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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Telework is an arrangement that allows employees to conduct some or all of their work at a location other than their official worksite. Telework can be completed in an employee’s home, a telework center, or an alternately approved worksite. 
Types of Telework

Types of Telework

Regular and recurring telework includes at least one (1) day each pay period in a telework status. Telework days are scheduled in advance and may be changed only with prior approval.

Ad hoc telework is performed on an occasional, one-time, or irregular basis and is usually driven by the situation (e.g. a one-time project that requires intense concentration). Ad hoc telework may also be approved for use during inclement weather or other emergency conditions.

Approving Telework Schedules

Supervisors have the authority to determine employee eligibility for telework schedules. All employees will be notified in writing regarding their eligibility for telework. Eligibility should be determined based on applicable collective bargaining agreements as well as the functions and duties of a specific position. Generally, positions are suitable for telework if they are portable, computer or telephone oriented; require quantifiable tasks or lots of research and analysis.

Employees are ineligible for telework if they occupy positions that require daily on-site contact with customers, occupy a one-of-a-kind position, or have duties that cannot be performed at a telework site. Employees that have frequent access to secure information should also be considered ineligible.

An employee should be found ineligible for telework if they have received a disciplinary action for a period of AWOL lasting five days or more during a twelve month period or have been disciplined for viewing, downloading, or exchanging pornography on a Federal Government computer or while performing Federal Government duties.


Supervisors should complete the Telework 101 for Managers on the OPM website and provide a certificate of completion to their supervisor.

Employees should complete the Telework 101 for Employees on the OPM website and provide a certificate of completion to their supervisor.

Telework Agreements

Employees that telework on an ad hoc or regular and recurring basis must complete a telework agreement. On an annual basis, telework agreements should be reviewed by the supervisor and the employee and re-signed.

Equipment and Office Supplies
Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) should be approved for employees who telework on a regular and recurring basis when practicable. Managers should provide the necessary equipment and office supplies (e.g. paper, toner, and printer ink) for use with GFE for employees who telework on a regular and recurring basis, within budgetary constraints, based on the nature and type of work performed. Equipment and supplies may be furnished for employees performing telework on an ad hoc basis when practicable. Employees must comply with equipment usage requirements set forth in the telework agreement.

Emergency Situations

Employees who perform mission-critical duties may be required to work from home or an alternate workplace during emergency situations. In the event of a pandemic health crisis, employees with Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) responsibilities may be asked to telework to stop the spread of germs.

Employees who telework on a regular and recurring basis who are unable to report to their assigned office location due to office closure or dismissal from a natural or manmade emergency event (e.g. hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, snow storm, flooding, act of terrorism) shall continue to telework each regularly scheduled work day during the emergency situation. Any requirement that a teleworker continue to work if the Component closes should be included in the employee’s DD Form 2946.

Time and Attendance

Timecards must be coded to show time in a telework status. When using SLDCADA the type hour code will be RG and the environmental code will be one of the following:

  • Code TW for regular and recurring
  • Code TS for ad hoc basis
  • Code TM for telework days approved for medical reasons

Denial and Termination of Telework Agreements

Denial and termination decisions will be based on mission needs, to include ensuring adequate office coverage and suitability of both the person and position for telework. Either the supervisor or the employee may terminate the telework agreement. Supervisors should review the agency’s negotiated agreement(s) and Telework Policy to ensure decisions are in accordance with applicable requirements.

DD Form 2946: Telework Agreement  
DoD Instruction 1035.01: Telework Policy  
NAVMC 11670: Telework Agreement for Regular and Recurring Telework  
NAVMC 11671: Request for Approval of Ad Hoc Telework Arrangement  
NAVMC 11672: Safety Checklist  
Telework 101 for Managers  
Telework 101 for Employees  


Benefits of Telework
  • Promotes HQMC as a model employer
  • Provides greater employee flexibility
  • Can improve performance and productivity
  • Minimizes office distraction
  • Decreases need for extra desk space
  • Accommodates individuals with disabilities
  • Serves as a useful Reasonable Accommodation tool
  • Reduces personal costs associated with travel
  • Allows government services to continue during emergency situations or bad weather
  • Helps the government in its effort to “Go Green”