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 Air Force Health and Welfare Inspection results
Air Force releases results of health and welfare inspection

Posted 1/18/2013 Email story   Print story


1/18/2013 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force released the results of the service-wide health and welfare inspections that were completed in an effort to emphasize an environment of respect, trust and professionalism in the workplace.

"Every Airman deserves to be treated with respect. They also deserve to work in a professional environment," said Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff. "I've talked with Airmen across the force, and believe that some units were not meeting those standards. It's simply unacceptable that we have people who don't feel comfortable in their workplace, so we're addressing it, head on."

The purpose of the inspection was to reinforce expectations for the workplace environment, correct deficiencies, and deter conditions that may be detrimental to good order and discipline. Commanders looked for and removed items that hinder a professional working environment.

Commanders inspected thousands of units at more than 100 Air Force installations, where almost 600,000 Air Force military and civilian personnel work. Commanders looked for and removed three broad categories of material: pornographic, inappropriate or offensive, or unprofessional.

According to the results, in the three categories, the Air Force found 631 instances of pornography (magazines, calendars, pictures, videos that intentionally displayed nudity or depicted acts of sexual activity); 3,987 instances of unprofessional material (discrimination, professional appearance, items specific to local military history such as patches, coins, heritage rooms, log books, song books, etc); and 27,598 instances of inappropriate or offensive items (suggestive items, magazines, posters, pictures, calendars, vulgarity, graffiti). In total, 32,216 items were reported.

Identified items were documented and either removed or destroyed. In some instances, findings were turned over to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations where appropriate. The areas inspected were all government workspaces and shared common areas such as briefing rooms, break rooms and computer drives.

The health and welfare inspection is a tool routinely used by unit commanders, command chiefs and first sergeants. Welsh tasked commanders during the Nov. 28 Wing Commanders Call to examine their work settings and ensure Airmen at all levels consistently apply standards of professionalism and respect across the service.

"The Air Force succeeds because of the professionalism and discipline of our Airmen," Welsh said. "We have a significant number of Airmen who feel they have to 'go along to get along' by ignoring inappropriate images, workplace comments, or other material that makes them uncomfortable. That's simply not the Air Force we want to be. EVERY Airman is critically important and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Anything less reflects a lack of discipline and a failure to honor our values. It also marginalizes great Airmen, degrades mission effectiveness and hurts unit morale. We simply can't, and won't, tolerate it."

The inspections are one in a series of moves the Air Force has undertaken to combat sexual assault. The Air Force conducted bystander intervention training service-wide, examined supplementary training for commanders and made multiple avenues of support available to every victim of sexual assault. Support services include counseling, medical, mental health, and safety services and victim advocates among other things.

Also of note, the Air Force launched a pilot program designed to provide legal assistance to victims of sexual assault that will begin later this month. Starting Jan. 28, The Special Victims' Counsel Program will give sexual assault victims legal assistance and help them navigate the criminal justice system with lawyers trained to handle their unique needs.

Results of the health and welfare inspections are available at the Air Force FOIA Reading Room at

