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Joint Biological Assessment of Bureau of Reclamation and
Non-federal Water Management and Maintenance Activities on the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico

This biological assessment includes the Bureau of Reclamation’s and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District’s water management actions taken in the Middle Rio Grandefrom Velarde to Elephant Butte Reservoir Pool and in the Rio Chama, as well as associated maintenance actions to maintain water delivery and protect infrastructure. These maintenance actions also include the cooperative actions of Reclamation and the Interstate Stream Commission. The BA includes, as the conservation measure, the offsetting actions taken by participants of the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program/Recovery Implementation Program, known collectively as “Collaborative Program/RIP.” The analysis for this BA is divided into two parts. The water management portion (Part I) is intended to cover specifically described actions that Reclamation and the MRGCD carry out. The maintenance portion (Part II) is designed to be a programmatic description of Reclamation’s River Maintenance Program, as well as a description of specific maintenance actions on riverside drains in conjunction with the Interstate Stream Commission and MRGCD maintenance actions on diversion structures and riverside delivery systems.

This BA also initiates the Endangered Species Act Section 7 compliance process associated with the Collaborative Program/RIP. It is intended that compliance with the contemplated biological opinions associated with this BA and an anticipated supplement describing the proposed actions for the state of New Mexico and other non-federal, non-pueblo actions, in combination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s BA, will convey ESA coverage for those actions, including the aforementioned Collaborative Program/RIP conservation measure.

 PART 1 - Water Management
 Cover & Executive Summary   (PDF)
275 KB
 Acronyms & Abbreviations (PDF)
139 KB
 Table of Contents  (PDF)
252 KB
 Chapter 1 - Introduction   (PDF)
192 KB
 Chapter 2 - Action Area, Overview of Project Components & Water Operations  (PDF)
353 KB
 Chapter 3 - Description of Proposed Actions  (PDF)
480 KB
 Chapter 4 - Species Description, Federal Listing Status and Life History  (PDF)
461 KB
 Chapter 5 - Environmental Baseline  (PDF)
2.5 MB
 Chapter 6 - Effects Analysis  (PDF)
1.6 MB
 Chapter 7 - Cumulative Effects Analysis  (PDF)
334 KB
 Chapters 8, 9 - Composite Effect of Proposed Water Management and Maintenance,           Literature Cited   (PDF)
260 KB
 Appendix 1 - Selection of Five Synthetic Flow Sequences for Detailed Analysis...   (PDF)
695 KB
 Appendix 2 - AMEC Memorandum, Subject Stochastic Streamflow Simulations... (PDF)
1.1 MB
 Appendix 3 - Habitat Restoration Techniques Commonly Used in the Middle...   (PDF)
162 KB
 Appendix 4 - Craig Boroughs Memorandum...  (PDF)
232 KB
 Appendix 5 - MRGCD Demand Curves used in URGWOM Planning Mode    (PDF)
254 KB
 Appendix 6 - Reclamation and Corps Completed Consultations  (PDF)
210 KB
 Appendix 7 - Report on URGWOM Development Simulations & Final Results...  (PDF)
1.9 MB
 Appendix 8 - MRGCD Proposed Conservation Measures - 7/24/12 draft   (PDF)
1.0 MB
 Appendix 9 - Alternative Hydrology Analysis   (PDF)
267 KB
343 KB
 Part 1 - Entire Document    (PDF)
10.2 MB
 PART 2 - Maintenance
 Cover, Acronyms & Abbreviations   (PDF)
151 KB
 Table of Contents   (PDF)
187 KB
 Chapter 1 - Introduction   (PDF)
134 KB
 Chapter 2 - Action Area   (PDF)
186 KB
 Chapter 3 - Description of Proposed Actions   (PDF)
526 KB
 Chapters 4, 5 - Species Description, Federal Listing Status, and Life History + MRG           Maintenance Baseline   (PDF)
371 KB
 Chapter 6 - Analysis of Effects of Proposed Actions   (PDF)
1.4 MB
 Chapter 7 - Literature Cited   (PDF)
145 KB
 Attachment - River Maintenance Methods   (PDF)
317 KB
 Attachment - Most Likely Strategies and Methods by Reach   (PDF)
187 KB
 Attachment - Geomorphic Strategy Effects    (PDF)
233 KB
 Part 2 Entire Document    (PDF)
2.6 MB
 Water Management: State of New Mexico   (PDF)
613 KB
 Entire Document   (PDF)
13.0 MB



Last updated: January 24, 2013