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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Organizational Development
The management analysts in ARHM serve as internal consultants for the Marine Corps organizations in the National Capital Region. Our analysts have a knowledge and understanding of HQMC and Marine Corps organizational structure, missions, programs, and organizational relationships, and our consulting services are provided free of charge. Areas of expertise include strategic planning, customer and climate surveys, process improvement, facilitated group decision making, and much more. 

Organizational Development (OD) projects typically place equal emphasis on solving immediate problems and the long-term development of a more effective organization. The Organizational Management and Development Section works with leaders and groups to improve organization effectiveness and productivity. OD specialists use a variety of data collection and analysis tools and techniques - such as facilitated group collaboration, interviews, observations, and assessment surveys - to diagnose organizational issues and recommend solutions.

Organizational Development services include (but are not limited to):

  • Organizational improvement Projects and Guidance
    • Executive Decision-Making
    • Strategic Planning
    • Climate Assessments
    • Facilitation
  • Special Event and Meeting Support
    • Critiques
    • Symposia

For more information or to request support, please contact the Section Head at 1-703-604-4619 or

OD Contact Us
NameSorted By Name In Ascending OrderPositionPhoneEmail Address
Brown, H. LesProgram Analyst, SWP
(703) 604-4464
Cefferillo, MeganProgram Analyst, SWP
(703) 604-4507
Chostner, StephenProgram Analyst, SWP
(703) 604-4634
Levanto, Brett FManagement Analyst
(703) 604-4635
Reasor, MeganSection Head, ARHM
(703) 604-4619
Rosinski, Edward K.IT Specialist (NSF-Arlington)
(703) 604-4288
(703) 784-0498

Organizational Development

Our Contact Information


Organizational and Workforce Management Section
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
Naval Support Facility (NSF) Arlington
Suite 2300
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2164

Telephone: (703) 604-2755
DSN: 664-2755
Fax: (703) 604-6662




Human Resources and Organizational Management Branch
Pentagon, Room 2C253
Washington, DC 20350

Telephone: (571) 256-9539