2/21/2013 10:39:31 PM ET
Where are the Air Force leader like Robin Oldshttpen.wikipedia.orgwikiRobin_Olds
IYAAYAS Hutch, Falcon CO
1/31/2013 11:59:43 PM ET
You wonder why so many troops are killing themselves How about these ever so oppressive inspections. This just goes to show that we really don't have anything better to be doing How pathetic. Also just in case anybody has forgotten our business is death. Yes pornography has no place in the workplace I get it. However if you get offended by sports magazines sold at the BX and Air Force heritage then find another profession
Patrick, Yokota AB
1/31/2013 12:08:41 PM ET
And I'm not supposed to get offended by two males sharing PDA when returning from a deployment
Steve, FL
1/31/2013 4:01:43 AM ET
I'm sure the countless emails for the LGBT luncheon and the flyer's that will be hung up around the squadron won't be considered offensive at all
Glad to be retired, NC
1/28/2013 4:04:20 PM ET
And the winner goes to PACAFFFFFFFFFFF. I'll be sure to leave my Avengers comic books home next time I go TDY there. I hope their wasnt any war related photos. Highly offensive to the military....
TSgt M, Wild Blue Yonder
1/27/2013 7:13:34 PM ET
If this doesnt make you pissed off something is wrong in your tiny scull. History books PG13 movies are now concidered offensive and being removed from work places.
Paul Gillett, Kadena
1/27/2013 6:18:01 PM ET
What a shame what a waste of resources. In light of such tight budget constraints all this to placate a small group at the expense of unit heritage and morale. Seems a reflection of todays military sad but true. I had no regrets over my 27yrs I doubt the inspectors in this witch hunt will feel the same. Hammer those who violate professional standards and take advantage of their positions for what ever gains. Not the entire AF for the actions of a very very few.
1/26/2013 2:23:12 PM ET
The only reaction is OVER REACTION.
1/26/2013 3:01:45 AM ET
Sharia law in the USAF. I took my pictures of the Cheerleaders and sharpie them all hung back up. Come on USAF leadership are you that afraid of losing your job that running magazines have to be taken out of the gym
MSgt , Undisclosed location in Southwest Asia
1/25/2013 10:42:39 AM ET
I don't see a single comment that provides overwhelming support for the results of this inspection. This leads me to wonder if anybody was ever truly offended in the first place. Sure I can go into an office and determine what items may have some potential to cause a very small number of people to feel offended but that doesn't mean I should take action. Yes blatant pornographic images have no place in a professional environment no argument there. But as for the rest of the findings who cares Why are we catering to the minority I'm willing to bet that most if not all of the inspectors found little to no offense with the non-pornographic items themselves. What are we doing Nearly every male member on both sides of my family has served in the AF in once capacity or another since the days of the Army Air Forces. This is a great source of pride for me and I come to work every day hoping that my efforts will honor their legacy. This inspection is yet another example of h
Capt Shackelford, Hill AFB
1/24/2013 3:26:54 PM ET
Why did they take someone's Magic 8 Ball Ipod Cat Poster and Star Wars DVD
1/24/2013 1:16:13 PM ET
Sing it with me...Nothing can stop the US Air Farce....
1/24/2013 12:06:46 PM ET
This will make it easier for the AF and BRAC to figure out what Squadrons to disband in the future. No More 67 FS Fighting Cocks or the 19 FS Fighting Cocks and God forbid the 155 AS Tenn ANG as there patch has the Memphis Bell nose art on there patch. The 107 FS Red Devils as they have a naked Devil on there patch guess he should be wearing pants and a shirt don't want the ladies to be tempted by his bare chest. What's next the 77 FS Gamblers We don't want to indorse gambling
Paul, So Cal Ret
1/24/2013 8:56:08 AM ET
I understand the need to combat sexual assault. but attacking the heritage of our career fields is way overboard. at my base we are no longer allowd to say our famous phrase IYAAYAS. If you are AMMO you know this has been around since the beginning of the AF maybe even earlier than that. I dont see how a career field having pride and saying the the S word promotes sexual assault. REALLY. by the way AF leaders. AMMO traditions are not so called traditions they have been around way before you and will be around long after you are gone. congrats your emails now go to my junk mail box
TSgt AMMO, Dyess
1/24/2013 7:51:06 AM ET
Ok I get it some magazines calendars etc do not belong at work. Heritage items such as patches and coins are they not part of our Proud Heritage I hope these items are not lost like the patches on our uniforms. Just one more step to becoming a generic AF where everyone is the same and serves the state....when do I get my little red book
