Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries - Archived Data

CAUTION: This page has links to tables, charts, and articles in TXT or PDF format which contain data that may have been revised since their initial release. If you are seeking revised data and they are not available from our current and revised data web page at www.bls.gov/iif/oshcfoi1.htm, please contact IIFStaff@bls.gov or call (202) 691-6170.
  • Archived News Releases - prior year releases of fatality census data.  More detailed data are available under the headings that follow.
  • Fatality rates (employment-based) - fatality rate data from 1992 to 2007.
  • Annual data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries -(2002) (2001) (2000) (1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994) (1993) (1992)
  • Charts - for 2007 CFOI data and revised data for 1992 to 2006.
  • Articles related to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries from the Bureau's Monthly Labor Review and Compensation and Working Conditions.
  • Annual reports from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
  • Issues papers from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries


    Fatality rates (employment-based) 1992-2007

    • Calculating fatality rates (PDF 21K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2007 (PDF 16K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2006 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2005 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2004 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2003 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2002 (PDF 16K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2001 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2000 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1999 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1998 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1997 (PDF 16K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1996 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1995 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1994 (PDF 23K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1993 (PDF 20K)
    • Fatality rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 1992 (PDF 20K)

    2002 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    (These data have been revised from their initial release on September 17, 2003.)

    • Industry by event or exposure, 2002 (PDF 47K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2002 (PDF 49K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2002 (PDF 39K)
    • Industry by year, 1996-2002 (PDF 55K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 2002 (PDF 28K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2002 (PDF 27K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2002 (PDF 5K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 2002 (PDF 19K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2002 (PDF 20K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2002 (PDF 57K)

    2001 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Industry by event or exposure, 2001 (PDF 47K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2001 (PDF 49K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2001 (PDF 39K)
    • Industry by year, 1995-2001 (PDF 55K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 2001 (PDF 28K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2001 (PDF 27K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2001 (PDF 5K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 2001 (PDF 19K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2001 (PDF 20K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2001 (PDF 57K)

    2000 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Industry by event or exposure, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 22K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 18K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 18K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 3K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 16K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2000 (TXT) (PDF 26K)
    • Industry by year, 1995-2000 (TXT) (PDF 33K)

    1999 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Industry by event or exposure, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 33K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 28K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 34K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 16K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 1999 (TXT) (PDF 35K)
    • Industry by year, 1994-99 (TXT) (PDF 46K)

    1998 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Industry by event or exposure, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 33K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 1998 (TXT) PDF 24K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 36K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 16K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 1998 (TXT) (PDF 39K)
    • Industry by year, 1993-98 (TXT) (PDF 45K)

    1997 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Industry by event or exposure, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 39K)
    • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 30K)
    • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 35K)
    • Occupation by event or exposure, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 23K)
    • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
    • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
    • Event or exposure by age, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
    • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 16K)
    • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 1997 (TXT) (PDF 37K)

    1996 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Worker Fatality Profiles 1996
      • Highway fatalities by selected characteristics, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 19K)
      • Homicides by selected characteristics, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 17K)
      • Fatal falls by selected characteristics, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 17K)
      • Fatalities resulting from workers being struck by objects by selected characteristics, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 19K)
      • Fatal electrocutions by selected characteristics, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 15K)
    • Fatality Rates 1996
      • Number, percent, and rate of fatal occupational injuries by selected
        worker characteristics, industry, and occupation, 1996. (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • Occupational Fatalities 1996
      • Table 1. Fatal occupational injuries by industry and event or exposure, 1996 (TXT) (PDF 33K)
      • Table 2. Fatal occupational injuries by occupation and event or exposure, 1996 (TXT) (PDF 22K)
      • Table 3. Fatal occupational injuries by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1996 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
      • Table 4. Fatal occupational injuries by event or exposure and major private industry, 1996 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
      • Table 5. Fatal occupational injuries to private wage and salary workers, government workers, and self-employed workers by industry, 1996 (TXT) (PDF 33K)

