Tolling and Pricing Program
photos of highway traffic and toll booths
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About Tolling and Pricing

The Innovative Program Delivery is responsible for coordinating the Tolling and Pricing team activities. The Tolling and Pricing team is responsible for guiding individual States and jurisdictions that submit an Expression of Interest to the appropriate Federal tolling authority and to the appropriate technical approach to implement transportation pricing projects within the FHWA. The Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) program has been in operation for over ten years, and has successfully implemented a handful of innovative pricing project. The Tolling and Pricing Team was formed to:

  • Coordinate the different tolling and pricing programs and provisions within FHWA, and
  • Direct public authorities to the most appropriate program or provision among the many options available to meet their goals.

The Team serves as a clearinghouse to coordinate all tolling and pricing requests, but does not act to approve any requests. All approvals and program oversight rest with the Office of the Secretary of Transportation.

Additional Information

For additional information contact Deborah Brown:

Deborah Brown
FHWA Office of Innovative Program Delivery
1200 New Jersey Ave SW
FHWA-HIN, Room E84-313
Washington, DC 20590