aside; instead, services will be available through the states. 4-3-2009
Independent Living Centers Education, RSA $87.5 million Grants Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
TANF Emergency Contingency Fund Health $5 billion Grants Tribes,States Tribes must meet requirements in caseload, short-term benefits, and subsidized employment figures. 4-1-2009
Use of Reserve TANF Funds Health New authorization Reserve funds Tribes,States Reserve unused TANF funds may be used for any TANF benefit, service or activity 4-2-2009
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Education $12.2 billion Formula grants BIE schools Statutory tribal set-aside not yet reflected in Department of Education's calculations for stimulus funding. 4-15-2009
Food and Nutrition Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Agriculture, FNS $5 million Grants Tribes For facility improvements and equipment upgrades. 4-1-2009
Nutrition Services for Native American Elders Health, AoA $2.9 million Tribal set-aside Tribes 4-1-2009
Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children Agriculture, FNS $500 million Grants Tribes,Others,State agencies 4-1-2009
Water Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Clean Water Act State Revolving Fund EPA $60 million Tribal set-aside Tribes,States,Local governments $4 billion total was appropriated, tribes receive up to a 1.5% set-aside, of which up to 4% may be transferred to the Indian Health Service to support management and oversight of tribal projects. 4-1-2009
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund EPA $30 million Tribal set-aside Tribes,States,Local governments $2 billion total was appropriated, tribes receive up to a 1.5% set-aside, of which up to 4% may be transferred to the Indian Health Service to support management and oversight of tribal projects. 4-1-2009
Rural Water Projects (Bureau of Reclamation) Interior, BoR $60 million Grants Primarily on water intake and treatment facilities of such projects. 3-15-2009
Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account (RUS) Agriculture, RUS $1.38 billion Direct loans and grants Tribes,States,Local governments 4-1-2009
Environment Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
NOAA Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants Commerce, NMFS, NOAA up to $170 million Competitive grants Indian-owned businesses 4-1-2009
Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations Agriculture, NRCS $290 million National program Tribes,Others Funds only for projects that can be fully funded and completed with the funds appropriated in this Act, and to activities that can commence promptly following enactment of this Act. 4-1-2009
Brownfields EPA $100 million National program Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
Rural Community Facilities Program Account Agriculture, RUS $130 million Direct loans and grants Tribes,Others 5-14-2009
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund EPA $200 million National program Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
Wildland Fire Management, Forest Service Agriculture, FS $500 million Formula and project grants Tribes,Others $250 million of the total is for activities on federal lands, while the other $250 million is for activities on state and private lands. 4-2-2009
Wildland Fire Management, BLM Interior, BLM $15 million Grants Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
Diesel Emissions Reduction EPA $300 million Project grants Tribes,States,Local governments,Others,Non-profits Funds to be used on projects that spur job creation and achieve direct, measurable reductions in diesel emissions. 4-2-2009
Superfund EPA $600 million Grants Tribes,Others Grants are cooperative agreements. 4-1-2009
Energy Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Energy $56 million Tribal set-aside Tribes $2.8 billion was the total appropriation and tribes receive a 2% set-aside. 4-1-2009
Weatherization Assistance Program Energy $5 billion National program Tribes,States Only 2 tribes and 1 inter-tribal consortium currently receive grants under this program. 4-1-2009
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds Energy $1.6 billion Bond Tribes,States,Electric cooperatives,Local governments,Public power providers One-third of the authorized amount is to be available to state, local and tribal governments for qualifying projects. 4-1-2009
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds Energy $2.4 billion Bond Tribes,States Allocations of qualified energy conservation bonds will be made to states, with sub-allocations to large local governments. Indian tribal governments will be treated as large local governments. 4-2-2009
Smart Grid Demonstration Projects Energy New authorization Grants Tribes The Secretary of Energy is directed to provide financial support to smart grid demonstration projects in tribal areas, as well as urban, suburban and rural areas. 4-1-2009
Telecommunications Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Commerce, USDA $250 million Competitive grants Tribes,Others 4-2-2009
Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Agriculture $2.5 billion Guaranteed loans and grants Tribes,Others 4-2-2009
Economic, Business & Workforce Development Agency Funding Type Eligibility Notes Last Updated
Indian Guaranteed Loan Program Interior, BIA $10 million Tribal program Indian-owned businesses 4-1-2009
BIA Workforce Construction Training Interior, BIA $6 million NCAI estimate based on Senate report language. Allocation of funds at Secretary of Interior's discretion. 3-15-2009
Tribal Economic Development Bonds Treasury $2 billion Bond Tribes Secretary of the Treasury will determine how national bond limitation of $2 billion will be allocated, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior. Bill language excludes bonds for gaming buildings. 4-2-2009
Community Service Employment for Older Americans Labor $120 million Grants Current 2008 grantees 4-1-2009
Economic Development Assistance Programs Commerce, EDA $150 million Project grants Tribes,States,Others,Tribal consortia 4-1-2009
YouthBuild Labor $50 million Project grants Tribes,Others,Tribal organizations ,Non-profits,Community agencies 4-1-2009
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Treasury $8 million Specific to Native Americans Native CDFI Applicants $2 million of the allocated amount to be used for administrative expenses. 4-2-2009
Rural Business Program Agriculture, RBS $150 million Guaranteed loans and grants Tribes,Others 4-1-2009
Modification of New Markets Tax Credit Treasury $10 billion Tax credit Tribes,Low-income communities Populations that may be designated as low-income communities may include tribes. 4-1-2009

Note: The information in this spreadsheet is constantly updating and not a comprehensive list of all programs that may benefit Indian tribes. Please continue to check here as well as and Agency Recovery Webites for information.