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    Tools for Inclusion: People with Disabilities Having a Voice in the Creation of the New Workforce Investment System

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    • Publication by the Institute for Community Inclusion to inform people with disabilities and advocates about the opportunities available for input into WIA implementation.

    This survey of One Stop Centers attempts to ascertain the accessibility status of One Stop centers and the ways that workforce development systems are serving people with disabilities. This report was prepared for The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center On Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities and funded by United States Department of Education.

    Training and Employment Information Notice No. 16-99 on One Stop Accessibility:

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    • ETA notice providing information to assist One Stop service delivery systems in developing accessible infrastructures and programmatic access for people with disabilities.

    Training and Employment Notice No. 20-07: Ticket to Work Program-Employment Networks:
    ETA Training and Employment Notice (TEN) to provide information on the Social Security Administration's (SSA) proposed Ticket to Work Program regulations that are expected to become final by spring of 2008. A significant proposed change in the proposed regulations is that SSA proposes to recognize the workforce investment system as qualified Employment Networks (ENs) and simplify the process for the One Stop Career Centers and Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs) to become ENs.

    US Department of Labor Guidance on Ticket to Work Eligibility under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit:
    US Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter on the Ticket to Work Program and its relationship to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program.

    Training and Employment Notice 05-07:
    ETA Training and Employment Notice on the Real Economic Impact Tour: TAX Facts + Campaign, "Building Healthy Economic Futures for Americans with Disabilities" to promote financial literacy, economic self-sufficiency, and asset development for people with disabilities. The Notice describes how One Stop Career Centers can get participate in the initiative by connecting with their local IRS office or contacting their local Disability Program Navigators.

    Training and Employment Notice 36-06: Human Resource Transportation Coordination
    ETA Training and Employment Notice on recent policies from the Interagency Council on Access and Mobility and how the workforce investment system can link to newly devised coordinated human services transportation planning process.

    Training and Employment Notice, #6-02, on the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
    ETA Training and Employment Notice to provide information to the workforce investment system on the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program and how it impacts the One Stop system