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Activity Number:

A seven digit number that is related to the activity number associated with the investigation report.

Start Date Range:

This category allows the user to specify between what dates the investigation started. If both fields
are filled in, the search will only include results between the specified date range. If the leftmost
or minimum date is the only field filled in, the search will return any results from that day or the next.
If the rightmost or maximum date is the only field filled in, the search will return all results from that
day the previous day. If both fields are left blank, the search will not omit any results based on date.

Vessel Service:

This is a search based on the vessel service type. A drop down list is provided.

Involved Vessel:

The name of the vessel involved in the investigation report. You may search for a vessel by
entering all or part of the vessel's name. The system will search for vessel names beginning with the
characters you entered. The vessel name search supports wildcard searches (see below).

Involved Organization:

The name of an organization which was involved in the investigation report. You may search for
an organization by entering all or part of the organization’s name. The system will search for
organization names beginning with the characters you entered. The organization name search
supports wildcard searches (see below).

Involved Facility:

The name of a facility which was involved in the investigation report. You may search for a facility
by entering all or part of the facility's name. The system will search for facility names beginning with
the characters you entered. The facility name search supports wildcard searches (see below). 

General Keyword Search:

This is a general search of all text fields for a specified keyword. You may search for a general
keyword by entering all or part of the word. The system will search all text fields for words
beginning with the characters you entered. Wildcard searches (see below) are supported in the
keyword search.

Wildcard Characters:

Wildcard characters are automatically added to all text based searches. However, if you wish to
further refine your search you may use two wildcard characters. The underscore '_' character replaces
a single character. Example: J_pan searches for Japan, Jbpan, Jcpan and so on. The percent '%'
character can be used to replace any combination of characters. Example: Ja% would return both
Japan and Jacksonville.
Separator Line
Last Update:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013