To learn how to use ESPC ENABLE, take the Streamlining ESPCs for Small Sites First Thursday Seminar on demand.

Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) ENABLE provides a standardized and streamlined process for using ESPCs to implement energy efficiency and water conservation measures in Federal facilities smaller than 200,000 square feet. By using the ESPC ENABLE, these facilities can realize energy and water savings within six months.

Smaller Federal facilities receive the same benefits as larger facilities when using ESPC ENABLE. They include:

  • Zero upfront capital costs to the agency
  • Guaranteed energy cost savings sufficient to pay for the project
  • Measurement and verification components to ensure that energy savings are achieved
  • Energy conservation measures designed and installed by a qualified energy service company
  • Streamlined selection and acquisitions process
  • Standardized tools and contract templates to speed the award process and ensure a more consistent understanding of how to execute projects
  • Extensive project assistance and technical support from the Federal Energy Management Program, particularly in the pilot phase, to ensure project success.

More information on ESPC ENABLE is available in the Program Overview and the PowerPoint Briefing.

More Information

For questions about ESPC ENABLE, contact:

Ben Engleman