United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

Associated Health Education Program

Fellowships | Policies & Agreements | Nursing Academy | Contact OAA

More about VA training programs.

Clinician. Image is ©

VA is a leader in the training of associated health professionals. Through affiliation agreements with more than 1,800 individual health professions schools and colleges, clinical traineeships and fellowships are provided to students in more than 40 professions, including nurses, pharmacists, dentists, audiologists, dietitians, social workers, psychologists, physical therapists, optometrists, podiatrists, physician assistants, respiratory therapists, and nurse practitioners.

  • In 2011,  32,437 Associated Health trainees and 24,520 Nursing trainees received training at a VA facility
  • 50% of US psychologists and 70% of VA psychologists have had VA training prior to employment

For additional information regarding without compensation or funded trainee positions, contact the education office or the clinical discipline office at the desired VA facility.

Associated Health Education Programs

Overview of Associated Health Education Program

Approximately 50,000 associated health students receive training in VA facilities each year in over 40 associated health professions.

Appointment Instructions

  • Appointment Instructions VA Interprofessional Fellowships in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Palliative Care or Postdoctoral Fellowships in Optometry Research and Psychology for Academic Year (AY) 2012-2013

Nursing Announcements

Microsoft Word document Nursing  Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Microsoft PowerPoint document Tips for VA Pre and Postdoctoral Nurse Fellowship Applications
Microsoft PowerPoint document VA Nurse Fellowships: Now that you are funded . . .

Other Program Announcements

OAA Guidance on Appointment of Year Long Trainees: Eligibility for Federal Health and Life Insurance