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Health and Welfare
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III talks with Senior Airman Michael Walker, 91st Security Forces Operations Squadron, during a tour of the U-01 launch facility trainer here, Nov. 21. The tour was part of Welsh’s first visit to Minot since becoming the chief of staff. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Andrew Crawford)
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CSAF directs Air Force-wide inspection

Posted 12/5/2012 Email story   Print story


12/5/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Commanders across the Air Force will conduct health and welfare inspections starting Dec. 5 to emphasize an environment of respect, trust and professionalism in the workplace.

The health and welfare inspection is a tool routinely used by unit commanders, command chiefs, and first sergeants.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III tasked commanders during the Nov. 28 Wing Commanders Call to examine their work settings and ensure Airmen at all levels consistently apply standards of professionalism and respect across the service.

"Over the past months, I've discussed with our commanders, leaders and supervisors about the importance of pride and performance," said Welsh. "When Airmen work in a setting that is consistent with our core values of integrity, service and excellence, they perform with honor and distinction - they deserve nothing less. Anything short detracts from that pride and cripples mission effectiveness."

The purpose of this inspection is to reinforce expectations for the workplace environment, correct deficiencies, and deter conditions that may be detrimental to good order and discipline. Commanders will look for and remove unprofessional or inappropriate items that hinder a professional working environment.

"This is about commanders being commanders," Welsh said. "The underlying principle for the inspection is our core values, and the bottom line is that it's the right thing to do."

12/13/2012 10:03:19 AM ET
Finally got to read the article in this week's AF Times. Seems the basis for all the TSgt's complaints stems from her assignments in the fighter community--in units led by the same officers who are now the Wing and Group CCs conducting this inspection. So Bibles and other things not mentioned in her complaint get removed from the non-flying units but Doofer books and other things she identified as offensive in a flying squadron's building probably were allowed to remain. Now it's all starting to make sense...
Sgt Snorkle, USA
12/12/2012 5:07:57 PM ET
First I want to applaud the efforts that leadership has made so far oncracking down on this issue. This is an issue that affects not just oneperson but a unit and AF as a whole. Second why does it take a TSgt thathasbeen in the service 17 years to come forward now Why are we making heran example of sexual harassment As I was reading the article it was hardto not question why TSgt Smith has had so many sexual harassmentincidences. I strongly believe that just because a person dresses a certainway or visits a night club does not suggest a female is asking for it.Howeverwhen you know something is not right such as going out and doing shots withyour supervisor I believe you are intentionally putting yourself in a badsituation. The message this sends to all the female Airman isthat it's okay to drink with your supervisor as long he doesn't sexuallyharass you. In the AF there is a term called professional relationshipwhich means you don't go
TSgt G, Clovis NM
12/12/2012 1:30:39 PM ET
I haven't read the article referenced but the fix has been simple from the beginning start at the lowest level. If you are offended by anyone or anything speak to them privately and you will be amazed that they actually correct their behavior. Many people laugh at inappropriate behavior because they are uncomfortable not necessarily because they think its funny. You don't have to be someone's supervisorleadership to explain to them that their actions bother you and you may be surprised at their reasoning as well.
TSgt Communicate, Beale AFB CA
12/12/2012 11:00:28 AM ET
If even one event that TSgt Smith claims is true it is one too many. Whether she used alcohol or not is beside the point. Do our female Airmen not have the right to use alcohol If a woman decides to use alcohol in excess that is up to her...but that does not give any person the right to assault her. From what I can tell TSgt Smith did report these things and they were not handled. She reported up her chain and maybe she should have reported outside her matter what happened she did not deserve what happened to her. No matter how you try to rationalize it no person male or female deserves to be treated in that manner. The AF is handling this incorrectly...taking down photos or whatever is not going to fix anything. We know we are not allowed to assault people...we know we are not allowed to drink and drive...point is we know the rules but that does not stop people from breaking them. Sick people are sick people...end of story
Concerned, EAFB
12/11/2012 10:43:12 PM ET
I think this whole thing is rediculous. If TSgt Smith really had all of these physical issues why are they hidden for 17 years This witch hunt is like saying that video games make kids violent...How come CSAF has only directed that personnel remove items that objectify women- direct from the report. Does that mean I can have images that objectify men I thought we were supposed to be equal yet there is a gender bias in the whole policy. Smith's experiences reflect the lifestyle of fighter jocks as Welsh calls it and making accusations about Sq bars are untrue. Sq members routinely pay dues and stock them with their own money not taxpayer dollars...Whats next Men sitting at their desks will not sit with their legs open more than 6inches because this can be offensive Lets get real no matter what you will do there will always be something for someone to complain about.
