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Debt Management Services Logo

Debt Management Services

Common Questions:

FedDebt System Access

  1. Can a creditor agency FedDebt user hold multiple security roles?


    There are 3 user roletypes defined with FedDebt:

    1) DMS users;
    2) Creditor Agency (CA) users;
    3) Private Collection Agency (PCA) users.

    Each user has a single logon ID based upon their unique role in FedDebt and no user may have multiple roles within his/her roletype.

  2. Is there a limit to the number of users a creditor agency can request and obtain access for in FedDebt?

    No. There are no current limits established for creditor agency users. However, due to the time required to process security requests, DMS is encouraging agencies to limit access to 3 (three) key users for the initial implementation of FedDebt.

  3. Once FedDebt user ID’s and passwords are setup, will passwords expire? If so, how often must they be changed?

    Currently, FedDebt passwords will expire every 90 days. Addition of future applications, which may require the implementation of additional regulations and security could require FMS to alter this timeframe.

FedDebt Data Input

  1. Once a FedDebt creditor agency user logs into the system, why does the system require the user to identify the agency, bureau, office and program when you perform a search and create or edit a debt? The system should recognize me automatically from my logon and fill in some of these fields.

    When entering a new debt, the system requires all users (not just Creditor Agency users) to enter the Agency, Bureau, Office, and Program. However, when performing other functions, such as a simple search or entering a financial transaction, the system does not require the user to enter this information. For these types of transactions, FedDebt will perform a check to make sure the Case ID is within the appropriate Agency, Bureau, Office, and Program.

  2. What is the time out period if you cannot complete a transaction in one sitting?

    If a user remains inactive for a period of 15 (fifteen) minutes, FedDebt will automatically log the user out of the system. However, before this occurs, FedDebt will issue a warning that the user will be logged off within 2 minutes. This will enable the user to extend their session.

  3. When performing searches in FedDebt, could a user enter partial information in a field, such as a partial Agency Debt ID, and have the system search for the information? (Ex: a user could enter 200512*** and have the system look for all data with that prefix, even though the full number of characters may be missing).

    When performing searches in FedDebt, a user may enter certain partial information into specific fields. Text notes at the bottom of each screen indicate which field(s) will accept partial or "wildcard" information.

  4. Will FedDebt perform a cross check between zip codes, telephone area codes and state information to verify validity?

    No. FedDebt does not perform a cross check between zip codes, telephone area codes and state information for validity.

  5. How do you enter a foreign address, as far as state and zip code data?

    At this time, FedDebt is not structured to handle foreign addresses. Future enhancements will provide this ability.

FedDebt Processes and Procedures

  1. When creditor agencies create and submit new debts via FedDebt, will the creditor agency still needs to submit supporting documentation (CA demand letters, original invoices, etc.) to DMC?

    The FedDebt application does not require additional supporting documentation from the agencies when new debts are created. However, it may be necessary for DMS to contact specific creditor agencies to obtain additional documentation to support the debt.

  2. Once a recall request is made in FedDebt, how long will it take for the debt to be returned to the creditor agency?

    If the recall is by debt, the debt will be returned to the creditor agency (the debt location will change to "CA" in FedDebt) based upon business rules setup in FedDebt. Sometimes the debt will be recalled and returned immediately and other times a review of the debt state is needed prior to approving the recall. The Creditor Agency will be able to see that the return to agency (RTA) occurred online, once they have access. The Creditor Agency will also receive a file (Creditor Agency Debt Detail Extract File) once a week that will include all of the debts that were recalled in the previous week.

    If the recall is by debtor or case, the case will be closed either immediately of after review by Debt Management Services. Whether or not an RTA occurs will depend upon whether the recall closed the last open case on the debt. The Creditor Agency will receive the recall by debtor or case information in the weekly Creditor Agency Debt Detail Extract File or it may be viewed online, once the creditor agency gains access.

FedDebt Financials

  1. Will the creditor agency still receive faxes informing them of payments, offsets, and reversals or will there be a report that a creditor agency will need to run?

    The Cross-Servicing Division will no longer generate faxes to the creditor agencies when a payment, offset, or reversal occurs. The Creditor Agency will be notified of these transactions in the weekly Creditor Agency Financial Extract. In addition, the creditor agency will also be able to run the appropriate financial report containing financial information, once they have online access.

  2. For creditor agency adjustments, could additional fields be added to accommodate the need for additional reasons, like "adjustment due to valid documented defense"?

    Once the creditor agency has online access, they will be able to enter a financial transaction along with a note detailing a reason for the transaction. The current batch financial files do not contain fields for comments. If necessary, this could be considered as a future enhancement.

  3. Can a creditor agency download/export/save reports in other formats, like Microsoft Excel or Access?


  4. Will the creditor agencies be able to create customized reports?

    No. Creditor agencies will need to select from an existing list of predefined reports. At this time, creditor agencies cannot run ad hoc reports.

For additional questions pertaining to FedDebt, you can e-mail your questions to

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   Last Updated:  September 26, 2012

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