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image: Measure H20 App icon
Water Measurement App Created by Reclamation's Provo Area Office

'Measure H2O' is a new water measurment app created by Reclamation's Provo Area Office for use by water managers in the field to perform a range of water measurement functions on mobile devices efficiently and accurately. More...

photo: Colorado River Comprehensive Colorado River Basin Study Developed by Interior and Seven Basin States Released - Water Supply and Demand Imbalances Evaluated

The Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study, authorized by Congress and funded and prepared by Reclamation and the seven Colorado River Basin States, has been released.
News Release  |  Basin Study

photo: water released from Glen Canyon river outlet tubes - 2008 HFE The Department of the Interior will Trigger the First "High Flow Experimental Release" at Glen
Canyon Dam since 2008

DOI triggered the first high flow experi-mental release since 2008 from Glen Canyon Dam beginning Nov. 19 based on the new science-based protocol for conducting more frequent HFEs. More...


Last updated: February 19, 2013