A SNCO, An AFB Near You
1/24/2013 1:12:14 AM ET
The problem with the Air Force is the fact that the supposed leadership is uncomfortable with our history and heritage. We keep changing uniforms such as McPeak's tweaks and now the new blues that look like New Jersey State Troopers from the 50s. Coins and patches are part of our history and heritage and should be displayed with pride. I displayed my coin collection in all of my offices all 175 of them and had books of my patch collection available to anyone who was interested. Political correctness has gone so far overboard that it is extremely embarassing. We are trying to become a warrior branch yet continue to act like some sort of liberal corporation. Lighten up and fly right
Chief Berg retired, Tucson AZ
1/24/2013 12:50:55 AM ET
What I don't understand is how we are pulling nose art and heritage items off walls but AFN is allowed to play songs like Bands Make Her Dance 48 times a day. Feel free to look up the lyrics.
Wild Blue Yonder, The Big Sandbox
1/24/2013 12:09:12 AM ET
We spent how many man-hours on this crap Birthday cards Unit patches BX reading materials Whale genitalia SeriouslyWe. Are. Laughing. At. You. Mr. Chief-of-Staff.And your CMSAF lackey too.
PavePusher, Head not in Lower Colon
1/23/2013 8:33:58 PM ET
What has become of our Air Force It's bad enough that this inspection amounts to nothing but a PC police action but removingdisposing of historicalheritage items is a disgrace Way to spend our tax dollars CSAF Looks like a new beginning for the peace-time Air Force. If you can retire soon I highly recommend you do so.
Happily Retired, USA
1/23/2013 5:20:38 PM ET
So many of these items are either heritage or can be purchased at the BX. A bodybuilding magazine at the gym For Shame.
Jason, Goodfellow
1/23/2013 8:27:22 AM ET
Seriously A Cosmopolitan magazinefrom a RESTROOM An OPSEC flyer Runners World Mens Health Bicycling Magazine Have we lost our minds Please for the safety of all our deployed Airman take this list off the internet and burn the originals. Our enemies are laughing their HIND-ENDS off Who in the H E double hockey sticks trained these inspectors and WHY did they take it to the most ignorant level humanly possible Porn yes it has no business in our workplace but a FLIPPIN Cosmopolitan magazine What am I going to be turned on by the sexy flower arrangement Dear AF leadership we are in the business to do our enemies great bodily harm not give them stand-up comedy material while planning their next jihad
Recently retired...thank goodness, On a beach
1/23/2013 7:54:25 AM ET
After reading the entire listing of the findings during the inspection I really can't see the difference between the current USAF and any totalitarian regime in the world. Cencorship of completely legal items is wrong on so many levels. Most of the items on the list were not inappropriate to anyone who has half a brain. The first time speech is censored and rights hindered by the politically correct left wing facists we are all hurt and heading down the way away from democracy.
Fred, Wright-Patt AFB
1/23/2013 6:46:32 AM ET
I love how we are taught to admire respect and be faithful to a proud heritage but displaying anything from the era where it seemed like the AF was still a military branch and not some kind of civilian business is shunned and inappropriate. What a joke and how embarrassing to make public that we are treated like children in a rated G work environment where our job in the end is to pretty much kill people. Pretty sure this isn't going to do much besides lower the morale that the service has been whittling away at for what seems like years. What happened to generals like LeMay Arnold MacArthur Patton Eisenhower Bradley Doolittle and the many others And this is REALLY what leadership wastes their time on with all that is going on in the world
sgt, usafe
1/23/2013 12:29:55 AM ET
Ok last I checked we are still a branch of the military and an all-volunteer force. If we have to erase and rewrite history to spare some hurt feelings THEY need to separate. Not saying by any means sexual harassment is ok. It is not and never will be. But heritage is heritage. Leave the nose art and patchs alone. This is why no one has pride in the AF anymore. THIS is our focus. Not the many problems we face. Let's focus on morale or total lack of which will help stem the tide of suicides and the many other problems we have. People always is a tag line with no follow through. No we take time out of work to attack our heritage. Complete misfire on this one.
Tired of it, AOR
1/22/2013 7:56:43 PM ET
When I was in Bagram in '02 the base CC asked everyone to destroy copies of Stuff Maxim Men's Fitness Cosmo ... after reading them. This was because they were being found in the trash by locals and making it on the black market. This was in violation of Sharia law. The US troops complied and burnedshredded them after reading but they weren't confiscated. It looks like the CSAF is implementing Sharia law in the USAF now.