Capt. R U Serious, Republic of Texas
12/11/2012 8:01:56 PM ET
There is a lot of double minded thinking in the world today as if we have lost the ability to logically reason. The Air Force is continually fighting the battle against sexual misconduct within its ranks. It openly states that this conduct is not acceptable that the women of the AF are not objects for mens use. However everyday on AF installations the standards of the AF are on visual display and they conflict with the verbal position of the AF. Walk into any BX or commissary and you are openly and continually confronted with magazines which use women as objects. No one can go through a commissary line without realizing that the AF does not wholeheartedly support the concept of respect for women. When a male airman stands in line at the BX or commissary feasting his eyes on the images before him what do you suppose would enter his mind when a young female airman in uniform is in line ahead of him Does he look at her and think what a professionallook at that uniform Let
What's missing, usa
12/11/2012 2:32:34 PM ET
@Snorkle I guarentee the dorms are alot more entertaining on a Friday night. O
Anonymous, FOUO
12/11/2012 10:53:09 AM ET
So since we dont want to offend anyone we should re-word the Air Force song as it may be misunderstood as having sexual references sexist and only about pilots. Air Force museum should be gone thru and cover certain things or remove them. Holloman AFB should remove the HO tail flashes and countless other things across the force.
CEO, Sandbox
12/11/2012 7:34:26 AM ET
TSgt Jennifer Smith made a lot of allegations that cannot be confirmed. A lot of her stories have a bunch of holes in them such as excessive alcohol use by personal choice failure to utilized the buddywingman concept engaging in unprofessional relationships etc. At every turning point she made personal choices to engage in behavior that was against Air Force directives and training. She could have just picked up the phone and called the Comm Sq regarding the inappropriate files... This whole thing is out of hand and we have commanders arguably illegally going beyond what the CSAF directed.
12/11/2012 1:37:50 AM ET
If you haven't attended the Wing Commanders call and heard what they are looking for you would be well informed instead of making assumptions and ridiculous statements.
Phil , Manas
12/10/2012 7:41:39 PM ET
It's sad that the CSAF has directed a USAF wide inspection of workcenters to check for inappropriate materials. I've read most of the comments here. A squadron having a memento signed by a nationally recognized organization -Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders- should not be offensive to anyone these are not Playboy bunny's. Having a Bible on their shelve in their office is not wrong does the Chaplin have a waiver to keep theirs Unit coins represent service esprit de corps and gratitude. Some of us have a Presidential Coin should they remove theirs Should Chiefs remove their chief rings Some traditions are going to offend someone. Flying combat missions and dropping bombs and killing the enemy may offend someone. Seems the current USAF is wasting allot of resources performing this Health and Wellness Inspection. Real problems with dormitory conditions sexual harassment supply shortages ect exist yet these issues are not dealt with by First Sergeants Command Chiefs and Co
JP8, Retired-Overseas
12/10/2012 10:02:34 AM ET
A friend of mine was ordered to remove his Bible from his desk. He wasn't even prominently displaying it. It was just sitting on a shelf in his cubical. He refused and the inspector left. He was apologized to later after complaining but still this was apparently something they were looking for.The war against religion continues.
This guy, USA
12/10/2012 9:28:29 AM ET
Health and Wellness inspections have always been a tool for commanders to enter dorm rooms workspaces lockers etc. While looking for candles with wicks--seriously--they can snoop around for whatever they're really looking for. The CoS can't directly order all commanders to perform a witch hunt but under the guise of H and W you can do just about anything.
