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Great Lakes Region

Connie Atlogovich - Great Lakes Regional Director

Connie served as the Great Lakes Regional Director from 1996-1999 and was recently re-elected to the position effective June 2011. Sbe graduated from Kent State University in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Management. A short time after graduation she began her career at Cleveland ARTCC in 1986 as an air traffic controller and have been a member of PWC since 1989. In 1992, Connie was selected as an Airspace and Procedures Specialist for two years. She was promoted to Frontline Manager in 1996. She served as the Great Lakes EEO counselor for two years. In 2010, Connie received a detail to Airspace Design Team for redesign of ZOB's airspace in conjunction with the NY/NJ/PHL plan and the Windsor/Toronto/Montreal plan. Connie is married and the mother of three children.

Member States

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigian, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio

Central Region Facilities

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