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There are five types of membership available in PWC:

Active Membership

Open to any air traffic control specialist in good standing with the specialist's employer. Membership dues are US$156.00 per year. ("Dues withholding" of US$6.00 per pay period is available for employees of the FAA.)

Associate Membership

Open to any person interested in the activities of the organization but ineligible to be an Active Member. This membership type has no voting privileges. Membership dues are US$78.00 per year. ("Dues withholding" of US$3.00 per pay period is available for employees of the FAA.)

Corporate Membership

Any group, business, or organization interested in the activities of the organization. Corporate membership dues are US$400.00 per year.

Student Membership

Open to any person who is enrolled as a student in a recognized institution of learning in an aviation related field of study and is not eligible for an Active Membership. Documentation verifying enrollment in full time or part time student status may be required. This membership has no voting privileges. Membership dues are US $30.00 per year. ("Dues withholding" not available.)

Alumnus Membership

Open to any member who has retired and has been an active member in good standing with the organization. Alumnus members must be charter members or have at least five (5) years of active membership. Members have full voting and membership privileges with the exception of holding an elective office. They may hold the position of appointed officer, program manager or committee chair. ("Dues withholding" not available.)