Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries: Reports

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Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1995: A Collection of Data and Analysis - April 1997, Report 913

  • National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1995 by Guy Toscano and Janice Windau, September (TXT) (PDF 76K)
  • Highway Fatalities Among the Leading Cause of Workplace Deaths by Janice Windau and Tracy Jack, September (TXT) (PDF 28K)
  • Job-related Fatalities Involving Youths, 1992-95 by Blaine Derstine, December (TXT) (PDF 20K)
  • Occupational Fatalities Among the Immigrant Population by Janice Windau, Spring (TXT) (PDF 32K)
  • Homicides in Colorado Workplaces, 1982-94 by Kate Maloney Vassalo, A. James Ruttenber, Carol J. Garrett and William H. Marine, Spring (TXT) (PDF 56K)
  • Dangerous Jobs by Guy Toscano, Summer (TXT) (PDF 25K)
  • Appendix A. National data from the 1995 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
    • Fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-1. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
    • A-2. by industry and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 28K)
    • A-3. by occupation and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 18K)
    • A-4. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
    • A-5. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • A-6. by part of body affected, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • A-7. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
    • A-8. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
    • A-9. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
    • A-10. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
    • A-11. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
    • A-12. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • A-13. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 26K)
    • A-14. by event or exposure and gender, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • A-15. by event or exposure and major private industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
  • Appendix B. State and area data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
    • Fatal occupational injuries:
    • B-1. by state and event or exposure, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • B-2. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by state, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • B-3. by state and major industry division, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • B-4. by state and major occupational group, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • B-5. by selected metropolitan areas by event or exposure, 1995 (PDF 6K)
    • B-6. by selected metropolitan areas by major industry division, 1995 (PDF 7K)
    • B-7. by selected metropolitan areas by major occupational group, 1995 (PDF 6K)
    • B-8. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by selected metropolitan areas, 1995 (PDF 7K)
  • Chart: CFOI Quartile State Data, 1995
  • Appendix C. 1995 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates
    • Number, percent, and rate of fatal occupational injuries:
    • C-1. by selected worker characteristics, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • C-2. by occupation, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
    • C-3. by industry, 1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
  • Appendix D. Profiles of fatal work injuries and hazards
    • Job-related fatalities by selected characteristics, 1995:
    • D-1. Black workers
    • D-2. construction
    • D-3. construction falls
    • D-4. cranes, 1992-95
    • D-5. electrocutions
    • D-6. excavation and trenching cave-ins, 1992-95
    • D-7. falls
    • D-8. foreign-born, 1992-95
    • D-9. forklifts, 1992-95
    • D-10. government workers
    • D-11. highway
    • D-12. Hispanic workers
    • D-13. homicides
    • D-14. homicides in retail trade
    • D-15. primary metal industries (SIC 33), 1992-95
    • D-16. struck by objects
    • D-17. suicides at work
    • D-18. truckdrivers
    • D-19. under age 20, 1992-95
    • D-20. women
  • Appendix E. Partial data on fatal illnesses collected by the CFOI program
    • E-1. Fatal illnesses by selected worker characteristics, 1991-95
    • E-2. Fatal heart attacks that occurred at work by selected characteristics, 1991-95
    • E-3. Fatal asbestos-related illnesses by selected characteristics, 1991-95
  • Appendix F. Technical note
  • Appendix G. State CFOI agencies and telephone numbers
  • Appendix H. CFOI research articles and reports

Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1994: A Collection of Data and Analysis - July 1996, Report 908