Gen Halftrack, USA
12/10/2012 9:05:17 AM ET
I was informed the purpose of this was because of an article that was posted in the huffington post by someone in the Air Force.Curious how the purpose can sometimes be forgotten...
Thoughts, US
12/10/2012 6:43:24 AM ET
At what point do we become so bridled in our speech that there is no way to talk about anything outside of job specifics We are told that the Air Force is our family and that we're to take care of each other. How can we do that if we can't relax a bit and communicate in a comfortable manner A lot of members spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their families. We need to be able to not guard every single word that we say. I'm not saying that I want to see any beefcake or bikini girl calendars hanging around or hear a bunch of sexually explicit convos but again there comes a time when censoring has its tipping point.Besides as much as some workcenters may be crude the respect level is still there and the work is getting done.
Nick, some place where they do aircraft mx
12/10/2012 6:15:10 AM ET
it comes down to this.... DisciplineEither you discipline yourself... ie dont have a bunch of crap you arent supposed to have at your job or the boss will come and make sure you dont.... ie imposed discipline. Stop whining Do your job.
Matt, Baltimore MD
12/9/2012 1:10:25 PM ET
The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed--would have committed even if he had never set pen to paper--the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while even for years but sooner or later they were bound to get you.- George Orwell 1984 Chapter 1
That Guy, Somewheresville ND
12/9/2012 12:55:25 PM ET
The more everyone complains about this the longer it will linger. Just give it a month and no one will even remember this happened.
Common Sense, Far far away
12/9/2012 10:03:08 AM ET
Why all the whining This is easy...If you have personal belongings keep them put away. They shouldn't be out at work anyway. A person with a few magazines on hisher desk means they don't have enough work.Porn at work even in a desk drawer is unacceptable. YOU just opened the door for a lawsuit. YOU should be held accountable and have to sit next to the government rep. during the case and share in the judgement.Remember....ANYTHING brought on base is subject to search and seizure.
o1glide, US
12/8/2012 9:40:45 AM ET
It's about time the AF got rid of all those unofficial squadron coins and tshirts with nudity.
Sgt Peanut, conus
12/8/2012 8:40:02 AM ET
The Air Force Song is offensive and must be changed. At 'em boys give her the gun. Give HER the gun. I know what this really means
Maj, here
12/7/2012 3:26:20 PM ET
If you're whining and complaining about this decision then it's likely that you are part of the problem. There are obviously some issues going on in the Air Force...suicide rates up Lackland scandal nuclear weapons issues etc. etc. The thing that everyone seems to be missing is the fact that these new changes are not about those specific things. They are about getting to the underlying issue...respecting each other talking to each other respectfully and removing anything from the workplace that can cause problems. The environment in which we work needs to be a safe and healthy environment for everyone and THAT is what Gen Welsh is trying to do here. Creating THAT sort of environment boosts morale keeps people happy and ultimately allows people to concentrate on the job and the MISSION instead of all the negatives. Again if you have an issue with what our amazing new CSAF is doing you probably should take a long look in the mirror and realize that you may be part of the
MSgt Dave DeRemer, HQ AMC Scott AFB
12/7/2012 2:50:01 PM ET
There really needs to be written rules or stricter guidlines. One of our guys had to remove a Guns and Ammo magazine from his desk. Thats a little ridiculous. Seems like everyones forgot what the primary mission of the military is.
awesomeness, lackland
12/7/2012 2:34:10 PM ET
I will take this so called witch hunt over that ridiculous oudated policy with blues on Monday. Wearing blues on Monday did not get us back to our core values obviously. It just made the cleaners richer. Thank you General Welsh for making that change and you have improved my morale at least every Monday for the rest of your tenure. See everyone just look at the positive. Happy holidays.
ABU Wearer, Your Base
12/7/2012 1:43:50 PM ET
Commanders across the Air Force will conduct health and welfare inspections... So you are basically saying that our SNCOs aren't doing their jobs. Guess what They aren't. The EPRFB system isn't broken either but you want to fix that. It's the SNCOs like flight chiefs that don't require feedbacks on the Amn in their units. The AF is always trying to fix something when it's already been fixed its just that nobody follows through with and implements the corrective actions... Stop throwing money at it and hold your SNCOs accountable. Give those individuals 4s and deflate the system Start at the top and everything will fall in line.
