

Latest from USIP on Iran

  • February 14, 2013   |   Publication

    The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and the Reserve Officers Association held a joint program on Capitol Hill on February 12 to explore new education and training approaches to help U.S. troops better prepare for complex missions in fragile and conflict states.

  • February 7, 2013   |   Publication

    Khamenei has become an avid user of Twitter and posted more than 30 comments on the topic of U.S.-Iran talks. USIP’s Iran Primer has the highlights.

  • February 5, 2013   |   Publication

    The Iranian president arrived in Cairo today, the latest in a series of exchanges that suggest mending ties. An analysis on USIP’s Iran Primer website explains why the relationship still has its limits.

  • January 31, 2013   |   Publication

    Iran was a hot topic at the Senate Armed Services Committee’s confirmation hearing for Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s nominee for secretary of defense. And Iran’s military capabilities will be a key consideration in U.S. strategy during the second Obama term. USIP’s Iran Primer has a fascinating profile of the general who heads the most feared element of the Islamic Republic’s military.

USIP conducts ongoing research and policy analysis on major developments in Iran through the Iran Study Group and "The Iran Primer."  USIP experts provide regular briefings for Congressional staffers and officials at the Department of State. 

USIP Goals

  • To increase the breadth and depth of knowledge about developments in Iran among the foreign policy community.
  • To elucidate domestic and regional challenges in the Persian Gulf and identify non-violent political reform strategies.
  • To assess opportunities for and obstacles against pursuing a negotiated solution to the conflict with Iran.

Read more about the U.S. Institute of Peace and its mission

The Iran Study Group

The Iran Study Group, co-chaired by USIP Senior Advisor Daniel Brumberg and Farideh Farhi, brings together a dozen scholars who are engaged in original research and analysis on the complex internal dynamics and developments in Iran, with a focus on factors and institutions that shape public policy making, government-opposition relations, and the evolution of Iran's judiciary. The Study Group papers will be completed in summer 2012 and USIP will host a series of public events to set out the findings. | Study Group Bios


The Iran Primer

"The Iran Primer" (December 2010), a new book published by USIP Press and edited by Senior Fellow Robin Wright, offers a comprehensive but concise overview of Iran’s politics, economy, military, foreign policy, and nuclear program. It chronicles U.S.-Iran relations under six American presidents and probes five options for dealing with Iran. Organized thematically, this book provides top-level briefings by fifty experts on Iran (both Iranian and Western authors) as well as a handful of rising talent. | Read more



Engagement, Coercion, and Iran’s Nuclear Challenge (2010), a co-publication of the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Stimson Center, is a culmination of recommendations from a distinguished group of more than 40 scholars and policy analysts, who met regularly during the past year to evaluate how the United States should proceed in its strategy with the Islamic Republic of Iran. | Read the full report


Grant-Funded Projects

Read more about USIP Grant programs 

Online Courses

Certificate Course in Conflict Analysis

Academics and professionals in the field of conflict management face extraordinary challenges when dealing with the three major phases of conflict: rebuilding in the aftermath, stopping conflict in progress, and preventing conflict before it begins.

USIP offers a free, online introductory course on the complexities of conflict analysis, illustrating analytical tools used by practitioners in the field.  The conflict in Kosovo and the Rwandan genocide will be used as two case studies.

Learn more and take this course online.

The course is also offered in Farsi and Arabic.


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