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Calendar of Wind Power-Related Events

This page provides and extensive list of wind power-related events. Web developers are welcome to download an Excel file containing a list of these events to expedite inclusion on their websites (last updated 2/1/13). Wind Powering America also makes its calendar available through an RSS Feed Wind Powering America Events RSS Feed. Learn about RSS Feeds.

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8 event(s).

Introduction to Wind Systems Online

Date: 1/14/2013 to 2/24/2013

Contact: Midwest Renewable Energy Association

Phone: 715-592-6595

This information was last updated on 12/7/2012

This six-week online course uses a series of online presentations, webinars, topic resources, assignments, and quizzes to teach the basics of wind electric systems. Participants will learn how to define wind energy and how residential wind energy systems work. This course will provide a basis for making informed decisions about the design, sizing, and siting of wind energy systems. This course is an online course and will require participants to attend an online webinar for each week of the course.

NRECA TechAdvantage Conference

Date: 2/18/2013 to 2/21/2013

Location: New Orleans, LA

Source: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Ernest Morial Convention Center

This information was last updated on 11/20/2012

The annual TechAdvantage Conference & Expo presents the latest technologies available to electric cooperative engineers, information technology staff, and supply chain and member service professionals. The U.S. Department of Energy Wind Program also recognizes the Wind Cooperative of the Year.

APPA Webinar: How Public Power is Governed

Date: 2/19/2013

Contact: Heidi Lambert, APPA Education Manager

Phone: 202-467-2921

Source: American Public Power Association

This information was last updated on 12/7/2012

2:00-3:30 p.m. EST
The responsibility for public power governance may rest with utility boards or city councils or a combination of both. This webinar will address the various structures of public power governance, how authorities and responsibilities may be divided, the pros and cons of the various governance structures, how to deal with inherent advantages and disadvantages of each model, and how to assure maximum effectiveness of whichever governance model your community has selected.

AWEA Regional Wind Energy Summit - Northwest

Date: 2/19/2013

Location: Portland, OR

Contact: American Wind Energy Association

Phone: 202-383-2512

This information was last updated on 11/2/2012

The summit provides a comprehensive and timely analysis of current and near-term market conditions, opportunities, and the latest on siting, transmission expansion, and grid operations issues.

AWEA Wind Project Siting Seminar

Date: 2/20/2013

Location: Portland, OR

Contact: American Wind Energy Association

Phone: 202-383-2512

This information was last updated on 11/2/2012

This seminar examines the development of wind energy facilities, the potential for impacts to the natural and human environments resulting from these activities, and ways to avoid and minimize any adverse effects. This event explores issues related to wildlife interactions, sound and visual impacts, radar, cultural resources, and stakeholder engagement. The seminar program will also investigate the legal implications of wind projects, discuss alternative strategies to reduce environmental effects, and explain how to successfully navigate the wind project siting process.

NREL Webinar: Costs of Integrating Renewable Energy into the Electric Grid

Date: 2/20/2013

This information was last updated on 2/11/2013

12:00 p.m. ET
Join NREL for a webinar examining the practices and issues associated with assessing the costs of integrating renewable energy into the electric grid. Panelists will explore the challenges of calculating integration costs and explain how other types of generators also impose costs to the system. They will examine the relative magnitude of costs assessed by utilities and grid operators based on a survey of Western utilities and address the implications of the recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ruling on variable generation.

The webinar presenters are Kevin Porter, Exeter Associates; Aaron Bloom, NREL; and Michael Milligan, NREL. Space is limited. Reserve your webinar seat now.

WPA Webinar: Production Tax Credit Extension, Process and Impacts

Date: 2/20/2013

This information was last updated on 2/11/2013

3:00 p.m. EST (1:00 p.m. MST)
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Join Wind Powering America for an insider's perspective of the last-minute Production Tax Credit extension, including details about how this extension differs from past extensions and the potential impacts on the wind industry.

Audio Access

Toll-free #: 888-396-0679

Toll #: 1-773-756-0107

Participant passcode: 8466385

Web Access

URL: https://www.mymeetings.com/nc/join.php?i=RW3511409&p=8466385&t=c

If you have trouble with the above link, try going to this website and enter the information separately:

URL: https://www.mymeetings.com/nc/join/

Conference number: RW3511409

Audience passcode: 8466385

UVIG Variable Generation Forecasting Workshop

Date: 2/26/2013 to 2/27/2013

Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Contact: Sandy Smith, Conference and Communications Coordinator

Phone: 865-218-4600, ext. 6141

Source: Utility Wind Integration Group

This information was last updated on 2/1/2013

For the sixth year in a row, the Utility Wind Integration Group (a.k.a. Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group or UVIG) is conducting a workshop on Variable Generation Forecasting Applications to Utility Planning and Operations. The workshop focus will include wind and solar power production forecasting. Attendance at this event is limited to employees of UVIG member organizations and invited individuals.

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