Riprap - Case II

NOTE: The documentation below is simply for illustration on how GEOPAK interprets the various elements drawn in a cross section file. The examples below do not reflect the current levels or colors used with V8.

Riprap image
             Material Name    End Areas  Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult   Mass
Station                                  Volumes    Volumes   Factor Ordinate
                              (square    (cubic     (cubic                   
                               meters)    meters)    meters)                 
----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------
   1+380.00 RIPRAP_5
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
              Subgrade Exc       7.88         68         58   0.85
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Mass ordinate for RIPRAP_5 = 58
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill        27.45        238        238   1.00     -238
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill        15.95        136          0   0.00     -238

See the following illustrations for "step by step" instructions on how to draw the elements and achieve the above results.

Riprap image
  1. Start with the original cross section and be sure that the fill slopes are elements meeting the criteria of proposed finished grade and that they do connect to existing ground.
    Riprap image
  2. Draw the perimeter of the area to be backfilled with riprap at LV=9, CO=22 and connect the top and bottom to proposed finish grade, LV=10, CO=10.  Note: Areas within closed Proposed Undercuts will be backfilled with that "soil type", in this case, RIPRAP.
    Riprap image
  3. Trace the riprap area below existing ground at LV=57, CO=3... Existing Unsuitable.   Connect to existing ground.  This is necessary to force all excavation for the riprap into an Existing Unsuitable classification, thus . . . not affecting the general mass, and begin building its own accumulative mass for separate payment.
    Riprap image
  4. The drawing above illustrates the finished drawing and all of the correct connections for the Proposed Finish Grade, Proposed Undercuts, and Existing Unsuitables.

Below is the complete log file containing the earthwork input file and the results.

For this example... I'm ignoring discussing the Proposed Undercuts, on levels 3 through 6.   THEY ARE DRAWN BY CRITERIA AND ARE AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED BY THE EARTHWORK INPUT FILE.

Input  File: steve_rr.inp
Output File: steve_rr.log
 1     1     1  
 1     2     2 
 1     3     3 Earthwork
 1     4     4 
 1     6     6  
 1     7     7 tolerance =     0.03
 1     8     8  
 1     9     9 xs dgn = steve_rr.dgn
 1    10    10 
 1    11    11     Existing Ground Line
 1    12    12         soil type = common
 1    13    13         roadway exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    14    14         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    15    15         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    16    16             type = line
 1    17    17             lv = 56
 1    18    18             co = 0 
 1    19    19 
 1    20    20  
 1    21    21     Existing Suitable Material
 1    22    22         soil type = common_ex
 1    23    23         roadway exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    24    24         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    25    25         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    26    26             type = line
 1    27    27             lv = 57
 1    28    28             co = 57
 1    29    29  
 1    30    30     Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    31    31         soil type = riprap_5
 1    32    32         roadway exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    33    33         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    34    34         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    35    35             type = line
 1    36    36             lv = 57
 1    37    37             co = 3 
 1    38    38  
 1    39    39     Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    40    40         soil type = riprap_3
 1    41    41         roadway exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    42    42         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.85
 1    43    43         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    44    44             type = line
 1    45    45             lv = 57
 1    46    46             co = 4
 1    47    47  
 1    48    48     Proposed Finish Grade
 1    49    49         soil type = general
 1    50    50         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    51    51         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    52    52         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    53    53             type = line
 1    54    54             lv = 2,4,8,10
 1    55    55             co = 0,4,10 
 1    56    56 
 1    57    57     Proposed Undercut
 1    58    58         soil type = pave1
 1    59    59         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    60    60         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    61    61         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    62    62             type = line
 1    63    63             lv = 3
 1    64    64             co = 3
 1    65    65  
 1    66    66     Proposed Undercut
 1    67    67         soil type = pave2
 1    68    68         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    69    69         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    70    70         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    71    71             type = line
 1    72    72             lv = 4
 1    73    73             co = 4
 1    74    74  
 1    75    75     Proposed Undercut
 1    76    76         soil type = rock1
 1    77    77         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    78    78         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    79    79         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    80    80             type = line
 1    81    81             lv = 5
 1    82    82             co = 5
 1    83    83  
 1    84    84     Proposed Undercut
 1    85    85         soil type = rock2
 1    86    86         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    87    87         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    88    88         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    89    89             type = line
 1    90    90             lv = 6
 1    91    91             co = 6
 1    92    92  
 1    93    93     Proposed Undercut
 1    94    94         soil type = rock3
 1    95    95         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    96    96         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    97    97         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    98    98             type = line
 1    99    99             lv = 7
 1   100   100             co = 7
 1   101   101  
 1   102   102     Proposed Undercut
 1   103   103         soil type = riprap
 1   104   104         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   105   105         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   106   106         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   107   107             type = line
 1   108   108             lv = 9
 1   109   109             co = 22 
 1   110   110  
 1   111   111     Excavation Limits
 1   112   112         type = line
 1   113   113         lv = 43
 1   114   114         co = 0
 1   115   115 
 1   116   116         skip area
 1   117   117                 from 1+351 to 1+372
 1   118   118 
 1   119   119     Write Earthwork Shapes
 1   120   120         plot param
 1   121   121             lv = 52
 1   122   122             co = 0
 1   123   123             wt = 0
 1   124   124             lc = 0
 1   125   125             Stratify Shape Color
 1   126   126  
 1   127   127     /* combine common exc + subgrade exc + subsoil exc */
 1   128   128  
 1   129   129     Process Earthwork for Baseline = r3th
 1   130   130         job number = wsr
 1   131   131  
 1   132   132         beg sta = 1+372 r 1
 1   133   133         end sta = 1+387 r 1.
Station 1+372.00
             Material Name    End Areas  Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult   Mass
Station                                  Volumes    Volumes   Factor Ordinate
                              (square    (cubic     (cubic                   
                               meters)    meters)    meters)                 
----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------
   1+372.00 RIPRAP_5
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
              Subgrade Exc       9.15          0          0   0.85
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Mass ordinate for RIPRAP_5 = 0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill        32.10          0          0   1.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill        18.12          0          0   0.00        0
Station 1+380.00

   1+380.00 RIPRAP_5
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
              Subgrade Exc       7.88         68         58   0.85
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Mass ordinate for RIPRAP_5 = 58
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill        27.45        238        238   1.00     -238
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill        15.95        136          0   0.00     -238 
Station 1+387.00

   1+387.00 RIPRAP_5
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
              Subgrade Exc       7.93         55         47   0.85
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.85
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00     -238
                Mass ordinate for RIPRAP_5 = 105
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill        27.39        192        192   1.00     -430
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   0.00     -430
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill        17.10        116          0   0.00     -430
                 G R A N D     S U M M A R Y     T O T A L S
               Material Name         Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult
                                     Volumes    Volumes   Factor
                                     (cubic     (cubic
                                      meters)    meters)
        ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.85
                        Subgrade Exc        123        105   0.85
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.85
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill            430        430   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill            252          0   0.00