12/7/2012 1:08:50 PM ET
This is the type of thing that's currently happening at our Universities. Freedom of Speech has been replaced by Freedom from being offended. The new CSAF may have picked this up during his time as Commandant of the Air Force Academy.
12/7/2012 12:35:29 PM ET
AFI 36-2706 defines sexual harassment as Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating hostile or offensive working environment.It has repeatedly been shown that work environments which allow items such as what is being targeted by these health and welfare inspections have a significantly higher rate of sexual harassment and sexual assault as the objectification of women through images leads to the objectification of women through actions.
Concerned, CA
12/7/2012 11:47:39 AM ET
It is time to retire. Not the same Air Force as 26 years ago. I'm offended by this entire episode of knee jerk reaction to still unfounded aligations. Lets shoot and ask questions later...the new Air Force core value. I'm offended by fat jokes by the suit next.
Lt Col Silverback, Randolph
12/7/2012 11:28:27 AM ET
@MSgt Prickett....what AFIs are you referring to I have never seen or heard of this one....please provide a reference. This is one of the things that I see as a problem. There is an AFI that governs that... Okay prove it. I am all for holding people to standards but publish those standards and make people aware of them. What's listening to music in the workplace because AFN might play an offensive song...smh
A SNCO, An AFB Near You
12/7/2012 10:55:20 AM ET
Bottom line there are AFI's that tell you what you can and can't hang on the wall and at what height and dimension is acceptable. We've all broken the rules for years. It's actually refreshing to see someone enforcing and backing up those words with action. This is the Military you know.
MSgt Prickett, Langley VA
12/7/2012 9:02:12 AM ET
I certainly hope that General Welsh's next stop will be the Air Force Museum to remove that highly offensive aircraft named the Strawberry Bitch.It would probably be OK to just rewrite our history and maybe rename the aircraft. Integrity First
Old Retired Guy, Retireeville IL
12/7/2012 8:44:05 AM ET
Dilbert lives.
Tango, USAF
12/7/2012 8:13:40 AM ET
We had a team of inspectors come through my workcenter yesterday. They took down all of our photos of aircraft with nose art because someone might be offended. They also made me take down a USO photo of the dallas cowboy cheerleaders that was signed thanking my shop for our service. This is getting a little out of hand. How is that demonstrating an environment of trust and respect micromanaging what personel have at their desks will only degrade trust and respect.
mitch, sheppard
12/7/2012 4:51:36 AM ET
I'm just ashamed that my Wg CC is expected to square away something that my NCO's should have already
ol leatherneck, Ramstein AB
12/6/2012 8:15:18 PM ET
Pretty sure this came down from SECDEF and Gen. Welsh is just implementing it. Got one of my safety posters taken down today that I got from an AF Safety Center publication. Everyone that's seen it has laughed and it made a good point. The point here is that is if one is offended others may be as well. Does it go overboard sometimes maybe... It's incumbent upon all of us to treat each other with the appropriate respect.
Orpheus13, Planet Cannon
12/6/2012 2:39:22 PM ET
I agree with Sgt Snorkle. I can't ever recall seeing my CC getting to know the airmen when I lived in the dorms back in 2006. Most CC's can't even remember your damn name without looking on your right breast pocket before saying something. This is because they don't take the time to get to know you. I am sure they could probably tell you the names of all of the flight crew members or members walking around in flight suits. I have NEVER in my 7 years in the AF been asked by a CC how was my weekend not that I gave a damn but it probably would have went a long way with me.
Jay , Low Moraleville Ca
12/6/2012 2:27:11 PM ET
How about coin displays on desks. They offend me and clutter desks and work areas. Better get rid of them. Also all I Love Me walls should be taken down because that offends me too. Like if someone has a sword on their wall that scares me and needs to come down. For those of you not so quick I am being sarcastic although too much stuff in work areas does get annoying sometimes.