    1995 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • Worker Fatality Profiles 1995
      • Table A. Job-related highway fatalities by selected characteristics, 1995. (TXT) (PDF 17K)
      • Table B. Job-related homicides by selected characteristics, 1995. (TXT) (PDF 16K)
    • National data from the 1995 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
      • A-1. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
      • A-2. by industry and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 28K)
      • A-3. by occupation and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 18K)
      • A-4. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
      • A-5. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • A-6. by part of body affected, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • A-7. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
      • A-8. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
      • A-9. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
      • A-10. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
      • A-11. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
      • A-12. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
      • A-13. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 26K)
      • A-14. by event or exposure and gender, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • A-15. by event or exposure and major private industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
    • State and area data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
      • B-1. by state and event or exposure, 1995 (PDF 7K)
      • B-2. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by state, 1995 (PDF 7K)
      • B-3. by state and major industry division, 1995 (PDF 7K)
      • B-4. by state and major occupational group, 1995 (PDF 7K)
      • B-5. by selected metropolitan areas by event or exposure, 1995 (PDF 6K)
      • B-6. by selected metropolitan areas by major industry division, 1995 (PDF 7K)
      • B-7. by selected metropolitan areas by major occupational group, 1995 (PDF 6K)
      • B-8. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by selected metropolitan areas, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • 1995 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates
      (Occupational fatality rates technical memo. (TXT) (PDF 8K)
      Number, percent, and rate of fatal occupational injuries
      • C-1. by selected worker characteristics, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • C-2. by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
      • C-3. by industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • Profiles of fatal work injuries and hazards Job-related fatalities by selected characteristics, 1995:
      • D-1. Black workers
      • D-2. construction
      • D-3. construction falls
      • D-4. cranes, 1992-95
      • D-5. electrocutions
      • D-6. excavation and trenching cave-ins, 1992-95
      • D-7. falls
      • D-8. foreign-born, 1992-95
      • D-9. forklifts, 1992-95
      • D-10. government workers
      • D-11. highway
      • D-12. Hispanic workers
      • D-13. homicides
      • D-14. homicides in retail trade
      • D-15. primary metal industries (SIC 33), 1992-95
      • D-16. struck by objects
      • D-17. suicides at work
      • D-18. truckdrivers
      • D-19. under age 20, 1992-95
      • D-20. women
    • Partial data on fatal illnesses collected by the CFOI program
      • E-1. Fatal illnesses by selected worker characteristics, 1991-95
      • E-2. Fatal heart attacks that occurred at work by selected characteristics, 1991-95
      • E-3. Fatal asbestos-related illnesses by selected characteristics, 1991-95

    1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • National data from the 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
      • A-1. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • A-2. by industry and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 26K)
      • A-3. by occupation and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
      • A-4. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
      • A-5. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • A-6. by part of body affected, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 4K)
      • A-7. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
      • A-8. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1994 (TXT)(PDF 13K)
      • A-9. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • A-10. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
      • A-11. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
      • A-12. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
      • A-13. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 29K)
      • A-14. by event or exposure and gender, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • A-15. by event or exposure and major private industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
      • A-16. by primary source of injury by major industry, 1994
      • A-17. by secondary source of injury by industry, 1994
      • A-18. due to contact with objects or equipment by primary source of injury, 1994
      • A-19. due to contact with objects or equipment by secondary source of injury, 1994
      • A-20. due to exposure to harmful substances or environments by primary source of injury, 1994
      • A-21. due to exposure to harmful substances or environments by secondary source of injury, 1994
      • A-22. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1992-94
      • A-23. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1992-94
    • 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates
      Number, percent, and rate of fatal occupational injuries:
      • B-1. by selected worker characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • B-2. by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
      • B-3. by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
    • 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data 
      • C-1. Job-related highway fatalities by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • C-2. Job-related homicides by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • C-3. Job-related fall fatalities by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • C-4. Job-related of workers struck by objects, by selected characteristics, 1994
      • C-5. Job-related electrocutions by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)

