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Application Review Process

After you successfully submit your application, it goes through the grant application review process, which generally consists of the following steps: application review, programmatic review (including peer review, if applicable), and financial review.

Applications are initially reviewed for registration information and completeness, ensuring that basic requirements, as described in the solicitation, are met.

If all basic requirements are met, the grant manager will then review the application to make sure the information presented is reasonable and understandable and that the activities proposed in the application are measurable, achievable, and consistent with program or legislative requirements as stated in the solicitation. The grant manager will also review the application to determine if it is responsive or non-responsive to the solicitation purpose areas.  For competitive discretionary solicitations, this next step may also include a peer review of the application. The results of this programmatic review are used in conjunction with other relevant factors to assess applications and make ultimate funding decisions.

Finally, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) conducts a financial review of all applications for discretionary awards. During this process, the fiscal integrity and financial capability of applicants is evaluated, proposed costs are examined, and a determination is made as to whether the budget and budget narrative accurately explain the project’s costs. The OCFO also determines whether these costs are reasonable, necessary, and allowable under applicable federal cost principles and agency regulations.