  • National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1994 (Compensation and Working Conditions, September 1995) Guy Toscano and Janice Windau
  • State and Metropolitan Area Data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1994 (Compensation and Working Conditions, November 1995) Tracy A. Jack and Mark J. Zak
  • Differences in Workplace Homicides by Sex, 1993 (Compensation and Working Conditions, October 1995) Holly L. Howe (TXT) (PDF 26K)
  • Fewer Women Than Men Die of Work-Related Injuries, Data Show (Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1996) Andrew Knestaut
  • Using the BLS Occupational Injury and Illnesses Classification System as a Safety and Health Management Tool (Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1996) Guy Toscano, Janice Windau, and Dino Drudi (TXT) (PDF 58K)
  • Appendix A. National data from the 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
    • Fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-1. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • A-2. by industry and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 26K)
    • A-3. by occupation and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
    • A-4. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
    • A-5. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • A-6. by part of body affected, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 4K)
    • A-7. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
    • A-8. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1994 (TXT)(PDF 13K)
    • A-9. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • A-10. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
    • A-11. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
    • A-12. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • A-13. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 29K)
    • A-14. by event or exposure and gender, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • A-15. by event or exposure and major private industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
    • A-16. by primary source of injury by major industry, 1994
    • A-17. by secondary source of injury by industry, 1994
    • A-18. due to contact with objects or equipment by primary source of injury, 1994
    • A-19. due to contact with objects or equipment by secondary source of injury, 1994
    • A-20. due to exposure to harmful substances or environments by primary source of injury, 1994
    • A-21. due to exposure to harmful substances or environments by secondary source of injury, 1994
    • A-22. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by industry, 1992-94
    • A-23. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1992-94
  • Appendix B. 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates
    • Number, percent, and rate of fatal occupational injuries:
    • B-1. by selected worker characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • B-2. by occupation, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 14K)
    • B-3. by industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
  • Appendix C. 1994 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data sheets
    • C-1. Job-related highway fatalities by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • C-2. Job-related homicides by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • C-3. Job-related fall fatalities by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • C-4. Job-related of workers struck by objects, by selected characteristics, 1994
    • C-5. Job-related electrocutions by selected characteristics, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
  • Appendix D. Technical note
  • Appendix E. State CFOI agencies and telephone numbers
  • Appendix F. List of CFOI research articles and reports

Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1993: A Collection of Data and Analysis - June 1995, Report 891