    1993 Census of fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • National data from the 1993 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • A-1. by event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
      • A-2. by occupation, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
      • A-3. by industry, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 28K)
      • A-4. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
      • A-5. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • A-6. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
      • A-7. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
      • A-8. by occupation and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
      • A-9. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
      • A-10. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
      • A-11. by industry and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 29K)
      • A-12. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
      • A-13. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
      • A-14. by event or exposure and month of incident, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
      • A-15. to self-employed workers by occupation and event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
      • A-16. to workers 19 years old and under by event or exposure and major industry, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
      • A-17. to women by occupation and event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
      • A-18. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
      • A-19. by part of body affected, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
    • State and area data from the 1993 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates (TXT) (PDF 6K)
      • B-1. by State and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
      • B-2. resulting from transportation incidents and assaults and violent acts by State, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • B-3. by State and major industry division, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • B-4. by State and major occupational group, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
      • B-5. in selected metropolitan areas by event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
      • B-6. in selected metropolitan areas by major industry division, 1993 (TXT) PDF 9K)
      • B-7. in selected metropolitan areas by major occupational group, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
    • Partial data on fatal illnesses collected through the CFOI program (TXT) (PDF 21K)
      • C-1. Fatal illnesses by selected worker characteristics, 1991-93
      • C-2. Fatal heart attacks that occurred at work by selected worker characteristics, 1991-93
      • C-3. Fatal asbestos-related illnesses by selected characteristics, 1991-93
    • Summaries of conferences and meetings (TXT) (PDF 31K)
    • State CFOI agencies and telephone numbers (TXT) (PDF 31K)
    • CFOI research articles and reports (TXT) (PDF 31K)
    • Technical note (TXT) (PDF 31K)

    1992 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data

    • National Data from the 1992 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
      • A-1. by selected worker characteristics
      • A-2. to foreign born decedents
      • A-3. by location of incident
      • A-4. by industry
      • A-5. by occupation
      • A-6. by worker activity at the time of the incident
      • A-7. by nature of injury
      • A-8. by part of body
      • A-9. by source of injury
      • A-10. by secondary source of injury
      • A-11. by event or exposure
      • A-12. by industry and major event or exposure
      • A-13. by occupation and mayor event or exposure
      • A-14. Number and percent distribution of occupations with the highest number of fatal occupational injuries
      • A-15. and day of the week of fatal incident
      • A-16. and month the injury occurred
      • A-17. and time of incident
      • A-18. by worker characteristics for selected high-rate occupations
      • A-19. by event or exposure for selected high-rate occupations
      • A-20. by source of injury for selected high-rate occupations
      • A-21. Source documents used to compile information on fatal work injuries
    • CFOI State Tables, 50 States, New York City, and District of Columbia, 1992
      Number and percent distribution of fatal occupational injuries:
      • B-1. by State and event or exposure
      • B-2. by State and major industry division
      • B-3. by state and major occupational group
      • B-4. by selected metropolitan areas and event or exposure
      • B-5. by selected metropolitan areas and major industry division
      • B-6. by selected metropolitan areas and major occupational group

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2007 (revised data)

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2007 (PDF 528K)
      • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2007
      • Rate of fatal work injury per 100,000 workers, 1992-2007
      • Number of fatal work injuries, by State, 2007
      • Manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2007
      • Difference in workplace fatality counts, by event, 2006-07
      • Four most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2007
      • Falls, by type of fall, 2007
      • Employment and fatalities, by gender of worker, 2007
      • Fatal injury events, by gender of worker, 2007
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1992-2007
      • Fatal occupational injuries to foreign-born workers, by country of origin, 2007
      • Fatal work injury rates, by age group, 2007
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by industry sector, 2007
      • Fatal occupational injuries in the private mining industry, 2003-2007
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by major occupation groups, 2007
      • Selected occupations with high fatality rates, 2007
      • Distribution of fatalities by selected occupations in the private construction industry, 2006-2007

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2006 (revised)

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2006 (PDF 528K)
      • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2006
      • Rate of fatal work injury per 100,000 workers, 1992-2006
      • Number of fatal work injuries, by State, 2006
      • Manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2006
      • Difference in workplace fatality counts, by event, 2005-06
      • Four most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2006
      • Falls, by type of fall, 2006
      • Employment and fatalities,by gender of worker, 2006
      • Fatal injury events, by gender of worker, 2006
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1992-2006
      • Fatal occupational injuries to foreign-born workers, by country of origin, 2006
      • Fatal work injury rates, by age group, 2006
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by industry sector, 2006
      • Fatal occupational injuries in the private mining industry, 2003-2006
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by major occupation groups, 2006
      • Selected occupations with high fatality rates, 2006
      • Distribution of fatalities by selected occupations in the private construction industry, 2005-2006