Retired in '11, Virginia
1/22/2013 4:18:54 PM ET
pornography...magazine...meth...poster... WAIT One of these is on a whole different level than the rest.
numberthree, Ala.
1/22/2013 3:43:13 PM ET
Frequent readers of this website have seen many comments about AF heritage or more precisely lack of it. All of our services come from times when things were different than now. Difference is that with removal of WWII nose art morale patches and coins the AF is further ignoring our heritage. Not one of sexist pigs but of fighting men and women who defended this nation. As much as I miss active duty I see this lot of bull droppings as a disgrace to an honorable force.
DMPI, Big bldg in Arlington
1/22/2013 3:25:34 PM ET
pull apart magnet words used to create sentences and spark discussionpotential for inappropriate content. Are you serious maybe we should get rid of pens and paper as well. Some of these inspectors are idiots.
CEO, Holloman
1/22/2013 2:20:20 PM ET
I can't imagine what AFGSC would think of the old variant of the SAC shield with the caption To err is human to forgive is not SAC policy.
Ret MSgt, St Paul ANGB
1/22/2013 2:08:12 PM ET
Box of condoms in a dorm room Wow there's a shock. When they made the Airman hide or get rid of them did they follow up at the hospital with their basket of condoms This list and this whole effort is the biggest bunch of garbage I've seen in my 21 years. If I could retire tomorrow I would. I'm disgusted that we have the time and money for this show of wimp but not enough to get the job done.
MJ, Ramstein AB
1/22/2013 1:54:00 PM ET
I get it. Get rid of the porn dial back the scanty pictures keep your drawers locked that I can understand. But removing and destroying American history like nose art and signage That ladies and gentlemen is going too far. History must be preserved and studied not censored and erased.Also where does it end Should I remove my old unit - non-morale - patches because someone might be offended by the great pride I have in my old unit and command Should I remove my car calendar - which does not have scantily-clad models - because a Prius driver might be offended that it promotes track driving without regard for maximum fuel economy Should I remove my AF Times because it calls out present-day issues
SSgt Chris, Holloman
1/22/2013 10:50:22 AM ET
The removal of our military history and tradition is offensive and demeaning to myself and to generations of Air Force professionals. Yes... We realize that many of the patches and coins from previous decades had no concept of political correctness and some especially during the Vietnam year were vulgar or explicit. But they were approved and are a part of our history and tradition. Let us not forget those who went before us and fought for this country.Those walls of patches and coins show how the Air Force and our county has changed over the decades.It is both inappropriate and just wrong to remove them. I sincerely hope that they have been properly stored for posterity and not destroyed. To destroy our history would just be a malevolent action.Please stop this and preserve our heritage.Wray
Wray, Florida
1/22/2013 10:23:37 AM ET
Go Global Strike Command. Pubic hair in log book Who identified that
Wow, USA
1/22/2013 10:03:04 AM ET
Whats next? I cant eat a cheeseburger for lunch in the break room because a vegetarian may be offended. I fully understand the need for a professional and inoffensive work environment but things are getting ridiculous
Retired MSgt, Little Rock
1/22/2013 9:01:44 AM ET
Electronic countdown calendars A beer bottle cap Fitness workout chart Holiday decor Demotivation posters 1940's era Nose Art Cartoon depictions in Air Force Instruction Newspapers Smokeless tobacco Rubber dog feces The Air Force Times A Time Life magazineWow What a waste. When you go down the road that far you certainly devalue the actual intent of this entire inspection. So magazines and newspapers must be banned from AF installations now right Unless we are going to have a sensitivity office to inspect them prior to distribution. And humor of any sort is banned as well And morale No imagery of human beings Because in the wrong light or angle dress or state they could possibly potentially maybe be offensive.
KM, Eglin
1/22/2013 8:29:21 AM ET
In reading the list of items I found the f this list of offenses is offensive in itself. I reccommend it be taken down immediately before someone complains.
ORF, Still Serving
1/22/2013 7:37:45 AM ET
This seems to be a huge waste of time and energy..... not to mention man hours. How about we concentrate on our primary mission...Warfighting BTW... if we are pulling fitness magazines out... probably not a great idea.... some in the AF should read those and quick.The PC police have won a huge victory and our troops again feel like they are over harassed and regulated. What is the value added here
