National Severe Weather Workshop 2005
Spotter Training
Sponsors & Exhibitors
Planning Members

2005 Workshop Registration


Online Registration

Everyone attending the 2005 NSWW must register and wear a badge. Registration will be accepted online until February 25, 2005. (See Walk-in Registration section below for options after February 25th). Registration is not accepted by phone.

Online registrations will be accepted through Friday, February 25, 2005. See registration rate table at the end of this page.

Payment for workshop registration can be made by purchase order, check, or credit card. All payments by purchase order or check absolutely must be postmarked by the deadline indicated: 

  • POSTMARKED by February 4th for Early Registration
  • POSTMARKED by February 18th for Standard Registration
  • Payments by purchase order or check AFTER February 18th should be paid at the door.  (However, you can still register online until February 25th to ensure your place.). 
  • Note: Credit card payments will be accepted online until February 25th

NOTE: registration and payment for the banquet must be received by February 18, 2005.

REFUND POLICY: Refunds will be granted for cancellations received by February 18, 2005.

Registrants may choose the Workshop Registration Package, the One-Day Registration Package, and/or the Banquet Registration (Friday).

The Workshop package includes admission to all sessions (including Saturday afternoon spotter training), exhibits, coffee breaks, and lunch each day.

The One-Day package includes admission to all of the above for one calendar day. (The One-Day Saturday package includes spotter sessions.)

The Banquet registration includes one dinner admission to the March 4, evening event and must be registered for separately on the registration form. Limited seating is available and registration will be accepted until seats are filled or until the cutoff date above. Banquet registration is not guaranteed until payment is received.

Please note workshop registrations do not include lodging.


Walk-in Registration at the Conference Hall

The NSWW workshop registration desk will open for walk-in registration each day at 7:00 a.m. See rate table below.


Spotter Training

There is no fee for attending the Saturday afternoon spotter sessions. We request that you pre-register, as space is limited. If you are already registered for the workshop, you do not need to register for spotter training separately). Please note spotter only registration does not include lunch or general workshop sessions.

If you do not wish to attend the workshop, please use the storm spotter registration form.


Registration Rates

Save time - register online today!

Please note workshop registrations do not include lodging.


Workshop Registration and Payment Due Dates
Attendee Type

Early Registration / Payment (Postmarked by 2/4/05)

Standard Registration / Payment (Postmarked by 2/18/05) Late or Walk-in Registration / Payment
(Pay at the door)
Workshop $70 $90 $100
One Day Packages $50 $50 $50
Spotter Sessions Only (Saturday afternoon) Free Free Free



Banquet Ticket Registration and Payment Due Dates
  Registration & Payment
(Received by 2/18/05)
After 2/18/05
Banquet $17 Not Available


COCAMS/NWA is the Central Oklahoma Chapter of the American Meteorological Society / National Weather Association. COCAMS/NWA is a 501(c) (3) organization with EID 73-1548935.

Those paying by check, money order, or purchase order should mail payment, along with a copy of the registration confirmation, to:

Kit Wagner, Treasurer
PO Box 721165
Norman, OK 73070


Updated January 19, 2005

 Conference organizers