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2005

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2005 (PDF 48K)
      • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2005
      • Rate of fatal work injury per 100,000 workers, 1992-2005
      • The manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2005
      • Difference in workplace fatality counts from 2004 to 2005 by fatal event
      • The four most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2005
      • Employment and fatality profiles by gender of worker, 2005
      • Fatal work injury incidents varied between men and women, 2005
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1992-2005
      • Comparison of fatal work injury counts from 2004 to 2005 by age groups
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by private industry sector, 2005
      • Fatal occupational injuries in the private mining industry, 2003-2005
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by major occupation groups, 2005
      • Selected occupations with high fatality rates, 2005
      • Fatal injury counts and most frequent event for selected occupations with large numbers of worker fatalities, 2005
      • Distribution of fatalities across occupations in the private construction industry, 2004-2005

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2004

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2004 (PDF 48K)
      • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2004
      • Rate of fatal work injury per 100,000 workers, 1992-2004
      • The manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2004
      • Difference in workplace fatality counts from 2003 to 2004 by fatal event
      • The four most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2004
      • Employment and fatality profiles by gender of worker, 2004
      • Fatal work injury incidents varied between men and women, 2004
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1992-2004
      • Comparison of fatal work injury counts from 2003 to 2004 by age groups
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by private industry sector, 2004
      • Fatal occupational injuries in the private mining industry, 2003-2004
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by major occupation groups, 2004
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries for selected occupations, 2004
      • Selected occupations with the highest fatality rates, 2004
      • Fatal injury counts and most frequent event for selected occupations with large numbers of worker fatalities, 2004
      • Distribution of fatalities across occupations in the private construction industry, 2003-2004

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2003

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2003 (PDF 48K)
      • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2003
      • Rate of fatal work injury per 100,000 workers, 1992-2003
      • The manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2003
      • Difference in workplace fatality counts from 2002 to 2003 by fatal event
      • The three most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2003
      • Employment and fatality profiles by gender of worker, 2003
      • Fatal work injury incidents varied between men and women, 2003
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1992-2003
      • Comparison of fatal work injury counts from 2002 to 2003 by age groups
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by industry sector, 2003
      • Fatal occupational injuries in the private mining industry, 2003
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by majore occupation groups, 2003
      • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries for selected occupations, 2003
      • Selected occupations with large numbers of worker fatalities and most frequent event, 2003
      • Occupations in the private construction industry with the highest number of fatalities, 2003

    Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2002

    • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2002 (PDF 29K)
      • Fatal work injury counts, 1992-2002
      • The manner in which workplace fatalities occurred, 2002
      • The three most frequent work-related fatal events, 1992-2002
      • Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries by industry division, 2002
      • Number of fatal work injuries by occupation, 2002
      • Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries for selected occupations, 2002
      • Selected occupations with large numbers of worker fatalities and most frequent event, 2002
      • Occupations with the highest fatality rates, 2002
      • Employment and fatality profiles by gender of worker, 2002
      • Fatal work injury incidents varied between men and women, 2002
      • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanics, 1992-2002



    • Analysis of Toxicology Reports from the 1993-94 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, by Michael Greenburg, Richard Hamilton, and Guy Toscano. (Compensation and Working Conditions, Fall 1999) (TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • Fatalities to Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters, 1992-97, by Cynthia Clarke and Mark J. Zak. (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1999) (TXT) (PDF 37K)
    • Job Hazards in the Waste Industry, by Dino Drudi. (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1999) (TXT) (PDF K)
    • Profile of Work Injuries Incurred by Young Workers, by Janice Windau, Eric Sygnatur, and Guy Toscano (Monthly Labor Review, June 1999) (TXT) (PDF 61K)


    • Logging is Perilous Work, by Eric F. Sygnatur (Compensation and Working Conditions, Winter 1998) (TXT) (PDF 52K)
    • Worker Fatalities from Being Caught in Machinery, By Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, Winter 1998) (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • Fishing for a Living is Dangerous Work, By Dino Drudi (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1998) (TXT) (PDF 32K)
    • Work Injuries and Illnesses Occurring to Workers, by Guy Toscano, Janice Windau, Andrew Knestnaut (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1998) (TXT) (PDF 43K)
    • Profiles of Fatal Work Injuries in 1996 by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, Spring 1998) (TXT) (PDF 60K)
    • Serious Injuries Befall Workers Struck by Objects by Martin Personick (Compensation and Working Conditions, Spring 1998) (TXT) (PDF 53K)


