Top-Level Intelligence Department Points of Contact List
Fax Number 703.614.5888 614
Retrieve Phone Messages 703.571.5500 617
Director of Intelligence (DIRINT) 703.614.2604 224
Assistant Director of Intelligence (ADIRINT) 703.614.2522 224
Assistant Director of Intelligence for Support (IS) 703.693.1872 223
Assistant Director of Intelligence for Resources (IB) 703.695.8094 225
Senior Advisor of Analysis & Production (IA) 703.571.2925 617
Technology Officer Enterprise Info Mgmt Office (EIMO) 703.614.2522 224
Chief of Staff (COS) 703.614.2522 225
DIRINT Executive Assistant (EA) 703.614.7633 224
Intelligence Futures Assessments (IFA) 703.693.1761 223
DIRINT Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) 703.614.3966 224
Marine Corps Foreign Liaison Office (FLO) 703.614.4636  224
Intelligence for Resources Division (IB) 703.695.8094 225
     --  Intelligence Operations Officer (OPSO) 703.614.3504 224
     --  Fiscal Branch Head (IB/IBF) 703.614.4868 224
     --  IBM Branch Head (IB/IBM) 703.692.4117  
     --  IBN Branch Head (IB/IBN) 703.697.6230 227
Chief Intelligence Operations Division (IO) 703.693.5433 223
     --  Intelligence Operations Officer (OPSO) 703.693.6411 223
     --  CI/HUMINT Plans & Policy Branch (IO/IOC) 703.693.6008 223
     --  Intelligence Operations & Personnel (IO/IOP) 703.614.4022 224
     --  Marine Corps Reserve Intel Program (IO/IOPR) 703.614.7631 224
     --  Special Security Office/Special Intel COMM (IO/IOS) 703.693.6007 223
Chief, Intelligence Plans & Policy Division (IP) 571.256.9323  
     --  Intelligence Operations Officer (OPSO) 571.256.9287  
     --  Imagery & Geospatial Plans & Policy Branch Head (IP/IPI) 703.256.9287  
     --  Intelligence Plans & Policy Branch Head (IP/IPP) 703.693.5424 223
     --  Signals Intelligence Plans & Policy Branch Head (IP/IPS) 703.693.9224 223
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) 703.432.7196  
Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion (MCSB) 240.373.3734  
Pentagon Mailing Address for Intel Department
Mailing Address for the Marine Corps:
  • Commandant Marine Corps Intelligence Department
    3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
    Washington, DC 20350‐3000
Address for packages being delivered by Federal Express or other companies:
  • Commandant Marine Corps Intelligence Department
    Room 1A262B, Phone #
    3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
    Washington, DC 20350‐3000