  • The Evolution of Occupational Fatality Statistics in the United States by Dino Drudi
  • The Changing Character of Fatal Work Injuries (Monthly Labor Review, October 1994) Guy Toscano and Janice Windau (TXT) (PDF 298K)
  • A Relative Risk Analysis of Workplace Fatalities (Compensation and Working Conditions, January 1995) John Ruser (TXT) (PDF 29K)
  • Characteristics of Older Workers' Injuries by Martin E. Personick and Janice A. Windau (TXT) (PDF 25K)
  • Economic Costs of Occupational Injury Fatalities in New Jersey in 1992 (Compensation and Working Conditions, March 1995) Lisa M. Roche (TXT) (PDF 29K)
  • Fatal Work Injuries in Construction in Texas, 1991-93 (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1995) Scott Richardson and Rene Reyes (TXT) (PDF 36K)
  • Violence in the Workplace (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1995) Guy Toscano and William Weber (TXT) (PDF 46K)
  • An Evaluation of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries as a System for Surveillance (Compensation and Working Condition, May 1995) Connie Austin (TXT) (PDF 25K)
  • Self-Employed Individuals Fatally Injured at Work by Martin Personick and Janice A. Windau (TXT) (PDF 39K)
  • Appendix A. National data from the 1993 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • Fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-1. by event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
    • A-2. by occupation, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 20K)
    • A-3. by industry, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 28K)
    • A-4. by selected worker characteristics and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
    • A-5. by location of incident and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • A-6. by worker activity at the time of the incident and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 12K)
    • A-7. by primary and secondary source of injury, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
    • A-8. by occupation and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
    • A-9. resulting from transportation incidents and homicides by occupation, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 21K)
    • A-10. due to contact with objects and equipment by occupation, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
    • A-11. by industry and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 29K)
    • A-12. by occupation and selected nature of injury, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
    • A-13. by event or exposure and time of incident, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
    • A-14. by event or exposure and month of incident, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 15K)
    • A-15. to self-employed workers by occupation and event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
    • A-16. to workers 19 years old and under by event or exposure and major industry, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
    • A-17. to women by occupation and event or exposure, 1992 and 1993 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
    • A-18. to private sector wage and salary, government, and self-employed workers by industry, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 27K)
    • A-19. by part of body affected, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
  • Appendix B. State and area data from the 1993 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries fatality rates (TXT) (PDF 6K)
    • Fatal occupational injuries:
    • B-1. by State and event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
    • B-2. resulting from transportation incidents and assaults and violent acts by State, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • B-3. by State and major industry division, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • B-4. by State and major occupational group, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
    • B-5. in selected metropolitan areas by event or exposure, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
    • B-6. in selected metropolitan areas by major industry division, 1993 (TXT) PDF 9K)
    • B-7. in selected metropolitan areas by major occupational group, 1993 (TXT) (PDF 8K)
  • Appendix C. Partial data on fatal illnesses collected through the CFOI program (TXT) (PDF 21K)
    • C-1. Fatal illnesses by selected worker characteristics, 1991-93
    • C-2. Fatal heart attacks that occurred at work by selected worker characteristics, 1991-93
    • C-3. Fatal asbestos-related illnesses by selected characteristics, 1991-93
  • Appendix D. Summaries of conferences and meetings (TXT) (PDF 31K)
  • Appendix E. State CFOI agencies and telephone numbers (TXT) (PDF 31K)
  • Appendix F. CFOI research articles and reports (TXT) (PDF 31K)
  • Technical note (TXT) (PDF 31K)
Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1992: A Collection of Data and Analysis - April 1994, Report 870
  • Fatal Work Injuries: Results from the 1992 National Census (Monthly Labor Review, October 1993) Guy Toscano and Janice Windau
  • Workplace Homicides in 1992 (Compensation and Working conditions, February 1994) Janice Windau and Guy Toscano
  • Fatal Work Injuries in the Mountain States (Compensation and Working conditions, March 1994) Theresa Hanson
  • Texas Study Finds Older Workers at Relatively High Risk of Fatal Occupational Injury (Compensation and Working Conditions, April 1994) Scott Richardson and Andrew Schulman
  • Fatalities Involving Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Carriers, 1991-92 (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1994) Gary A. Helmer
  • Fatal Occupational Injuries of Women in 1992 (Compensation and Working Conditions, May 1994) Andrew T. Knestaut
  • Data Sources for Fatality Surveillance in Commercial Fishing: Massachusetts, 1987-91 by Letitia K. Davis, ScD., Daniel R. Brooks, M.P.H., Lynn E. Taylor, B.A., and Cathy Schwartz
  • CFOI State agencies and telephone numbers
  • References
  • Appendix A. National Data from the 1992 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
    • Number and percent distribution of fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-1. by selected worker characteristics
    • A-2. to foreign born decedents
    • A-3. by location of incident
    • A-4. by industry
    • A-5. by occupation
    • A-6. by worker activity at the time of the incident
    • A-7. by nature of injury
    • A-8. by part of body
    • A-9. by source of injury
    • A-10. by secondary source of injury
    • A-11. by event or exposure
    • A-12. by industry and major event or exposure
    • A-13. by occupation and mayor event or exposure
    • A-14. Number and percent distribution of occupations with the highest number of fatal occupational injuries
    • Percent distribution of occupations with the highest number of fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-15. and day of the week of fatal incident
    • A-16. and month the injury occurred
    • A-17. and time of incident
    • Percent distribution of fatal occupational injuries:
    • A-18. by worker characteristics for selected high-rate occupations
    • A-19. by event or exposure for selected high-rate occupations
    • A-20. by source of injury for selected high-rate occupations
    • A-21. Source documents used to compile information on fatal work injuries
  • Appendix B. CFOI State Tables, 50 States, New York City, and District of Columbia, 1992
    • Number and percent distribution of fatal occupational injuries:
    • B-1. by State and event or exposure
    • B-2. by State and major industry division
    • B-3. by state and major occupational group
    • B-4. by selected metropolitan areas and event or exposure
    • B-5. by selected metropolitan areas and major industry division
    • B-6. by selected metropolitan areas and major occupational group


Last Modified Date: March 05, 2004