    • A Century-long quest for meaningful and accurate occupational injury and illness statistics by Dino Drudi (Compensation and Working Conditions, Winter 1997) (TXT) (PDF 60K)
    • Perils in the workplace, by CFOI Staff (Compensation and Working Conditions, Fall 1997) (TXT ) (PDF 27K)
    • Fatalities and Injuries Among Truck and Taxicab Drivers by Andrew Knestaut (Compensation and Working Conditions, Fall 1997) (TXT) (PDF 36K)
    • Perils in the Workplace by Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Staff (Compensation and Working Conditions, Fall 1997) (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • Fatalities and injuries among truck and taxicab drivers, by Andrew Knestaut (Compensation and Working Conditions, Fall 1997) (PDF 36K)
    • Profiles of fatal work injuries in 1996, by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1997) (PDF 60K)
    • Dangerous Jobs by Guy Toscano (Compensation and Working Conditions, Summer 1997) (TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • Homicides in Colorado Workplaces, 1982-94 by Kate Maloney Vassalo, A. James Ruttenber, Carol J. Garrett and William H. Marine (Compensation and Working Conditions, Spring 1997) (TXT) (PDF 56K)
    • Occupational Fatalities Among the Immigrant Population by Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, Spring 1997) (TXT) (PDF 32K)


    • Job-related Fatalities Involving Youths, 1992-95 by Blaine Derstine (Compensation and Working Conditions, December 1996) (TXT) (PDF 20K)
    • National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1995 by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, September 1996) (TXT) (PDF 76K)
    • New Data Highlight Severity of Construction Falls by Martin Personick (Compensation and Working Conditions, September 1996)
    • Highway Fatalities Among the Leading Cause of Workplace Deaths by Janice Windau and Tracy Jack (Compensation and Working Conditions, September 1996) (TXT) (PDF 28K)
    • Using the BLS Occupational Injury and Illnesses Classification System as a Safety and Health Management Tool by Guy Toscano, Janice Windau, and Dino Drudi (Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1996) (TXT) (PDF 58K)
    • Fewer Women Than Men Die of Work-related Injuries, Data Show by Andrew Knestaut (Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1996)


    • State and Metropolitan Area Data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1994 by Tracy Jack and Mark Zak (Compensation and Working Conditions, November 1995)
    • Differences in Workplace Homicides by Sex, 1993 by Holly L. Howe, PhD (Compensation and Working Conditions, October 1995) (TXT) (PDF 26K)
    • Characteristics of Older Workers' Injuries by Martin E. Personick and Janice A. Windau (TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1994 by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, September 1995)
    • The Evolution of Occupational Fatality Statistics in the United States by Dino Drudi (Compensation and Working Conditions, July 1995)
    • Self-Employed Individuals Fatally Injured at Work by Martin E. Personick and Janice A. Windau (Compensation and Working Conditions, August 1995) (TXT) (PDF 39K)
    • An Evaluation of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries as a System for Surveillance by Connie Austin (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1995)(TXT) (PDF 25K)
    • Violence in the Workplace by Guy Toscano and William Weber (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1995) (TXT) (PDF 46K)
    • Fatal Work Injuries in Construction in Texas, 1991-93 by Scott Richardson and Rene Reyes (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1995) (TXT) (PDF 36K)
    • Economic Costs of Occupational Injury Fatalities in New Jersey in 1992 by Lisa M. Roche (Compensation and Working Conditions, March 1995) (TXT) (PDF 29K)
    • A Relative Risk Analysis of Workplace Fatalities by John W. Ruser (Compensation and Working Conditions, January 1995) (TXT) (PDF 29K)
    • Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Work-Related Fatalities (Compensation and Working Conditions, January 1995)


