
The United States depends on science, technology and innovative engineering to not only protect the American people but to advance our national interests and to prepare us to meet the challenges of an uncertain future. Given today's globalized access to knowledge and the rapid pace of technology development, innovation, speed, and agility have taken on greater importance to DoD efforts.

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD(R&E)) provides S&T leadership throughout the Department of Defense; shaping strategic direction and strengthening the research and engineering coordination efforts to meet tomorrow's challenges.


A Two-Pronged Approach

Within the ASD(R&E), four offices are focused to provide leadership for the Department.  These offices include: Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E), Rapid Fielding (RF), Research, and Systems Engineering (SE). In addition, advisory and decision-making bodies within the ASD(R&E) include an Executive Committee (EXCOM), an associated Principals Committee, and appropriate advisory groups, made up of  leadership from the Department’s largest S&T organizations, policy and other related groups.  This two-pronged approach is intended to provide efficiencies and agility to the development and transition of science and engineering to warfighter capabilities.


Research and Engineering Imperatives

The ASD(R&E) enterprise is structured around four imperatives:

  1. Accelerate the delivery of technical capabilities to win the current fight;
  2. Prepare for an uncertain future;
  3. Reduce the cost, acquisition time, and risk of major defense acquisition programs; and
  4. Develop world class science, technology, engineering, and math capabilities for the DoD
    and the Nation.

ASD(R&E) by the Numbers



  • 67 DoD Labs across 22 states
  • 60,000 employees (more than half are degreed scientists & engineers)
  • 10 Federally Funded Research & Development Centers (FFRDCs)
  • 13 University Affiliated Research
    Centers (UARCs)
  • 10 Information Analysis Centers (IACs)


ASD (R&E) Offices

Naval Research Laboratory Office of Naval Research U.S. Air Force DARPA Force Health Protection & Readiness DTRA ASD(R&E) Army Research Laboratory Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics and Technology