© 2011 Professional Women Controllers Inc.
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Benefits of Individual Membership

Support Training Encouragement & Camaraderie.

PWC Annual Training Conference

The PWC annual training conference provides personal and professional development opportunities for members at an affordable cost. Our registration fee is lower than many other aviation organizations and members are afforded excused absence when the FAA approves the training curriculum.

The WATCH, PWC’s Newsletter

PWC prepares and publishes a national newsletter, The WATCH, several times each year as well as quarterly regional articles. The regional articles are prepared by each regional director for his/her members. The national newsletters are professional, informative, and cover a wide range of topics. They are produced by our newsletter editor who is appointed bi-annually.


Each year PWC awards scholarships in two categories. One is for members and their families and the other is for women aspiring to become air traffic controllers. In the past few years, PWC has awarded over $7,500 in scholarships each year. The scholarship program has established guidelines and an application process.

Professional Development

There are many development opportunities for PWC members. Serving as an officer, particularly a regional director, can afford the opportunity to develop oral and written communication skills, organizational abilities and leadership characteristics. Volunteering for a committee, either as the chairperson or a committee member, can provide similar opportunities, particularly when involved with the conference committee. These skills can be very beneficial to the individual, the organization and the FAA.

Personal and Career Growth

Participating in training events and volunteering for positions in PWC offer opportunities for personal development as well as career development. PWC recognizes that each member has different personal as well as professional goals. Training conferences present a wide range of topics so as to appeal to all members. To enhance career growth, vacancy announcements are circulated among members when available.

Networking and Contacts

Each member has the opportunity to network with other PWC members, corporate members, and corporate sponsors at training conferences, PWC events and as a PWC representative at events sponsored by affiliated organizations.

Camaraderie and Support

PWC members have developed strong and long lasting friendships with others through membership in the organization. The benefit in this area extends to personal development as well as career progression.

Educational and Professional Resources

National and regional newsletters contain information and education on a variety of topics. Members are advised of resources when available. National and regional training conferences provide professional and timely training from certified instructors sanctioned by the FAA. Regional office personnel have provided instruction in such areas as developing KSAO.s and IDP.s, improving communication skills, and presentation of training courses such as “Managing Change” and “Violence in the Workplace”.

National Forum for Issues

PWC has the privilege of participating in employee forums with other employee associations. These are conducted with the FAA Administrator and the Director of Air Traffic and allow the associations the opportunity to address common issues at the national level.

Participation in National Workgroups

Our organization has been asked to participate in various national workgroups to provide guidance and input on technical issues. At this time, PWC is represented on the Air Traffic Procedures Action Committee (ATPAC) and is the only employee association invited to participate.

Good Value

The cost of membership in PWC is nominal. Each member can enjoy the many benefits and opportunities mentioned here for little out-of-pocket expense. Compared to many other organizations, PWC is a very good value for your money.