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10 December 2008 Human Rights Day: Students Learn About the American Dream of Freedom  Students from Queen Park Community School (QPCS) in Northwest London and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Language College (EGAS) in Islington, London, got to meet and learn more about President-elect Barack Obama yesterday and today. got to meet and learn more about President-elect Barack Obama at the Embassy today. The students' visit was part of the Embassy's celebration of the 60th anniversary of the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights, known today as "Human Rights Day."

24 October 2008 Embassy's Voting Assistance Officer hits the Road to Help Students Vote  On October 20, 2008, Vice Consul Wendy Kolls, the Embassy's Voting Assistance Officer, visited a group of students and administrators from IES Abroad, a study abroad program hosting American students from colleges and universities all over the United States.

02 October 2008 U.S. Takes First Steps Toward Embassy Relocation

25 September 2008 2008 Marconi Fellow Visits Embassy  Professor David Payne visited the U.S. Embassy in London on September 25th, following the announcement that he is the 2008 Marconi Fellow and prize-winner for his pioneering work in the field of fiber optoelectronics and fiber telecommunications, the backbone of modern high speed data transmission.

10 September 2008 Fulbright 60th Anniversary Reception at Number 10 Downing Street  Around 150 alumni and supporters of the U.S.-UK Fulbright program gathered at a very special location along with some high-level Washington visitors for one of the hottest tickets in town this month: a reception held at the Prime Minister's residence, Number 10, Downing Street, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the bilateral exchange.

21 August 2008 Young Authors Discuss the Life of Muslim Teenagers in America  On August 20th, the Embassy invited 30 British Muslim teenagers to have a webchat (via internet conferencing technology) with the Hafiz family, who were speaking from their home in Arizona, USA. The event was viewed simultaneously throughout the world and the authors received questions from countries such as Russia, Egypt and Ethiopia.

29 July 2008 A Great Summer Job: Embassy and FCO Interns Share their Experiences  For some people, summer jobs mean mowing lawns and working as a life guard at the pool. For interns at the American Embassy and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), however, their summer job is to experience the life a diplomat. To share and compare their work experiences, ten Embassy interns (hailing from across America) hosted 14 FCO work placement students for an afternoon at the Embassy.

24 July 2008 The India Safeguards Agreement: Moving India Towards the Nonproliferation Mainstream  Remarks by Ambassador Gregory Schulte, U.S. Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations in Vienna at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London.

16 July 2008 Politics and Pundits – The Influence of Talk Media on Elections and Democracy  As part of the Embassy's focus on the U.S. Presidential elections, YouGovStone, the Financial Times and Embassy London co-sponsored Politics and Pundits – The Influence of Talk Media on Elections and Democracy. Stephanie Miller and Neal Boortz -- stars of U.S. talk radio -- as well as Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Nick Ferrari of the UK shared their own views on how talk radio affects their listeners' political decisions.

30 June 2008 "Food for London" : Embassy Cultivates Growing Business of Urban Farming  They went to the U.S. to learn more about agriculture in America's cities, and now they're back and helping London boost its own farming capacity. Four Britons traveled on an Embassy-sponsored small grant last year, and this year they organized a conference at City Hall focusing on agriculture policies in London.

26 June 2008 American Embassy completes Perimeter Security Project  The American Embassy celebrated the completion of major work on its Perimeter Security Project. Ambassador Tuttle, along with other dignitaries from law enforcement and the neighborhood cut ribbons and unveiled a plaque to commemorate the opening.
Watch Ambassador Tuttle's comments: Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3

03 June 2008 Remarks by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)

03 June 2008 DHS announces Pre-Travel Authorization program for U.S.-Bound Travelers from Visa Waiver Countries  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced today the Interim Final Rule for the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), a new online system that is part of the Visa Waiver Program and is required by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007.
 • ESTA Fact Sheet
 • ESTA Frequently Asked Questions

30 May 2008 Oxford University Students Hear from Homeland Security Chief  In remarks to students at the Oxford Union Society on May 30, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff spoke candidly about terrorism: "We do take the offensive against the enemy. To the extent we have killed or captured [fighters] in Afghanistan, we have measurably decreased terrorism."

15 May 2008 Election 2008: "Digital Democracy" Event an International Success

01 - 03 May 2008 Secretary Rice Visits London
 • Rice, Quartet Briefing on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts
 • Statement issued by UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband on behalf of the P5+1
 • Quartet Statement in London

14 April 2008 Ambassador Tuttle hosts Conference in celebration of the Sikh New Year.

14 April 2008 U.S. and UK Work to Reduce Radioactive Threats  New collaboration between the U.S. and the UK is expanding efforts to address nuclear and radiological security and proliferation threats. Representatives from both countries signed a memorandum of understanding on April 14 to formalize the cooperation.

02 April 2008 Inauguration of US Airways' London Heathrow-Philadelphia Service Marks the Beginning of the U.S.-EU Open Skies Agreement.

22 March 2008 New York City Ballet Entertains and Inspires London Youth  The U.S. Embassy London Cultural Affairs Office arranged for a group of nearly 100 young people from six London schools and youth organizations to experience some of the best of world-class American culture by attending a March 19 dress rehearsal of the New York City Ballet. The NYCB performed in London March 12-22, 2008 for the first time in over 25 years in a well received program at the Coliseum, home of the English National Opera. The Embassy made special arrangements with the NYCB and the UK organizers of the tour to invite a group of school children to attend the rehearsal as a cultural experience.

08 March 2008 International Women's Day Event in Aberdare, Wales  Maura Connelly, Embassy Political Minister Counselor, was the keynote speaker on March 8th at the International Women's Day event in Aberdare, Wales. Invited by Ann Clwyd, MP, Maura addressed about 50 people on the need to ensure that women are not discriminated against in education or the workplace. Officials of the Rhondda, Cynon, and Taff Borough Council presided.

21 February 2008 Embassy Cultural Affairs Office hosts a performance by “Universes”  “Universes” is an ensemble company of multi-disciplined writers and performers who fuse poetry, theater, jazz, hip-hop, down-home blues and Spanish boleros into spoken word theatrical performance.

04 February 2008 U.S. Embassy screens J'ai Ete au Bal (I Went To The Dance)  Mardi Gras marched into the Embassy on February 4 when the Cultural Section hosted an evening of celebration of Cajun and Creole culture with a screening of Les Blank’s documentary, "J’ai été au bal."

11 February 2008 Under Secretary Burns Discusses U.S. Foreign Policy at the Foreign Press Association Event in London  Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns answered a range of press questions on US Foreign Policy in Europe, Middle East, and South Asia during a February 11 press event at the Foreign Press Association at London.

07 February 2008 'Super Tuesday' Event Makes Super Night

22 January 2008 American Visions Photo Contest Winners

Human Rights Day 2008

  • Human Rights Day: Students Learn About the American Dream of Freedom ... read more