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Small Business Innovation Research (OSD)


Office of Secretary of Defense, Director Defense Research and Engineering

Web Site


A contract program for small business supporting Defense and commercial applications.

Program Process
  • OSD advertises interest in specific research topics.
  • Small businesses offer proposals addressing topics.
  • Successful proposals awarded Phase I support for 6 months' work.
  • Successful Phase I projects compete for 2 years' additional support in Phase II.
Technology Maturity Level

Early developmental, some basic science.

Award Size

Phase I, up to $100K; Phase II, up to $750K. There are no Phase III SBIR funds.

Program Size

$10.3M in FY01.

Format Requirements for Topic Submission

USAMRMC submits relatively short (one to two pages) narratives describing proposed Phase I topics.

Criteria for Selecting Topics
  • Cannot be used simply to fill gaps in normal program
  • Must allow contractor reasonable degree of independence
  • Must require contractor innovation
  • Must fulfill a current military need.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
  • Military relevance
  • Technical merit, innovation
  • Potential for commercial exploitation
  • Staff qualifications.
USAMRMC Participation
  • Develop candidate topics for Phase I
  • Review proposals for Phase I, Phase II
  • Monitor projects during execution.
  Phase I Phase II
USAMRMC closing date for topic ideas Sep N/A
USAMRMC topic submissions to ARO Dec N/A
Public solicitation opens Jul Apr
Public solicitation closes Aug May
USAMRMC closing date for proposal reviews Nov Aug
Awards announced Dec Sep
USAMRMC Recent History

Approximately nine topics, three Phase I awards per year.


Program has high visibility with Congress, financed by a tax on all 6.1 – 6.3 research funds.

  • Anti-Ice Aptamers for Improved Red Blood Cell Storage
  • Blast Mitigation Jacket for Training – three awards
  • Analysis and Interpretation of Real-time Multi-parameter Biological Data
Last Modified Date: 28-Dec-2009