TWP Contacts

Site Oversight - Kim Nitschke, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Site Manager - Paul Ortega, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Site Operations Manager - Troy Culgan, Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Site Scientist - Chuck Long, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tropical Western Pacific Office

Mailing Address:
Los Alamos National Laboratory
PO Box 1663, MS J577
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Shipping Address:
SM-30 Bikini Atoll Road
TA-51, Bldg. 82, DP 01U
Attn: NAME, MS J577
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Phone: 505.667.1186
Fax: 505.667.9122

Before shipping items to the TWP, please fill out a TWP Site Shipping Form.