    • Coding of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by Elyce Biddle (Compensation and Working Conditions, November 1994)
    • The Changing Character of Fatal Work Injuries by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Monthly Labor Review, October 1994) (TXT) (PDF 298K)
    • Analysis of Toxicology Reports from the 1992 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries by William M. Marine, MD and Tracy Jack (Compensation and Working Conditions, October 1994)
    • Data Sources for Fatality Surveillance in Commercial Fishing: Massachusetts, 1987-91 by Letitia K. Davis, ScD, Daniel R. Brooks, MPH., Lynn E. Taylor, BA, and Cathy Schwartz (Compensation and Working Conditions, July 1994)
    • Fatal Occupational Injuries of Women in 1992 by Andrew T. Knestaut (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1994)
    • Fatalities Involving Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Carriers, 1991-1992 by Gary A. Helmer (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1994)
    • Texas Study Finds Older Workers at Relatively High Risk of Fatal Occupational Injury by Scott Richardson and Andrew Schulman (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1994)
    • Fatal Work Injuries in the Mountain States by Theresa Hanson (Compensation and Working Conditions, March 1994)
    • Workplace Homicides in 1992 by Janice Windau and Guy Toscano (Compensation and Working Conditions, February 1994)


    • Results from the First National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries 1992 by Tracy A. Jack and Mark J. Zak, (Compensation and Working Conditions, December 1993)
    • Fatal Work Injuries: Results from the 1992 National Census by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Monthly Labor Review, October 1993)
    • Workplace Homicides in Texas, 1990-91 by Scott Richardson (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1993)
    • Using Improved Data on Work-Related Vehicle Fatalities in Washington State by Lisann Rolle (Compensation and Working Conditions, March 1993)
    • Length of Time in Position and Fatal Occupational Injury in Colorado by Marcia R. Blake (Compensation and Working Conditions, March 1993)
    • Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries: Results for 32 States, 1991 (Compensation and Working Conditions, February 1993)
    • Analysis of Toxicology Reports from the 1991 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) by William M. Marine, MD, MPH, Blaine Derstine, and Tracy A. Jack (Compensation and Working Conditions, February 1993)


    • Fatal Occupational Injuries: Results from BLS Census of 31 States by Tracy A. Jack and Mark Zak (Compensation and Working Conditions, December 1992)
    • Surveillance of Fatal Occupational Injuries in Massachusetts: The Response of Next-of-Kin by Lynn Taylor, Letitia K. Davis, and Daniel Brooks (Compensation and Working Conditions, December 1992)
    • Conference Papers (Monthly Labor Review, December 1992)
    • Fatal Work Injuries: Census for 31 States by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Monthly Labor Review, September 1992)
    • Fatal Occupational Injuries: Test Results from the BLS Census by John J. Kane and Blaine Derstine (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1992)


    • Further Testing of a Census Approach to Compiling Data on Fatal Work Injuries by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (Monthly Labor Review, October 1991)
    • The BLS Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries by Guy A. Toscano (Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1991)


    • Testing a Census Approach to Compiling Data on Fatal Work Injuries by Janice Windau and Donna Goodrich (Monthly Labor Review, December 1990)


    • Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1995: A Collection of Data and Analysis - April 1997. Report 913
    • Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1994: A Collection of Data and Analysis - July 1996. Report 908
    • Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1993: A Collection of Data and Analysis - June 1995. Report 891
    • Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1992: A Collection of Data and Analysis - April 1994. Report 870

    Issue Papers

    • Injuries to Caregivers Working in Patients Homes, Summary 97-4, February 1997 (TXT) (PDF 51K)
    • Deadly Highway Accidents Outnumber Other Fatal Work Incidents, Summary 96-13, December 1996 (TXT) (PDF 39K)
    • Older Workers' Injuries Entail Lengthy Absences from Work, Summary 96-6, April 1996 (TXT) (PDF 41K)
    • New Data Highlight Gravity of Construction Falls, Summary 96-1, January 1996 (TXT) (PDF 23K)
    • Outdoor Occupations Exhibit High Rates of Fatal Injuries, Summary 95-6, March 1995 (TXT) (PDF 32K)
    • Safer Construction Workplaces Evident During the Early 1990s, Summary 95-3, January 1995 (TXT) (PDF 46K)
    • Repetitive Tasks Loosen Some Workers' Grip on Safety and Health, Summary 94-9, August 1994 (TXT) (PDF 40K)
    • Violence in the Workplace Comes Under Closer Scrutiny, Summary 94-10, August 1994 (TXT) (PDF 43K)
    • Shifting Workforce Spawns New Set of Hazardous Occupations, Summary 94-8, July 1994 (TXT) (PDF 45K)


    Last Modified Date: August 20, 2009