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Assembly Archive Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why can I not find the assembly instructions for my favorite genome in the archive?

    The resource is very new and currently only contains information for two organisms. Over time we expect this resource to grow. In addition, in order to submit data to the Assembly Archive all of the underlying traces must be in the Trace Archive and the assembly must be submitted to GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ.

  2. Why are the assembly instructions for the human genome not in the archive?

    In order for an assembly to be stored in the assembly archive the traces that underlie that project must be in the Trace Archive. Most of the sequencing for the human genome was performed before the Trace Archive existed.

  3. Can I download just the traces in a particular region of a genome?

    Currently, that functionality is not available. Check back as we will be adding this feature in the future.