Expectations for Campaign Implementation

Congratulations! Your campaign has been selected by the ARM Climate Research Facility. So now what? The following information will help you plan, execute, and document your field campaign with us.

1. Abstract. Please provide an abstract of the field campaign that we can use to update the ARM field campaign web pages. You can send the abstract to iop@arm.gov.

2. Science Plan. Based on the scope of your field campaign, a science plan may be required. If this is the case, you will be notified and can send the science plan to the field campaign coordinator or to ARM publications, so the document can be made available to our research community.

3. Campaign Summary. A brief final report of the experiment outcome is desired to complete our documentation.

4. Data. Data delivery is expected six months after completion of the campaign. The External Data Center will assist you as needed; see the Steps for Submitting Data.

5. Archive. The ARM Data Archive provides a protected FTP area, upon request. Contact armarchive@arm.gov to start one for your campaign.

6. Site Operations. Points of contact for interacting with the research site operations team are available at:

7. Communications. News and public information materials will be coordinated with the ARM public information officer to provide outreach for your campaign. Websites for larger campaigns will be developed to support planning, implementation, and closeout, and provide outreach support. In addition, you may wish to have an email list established for your campaign to assist you in communicating with your team. Send your requests to the communications team.

8. Finances. To help facilitate financial transactions, contact the ARM program financial administrator.

For reference, see the Field Campaign (IOP) Guidelines (PDF).
Please send any questions to www@arm.gov.