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Invasive Species Science News

11/29/2012 Invasive Boa Constrictors Make New Home on Puerto Rico

11/1/2012 FORT Scientists Share in DOI Cooperative Conservation Award

9/6/2012 FORT Scientist Achieves Distinction at CSU

8/31/2012 USGS Herpetologists Featured in Current Herp Journal

8/13/2012 USGS Scientists Participate on Multiple Levels at Herpetology Congress

6/14/2012 FORT Scientist Slated for Invited Talks on Invasive Snakes

6/11/2012 USGS Workshops Provide Training in Invasive Species Modeling

5/21/2012 Snakes Get Star Status on Airwaves

4/27/2012 New Software for Assisted Habitat Modeling Package for VisTrails

4/25/2012 USGS Presents 8 Papers at Brown Treesnake Tech Group Meeting

2/29/2012 New Podcast: The Big Squeeze—Pythons and Mammals in Everglades National Park

2/6/2012 New Web Feature Highlights FORT Scientist's Career in Invasive Reptiles

1/30/2012 Python Predation Severely Affecting Mammal Populations

10/6/2011 FORT Scientists Co-Recipients of Partners in Conservation Award for Third Year Running

2/9/2011 New Paper Identifies Challenges in Modeling Potential Invasive Species Spread

11/23/2009 Science Seeks to Stem Snake Surge

10/12/2009 Giant Snakes, Giant Problem?

10/7/2009 Modeling Africanized Honey Bees

8/17/2009 Okinawan Group to Visit USGS Brown Treesnake Research Lab

6/16/2009 FORT Scientist "On Loan" to NEON

4/22/2009 FORT Scientists to Receive DOI Cooperative Conservation Award

9/10/2008 Intercepting Invading Snakes: Aruba Benefits from USGS Expertise

9/9/2008 FORT Scientists Lead Symposia at International Herp Congress

8/3/2008 Short-term Climate Projections for Species Distributions

4/15/2008 Invasive Brown Treesnake Focus of Multi-Agency Science Meeting

2/20/2008 USGS Maps Show Potential Python Habitat Along Three U.S. Coasts

3/26/2001 Article Featuring Invasive Plants Model Published

3/27/2001 USGS Scientist Speaks at University of Washington

8/4/2001 USGS to Host Brown Treesnake Conference in Guam

8/5/2001 USGS Scientist to Discuss New Initiative on Invasive Species

11/26/2001 Brown Treesnake Conference CDs Available

11/27/2001 New Rapid Response Team for Destructive Brown Treesnake

11/29/2001 USGS Ecologist to Participate in Global Workshop on Invasive Species

1/10/2002 USGS Partners with NASA to Predict Non-native Plant Invasions

2/15/2002 New Applications for Assessing Fire Effects

9/9/2002 After the Fire: Keeping an Eye on Invasive Plants

9/10/2002 USGS Scientists Give Trailside Presentations for American Frontiers: A Public Lands Journey

9/18/2002 NPR's "Morning Edition" Interviews USGS Invasive Species Expert

10/1/2002 Aspen Abundance in Colorado

10/3/2002 Updates in Brown Tree Snake Research

2/7/2003 Native Plant Diversity: No Match for Invasives

4/4/2003 Brown Treesnake Coordination Meeting

1/14/2004 FORT Scientist to Brief Secretary on Brown Tree Snake

3/12/2004 Teaming Up Against Tamarisk

9/13/2004 Spotlight on Invasives

9/1/2005 There goes the neighborhood...

9/22/2005 FORT identifies cargo stowaway as invasive brown treesnake

10/13/2005 New tool for tracking and predicting tamarisk and other unwanted invaders

2/17/2006 USGS-NASA Technology Helps Fight Invasive Species

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