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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 67 · No. 1 > Articles

July/August 2003
Vol. 67 · No. 1


A Natural Balance

by Cynthia J. Burbank

During decades of controversy, FHWA and its State and local partners consistently included environmental stewardship as a goal of transportation projects.

Nurturing an Environmental Perspective

by Ruth Rentch and Rachael Barolsky

A scan tour of seven States sheds light on best practices for honoring environmental commitments in transportation projects.

The Road to Streamlining

by Kreig Larson

An in depth look at the NEPA process and ways to expedite it.

Executing the Executive Order

by Frederick Skaer

Federal agencies today are collaborating more effectively on environmental reviews of major transportation projects, thanks to a new Presidential mandate.

A New Approach to Road Building

by Lori Irving

Can a new policy change the way people think about transportation agencies and the projects they deliver?

Living with Noise

by Chris Corbisier

Planning land use with highway traffic noise in mind can help local agencies improve residents' quality of life.

Bikeways and Pathways

by Andy Clarke

Accommodating bicyclists and walkers will promote a healthier transportation system, a healthier environment — and healthier Americans.

Centering on Environmental Excellence

by Kris Hoellen

AASHTO is helping State DOTs and others make environmental stewardship and streamlining part of their mission and everyday activities.

New Life for Brownsfields

by Constance M. Hill

Across the country, transportation projects play a critical role in revitalizing abandoned industrial properties.

Air Quality and Transportation

by Gary Jensen

Emissions are on the decline, and efforts from the Federal to the local levels will help continue this trend.

Solutions from the Sunbelt

by Alex Levy

The southeastern States share strategies to protect wildlife and fragile habitats.

Reviews on the Fast Track

by Cassandra Callaway Allwell

A step-by-step guide to practices that States employ to streamline the environmental review process.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration