United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education

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Foster transformation of clinical education by preparing graduates of health professional programs to work in and lead patient‐centered interprofessional teams that provide coordinated longitudinal care.


Develop and test innovative approaches for curricula related to core competencies of patient‐centered care. Study the impact of new educational approaches and models on health professions education to include collaboration, cultural shifts in educational priorities, and educational and workforce outcomes within and beyond VA.

Educational Domains

Shared DecisionMaking:
care is aligned with the values, preferences and cultural perspective of the patient; behavior modification and self‐management is promoted.
Sustained Relationships: curricula accommodates continuity of care and promotes longitudinal learning relationships.
Interprofessional Collaboration: care is team based, efficient and coordinated; trainees practice collaboratively.
Performance Improvement: trainees learn to optimize the health of populations and understand the methodology of process and outcome assessment and CQI.

Highlights for Trainees

  • Development of longitudinal relationships with preceptor and patients; 30% of clinical training in COE
  • Integration of medical and nursing training schedule rather than traditional academic calendar
  • Completion of the Ottawa Decision Support Framework Module for Shared Decision‐Making at the West Haven COE
  • Partner with experts to complete a scholarly project at Seattle COE
  • Gain insight into own values and preference with Medicine and Art course at Cleveland COE
  • Development of Distance learning curriculum at the Boise COE
  • Participation in TeamSTEPPs training at
    San Francisco COE

Coordinating Center Contacts

Stuart Gilman, MD, MPH - Director
Judith L. Bowen, MD - Physician Consultant
Kathryn Rugen, PhD, FNP - Nurse Consultant
Laural Traylor, MSW - Project Manager
Deborah Ludke, MHA - Administrative Officer
Kimberly Uhl, MBA - Management Support Analyst

San Francisco VA medical Center

Co-Directors: Rebecca Shunk, MD; Susan Janson, DNSc, ANP
Academic Partners: University of California at
San Francisco Schools of Medicine and Nursing 

Boise VA Medical Center

Co-Directors: C. Scott Smith, MD; Melanie Nash, MSN, ANP
Academic Partners: Gonzaga University School of Nursing,
University of Washington School of Medicine and Idaho State
University School of Pharmacy

VA Puget Sound Healthcare System

Co-Directors: Joyce Wipf, MD; Laura Angelo, MSN, ANP
Academic Partners: University of Washington Schools of
Medicine and Nursing

Louis Stokes Cleveland VA medical Center

Co-Directors: Mimi Singh, MD, MS; Sharon Watts, DNP, RN-C, CDE
Academic Partners: Case Western Reserve University
School of Nursing and Cleveland Clinic Foundation

VA Connecticut Healthcare System

Co-Directors: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH; Sue Zapatka, APRN
Academic Partners: Fairfield University School of
Nursing and Yale University School of Medicine