
Peace marchers against etnic violence reach the summit of Mt. Kenya (CREDIT: New York Times)

This team designs the Institute’s efforts to prevent the outbreak of violent conflict, conducting relevant analysis of countries and regions at risk, developing tools for effective prevention, and supporting training and education efforts.

Featured Initiatives:  Arab Awakening | Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States | Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel | United States-United Nations Forum

The cover of the Strategic Posture Commission Report.

The bipartisan commission, facilitated by USIP from 2008-2009, was tasked by Congress to "examine and make recommendations with respect to the long-term strategic posture of the United States."  The Commission issued its final report to Congress on May 6, 2009.

Map of Iran

The Iran Working Group regularly convenes specialists from the D.C. policy community, a number of research projects, and an exchange program between U.S. and Iranian religious leaders

Muslim World Initiative Logo

This initiative, which drew to a close in 2009, was designed to help to mobilize moderates, marginalize militants, and bridge the U.S./Muslim-world divide.

 The Pivotal States Project was a series of books focusing on key or "pivotal" states in the Muslim world: Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. By virtue of their influence in regional political, economic, and cultural networks, these states play a critical role not only in the resolution of conflicts in their immediate vicinity, but also in moderating relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds.

(Courtesy: Imad Karam)

The Religion and Peacemaking Center conducts research, identifies best practices, develops new peacebuilding tools for religious leaders and organizations, and support conflict resolution programming with religious leaders in conflict zones. The Center has defined and shaped the field of religious peacebuilding in the past twelve years; and in cooperation with USIP's other Centers, developed and implemented integrated strategies for the Institute's conflict-specific work.

The Iran Primer is a practical and accessible “go-to” resource for practitioners, policymakers, academics, and students, as well as a fascinating wealth of information for anyone interested in understanding Iran’s pivotal role in world politics.