SNCO, Everywhere
12/6/2012 2:10:39 PM ET
The term cuss like a sailor denotes acceptance for men in the miltary to be hardened to impolite gestures like swearing or killing someone. If you dont like funny signs and it brings your morale down YOU need to look for a new line of work. Agreed that hostile work environments to race gender or sexual orientation are not to be tolerated but drawing a fence law is the exact thing that is slowly destroying the Air Force and crippling its ability to get things done If my shop recieved manpower shortages due to getting in trouble for swearing THAT hurts the mission not because someone swore in the first place. i do not want to work in a place that dictates babytalk as acceptable than adult language.
Saddened by PC, USA
12/6/2012 1:33:40 PM ET
I see where Gen Welsh is going. Quality change starts with baby steps. The largest mission crippling I have experienced is when a single SQCC has the power to marginalize and compromise core values in the name of. commander perview. I have seen and experienced career changing poor leadership. The RIGHT THING TO DO is to TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER while exceeding the core values. The core values are not just for 0-3's and our Enlisted. Go Gen Welsh I am behind you all the way
Capt Frustrated, Wyoming
12/6/2012 1:04:13 PM ET
Its about time. Power is not for everyone - the few make it bad for the rest by abusing it and creating a diseased environment. What the CSAF is doing is a great first step and should further empower people for in your face action.If you witness a corrupted environment and don't DO anything then you might as well fall in step with the perpetrator because you are just as guilty. It takes GUTS to do the right thing.
FirstSgt, Florida
12/6/2012 12:54:59 PM ET
I believe what Frustrated in the AF was trying to say is that in order to really increase our Health and Welfare is to look at the people that could be bringing down the moral of those that work with them and thereby affecting the mission not just looking at what people have in their workspace. I have not only seen but personally worked with others that made it not only difficult to complete the mission be it because of their unwillingness or inability to do their expected tasks and even their attitudes. I've seen one person's attitude cripple an entire section because nothing was done about their behavior. To the point where the majority of the section were actively thinking of ways to get out of the AF just because they were unable to work with this person and the effect they had on their work and personal lives. Maybe the argument could be made that if all it took was one person to make them feel like they needed to take such measures then maybe they don't need to be in the AF.
Better AF for All, USA
12/6/2012 12:33:51 PM ET
How about some written guidlines so this doesn't become a subjective witchhunt....
gtr, USA
12/6/2012 12:31:53 PM ET
How about some written guidlines so this does not become a subjective witchhunt
Anonyoms Vicar, Central USA
12/6/2012 11:40:02 AM ET
Merry Christmas...Oh I allowed to say that crap I'm so confused. I digress...We all raised our right hand saying we would obey the orders of the Officers appointed over us so with that said we just gotta do what we do best...Adapt and Overcome _ AIRPOWER
Also Frustrated, Texas
12/6/2012 10:36:11 AM ET
12/6/2012 9:07:09 AM ET
I for one would welcome the occasional health and welfare inspection simply because it shows that we as a service hold ourselves to a higher standard I was a part of the Army before joining the USAFR and have been through regular health and welfare inspections and must agree that they do help route out problems identify deficiencies and gave us as soldiers a picture of how we stood against other units Even as junior enlisted personnel we could see the reason for having such events and were better off in the long run for being subject to the occasional unit peek Now as an junior NCO looking to e in the AFR for the long haul I do not see a reason why we should not have health and welfare if it saves lives and improves both operational output in addition to quality of life for us as military persons On a personal note while my view might not be the popular opinion it is how I observe the subject Health and Welfare is just that process which needs to be addressed if we are to avoid th
Ssgt J, New Jersey
12/6/2012 8:44:41 AM ET
Well said Another View. @Frustrated and Sgt Snorkle....if it gets to the point that the CSAF says it needs to be done....just do it Perhaps if those of us leadership positions had done our jobs a little better we would not be commenting on this article Thx for your service if you cannot adapt to today's AF maybe you need to go to the house
12/6/2012 8:43:02 AM ET
SrA Michael Walker is in the Air Nation Guard and is a part of the 219 SFS not the 91 Security Forces Group.
TSgt Chick, Minot
12/6/2012 7:20:33 AM ET
Did I miss the reference to funny signs in the article or is this a local example of so-called inappropriate items that some commanders are focusing on as a result of these inspections Just curious...
