
From the Office of Public Affairs & Communications

USIP experts routinely give interviews to journalists from news outlets around the world. Reporters wishing to interview an expert may, with few exceptions, contact him or her directly and can always ask USIP's Office of Public Affairs and Communications for assistance.

Latest News Releases

February 6, 2013

Sexual violence in conflict settings is increasingly recognized as a threat to international peace and security. As part of its work to bridge the gaps among academia, policy, and implementation in the field, the United States Institute of Peace and its partners are hosting “The Missing Peace: Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings.”

February 1, 2013

Jim Marshall, president of the United States Institute of Peace, issued the following statement as Senator John Kerry is sworn in as Secretary of State

January 28, 2013

The board of directors and staff of the United States Institute of Peace extend their sympathies to the family and friends of Ambassador Max Kampelman. A leader in nonproliferation efforts and a human rights advocate, Ambassador Kampelman made lasting contributions to peacebuilding efforts around the world.

January 25, 2013

The United States Institute of Peace releases Detect, Dismantle, and Disarm: IAEA Verification, 1992-2005, by Christine Wing and Fiona Simpson. This book chronicles the IAEA’s experience when faced with revelations of a state’s hidden nuclear program. Analysis of four cases—Iraq, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, South Africa, and Libya—reveals how verification has worked in practice and captures lessons useful for future missions. 

January 22, 2013

Ambassador George Moose and Joseph Eldridge were sworn in today as members of the United States Institute of Peace’s (USIP) Board of Directors. As board members, Moose and Eldridge will play a role in setting long-term goals and priorities for the Institute as well as monitoring the Institute's financial, administrative, and personnel policies.

USIP In the News

December 20, 2013
Nieman Journalism Lab

The USIP Peaceworks report Blogs and Bullets II: New Media and Conflict after the Arab Spring was named a noteworthy paper on social media and the Arab Spring by the Journalist's Resource and the Nieman Journalism Lab.

December 17, 2013
Foreign Policy

The new book “The Peace Puzzle,” co-published by USIP Press and Cornell University Press, was named one of 2012’s best books on the Middle East by Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch.

December 14, 2013
The Atlantic

The Assad regime in Syria may now face insurmountable odds, writes USIP Fellow Robin Wright in The Atlantic.

December 9, 2013
Los Angeles Times

In a new op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, author Robin Wright writes about the enduring images and realities of the Arab Spring’s aftermath.

December 9, 2013
The Times of India

USIP Fellow Namrata Goswami looks at how India can maintain the critical internal economic growth it needs to continue its stability and security.