Matt, Baltimore MD
1/21/2013 8:08:03 PM ET
Really A PG-13 movie DUMB
aaron, Minot AFB
1/21/2013 4:48:53 PM ET
Gen Welsh better come up with some better and radical thinking for the rest of his term as CSAF or this will be his legacy. I wonder how many times his names where in the Doofer books that where removed. So much for Morale patches as there cant be much left after this. USAF Ret and not very proud of it right now after this.
Paul, Calif
1/21/2013 3:59:35 PM ET
Thanks a lot GENERAL Petraeus
Booby McClitoch, Las Vegas
1/21/2013 10:46:01 AM ET
I am offended when I go to sexual assault training and the female brief talks to men like they are genetically wired to be rapists. I am offended when I am REQUIRED to be tolerant of other cultures religions ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations. I am offended when people lean on gender or ethnicity to gain advancement. I am offended by the blatant double standards when supposedly there is equality. I am offended by heritage months. Not because of the event itself but because allegedly no one wants their differences highlighted but then an entire month is dedicated to highlighting differences.None of those will go away.
Fed Up, FL
1/21/2013 6:14:43 AM ET
I took a look at the list of contraband. Some of the things they confinscated is ridiculious. Mens Health Really A runners magazine because it had a female on the cover in PT clothes Maybe we should have AAFES remove those magazines from our BX's and Shopettes too. Wouldn't want someone to become offended by it while on a lunch break.
TL, Midwest
1/20/2013 10:23:28 PM ET
I guess the Chief felt he had to do something but it seems to me there is a difference between the military and the Boy Scouts. Good order and discipline generally carry the day but we may have gone too far.
Mike, NC
1/20/2013 8:51:22 PM ET
At least they didn't find all the dirty thoughts in my head. Witchhunt over.
Caveman, Bedrock
1/20/2013 6:58:18 PM ET
They should have gone to all the AF musems. I think they would have stayed. Just think of all that money they spentspending. We could have saved the AF band
Rob Retired, Wa
1/20/2013 1:29:22 PM ET
WWII-era nose art is now considered inappropriateoffensive Hap Arnold Billy Mitchell and Chief Airey must be spinning in their graves.
Barry, Las Vegas
1/19/2013 4:48:26 PM ET
Literally one of the biggest wastes of time ever in my entire career. Most of the items removed on my base were fitness magazine which you see in the waiting rooms of the clinics. Good thing most of us know to leave those things at home and not bring them to work.
Dane, Colorado
1/19/2013 2:14:23 PM ET
This hurts my heart. 90 percent of the findings I can understand but now historic nose art from WWII is sexually offensive. RIP USAF. I hope the politically correct gestapo can find a way to pull their heads out.
E7Toad, GA US
1/19/2013 1:04:54 PM ET
I found the official USAF released list of items more than a little telling. Perhaps the leadership should scan its official documents for profanity and explicit language--you know like the words you can't say on TV. I'm not sure what is more embarrassing the fact that this inspection was conducted or the lack of judgment of the current powers that be.
USAF Observer, USA
1/19/2013 7:27:20 AM ET
This is what happens when you say Go out and do and give them no real guidance. The religious zealots went out and found everything offensive and the careerists looking to score some brownie points went overboard. Fitness magazines Seriously What idiot said that was offensive You know what is offensive to me Anything found on Powerpoint or Excel as well as every idiot that interprets the Tongue and Quill.
Mac, Germany
1/18/2013 7:44:04 PM ET
Go through the list. In at least one case someone went to the base library to check the magazines. And messing with the heritage rooms Please. I understand where the CSAF is coming from but some of the inspectors probably would have felt right at home in the Oceanian Thought Police. Sure glad I'm retired.
Amazed, Reality
1/18/2013 5:54:58 PM ET
They're talking about coins and patches that have pictures of nudey girls usually in compromising positions.
Sgt whoever, conus
1/18/2013 4:26:37 PM ET
I am still wondering who was offended by the crazy 8 ball.
confused, out yonder
1/18/2013 3:58:11 PM ET
Honestly I'm confused by the reference to local military history such as patches coins heritage rooms.... as unprofessional material. Perhaps I need add'l training or re-training because I don't recall anyone ever telling me those items were unprofessional. Am I missing something here
1/18/2013 1:50:15 PM ET
Local military history like patches and coins is considered unprofessional material Getting a little too PC there AF.
Jen, Lackland AFB
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