12/6/2012 6:02:04 AM ET
Great comments now when is it that we are going to stop blaming Commanders Command Chiefs Flight Chiefs Section Chief and everybody else. We were told months ago to enforce Bold Leadeship and stop worrying about what everybody else is doing. We criticize the EPR system that doesnt work we messed up then we have to fix it. It is our responsibility as leaders to fix the mess that we got into. Stop complaining and get the best Air Force in the world on track.
12/6/2012 5:20:53 AM ET
The problem with responding to any of these articles is they've been so thoroughly sanitized for public release they become ambiguous. Respect trust and professionalism The word is this is about sexual assaults and a Betty Boop mug is going to send someone over the edge. Rapeassault is about power and when certain people feel they've been minimized and left powerless -denied opps recog and promo- they unfortuantely take it out on those that they feel are being favored. Get real if you want things to get better.
Candor Commando, USAFE
12/6/2012 3:31:44 AM ET
It was interesting to have a Brigadier General come through my office at 0730 this morning looking for inappropriate materials. Nothing to hide nothing to fear. The problem lies in defining offensive which was not done at during the Commanders Call that followed the inspection. I get the feeling that someday soon almost anything might be called offensive. Is the fact that I study Islamic culture because the majority of our nations enemies come from Islamic countries offensive Will I be told tome day that having a Bible in my office is offensive It is not just where do you draw the line but where does it end
Realistic, Remote
12/6/2012 12:05:07 AM ET
CSAF should remind everyone not to drink and drive not to take spice to fill out their wingman card and to wear 3-1-1 bracelet.
Never Shocked, VA
12/5/2012 8:09:50 PM ET
Having been in the military for several decades I've seen a positive culture change. However it is not where it should be and I agree with the COS. It is simple basic human behavior. It doesn't involve as Frustrated in AF said a group hug and it's not touchy-feely- it's seeing the other person as a coworker- period end of story. You're here to do a job so are they treat each other as coworkers and leave it at that.
Coworker, ANG
12/5/2012 6:36:34 PM ET
If our collective focus was on the core values and not on the differences we have as a team we'd police our work environment to be acceptable to everyone on the team. When the Air Force was looking for a motto several good ones surfaced like One Team One Fight. We are all in this together and it takes all of us working together to be successful as a team. The team concept has many facets like compassion for one another accountability and leadership at all levels trust honor and a desire to for everyone to be successful. I know it sounds like pie in the sky but if you esteem others greater than you esteem yourself it becomes easier to look beyond their faults and accept them as a team member.
Mr Nobody, Yokota AB Japan
12/5/2012 4:54:11 PM ET
It probably would have been helpful to also include the background on why this was ordered. Where is the part of the article about the TSgt who documented years of inappopriatness and is the reason why the CSAF directed this inspection
12/5/2012 1:58:59 PM ET
Airmen who marginalize others can equally cripple a mission and lack professionalism--there are also plenty of Airmen who should 'take a hike' because they need 'funny signs' to cope with daily frustrations. Ever think the funny sign might be bringing down morale for others Let's think family and team through this process and if it's too tough to cope when you lose your funny sign request you take your frustrations elsewhere. Thanks for your service...
Another View, USA
12/5/2012 12:19:14 PM ET
So instead of removing people that cripple mission effectiveness and lack professionalism let's remove funny signs that help people cope with the frustration of the daily activities. There's plenty of personnel AF-wide that just need to take a hike because they have an ego issue that is crippling mission effectiveness and bring down the moral of their coworkers but instead of separating people for that reason let's just take away humorous signs and make everyone have a group hug. As long as you can pass your pt test you can act a fool and not know how to actually do your job but just don't put up anything in your cubicle. If the AF is so worried about image then maybe we should have less group hugs and more wall to wall counselings. I'm sure commanders have better things to do with their time.
Frustrated in the AF, Florida
12/5/2012 12:01:40 PM ET
Have we reached the point where the AF CoS has to order Wing Commanders to commandThen again when was the last time one of them was in the dorms on a Friday night vs. hanging out with the flight crews in a squadron bar or the O Club
Sgt Snorkle, USA
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