History of the Army Logistics University

The origin of the U. S. Army Logistics University (ALU) was a 12-week Army Supply Management Course established on 1 July 1954 at Fort Lee, Virginia. The course was established as a Class II Activity of the Quartermaster General, but with direct control exercised by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) at the Department of the Army (DA) headquarters level Effective 1 May 1956, the U. S. Army Management Center (ALMC) was established at Fort Lee under the operational control of the DA DCSLOG, and shortly thereafter five new functional courses in management of requirements, procurement, distribution, maintenance, and property disposal were added to the curriculum. In September 1956, the ALMC curriculum was expanded to include correspondence courses and use of accredited instructors in off-campus modes. Logistics research and doctrine were added as ALMC missions in September 1958.

In July 1962, ALMC began operation of the Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange (DLSIE), a logistics research reference library. Operation of DLSIE was terminated in April 1998.

On 1 August 1962, ALMC was placed under the command of the U. S. Army Materiel Command (AMC). Under AMC, new emphasis was placed on instruction in management of research and development, acquisition management, and integration of all phases of the life cycle of materiel.

Army Logistician was established in 1969 by DA as the official magazine for Army logistics. Its mission was to publish timely, authoritative information on Army and Defense logistics plans, programs, policies, operations, procedures, and doctrine for the benefit of all Army personnel, provide a medium for disseminating and exchanging logistics news and information, and create a forum for Soldiers and DA civilians to express original, creative, innovative thought about logistics support.

In May 1971, ALMC absorbed courses previously taught by the Army ManagementSchool.

ALMC’s educational mission included the comprehensive professional development of military officers. In March 1973, DA approved establishment of two Cooperative Degree Programs between the ALMC and Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech). These cooperative programs use the instruction received during military programs to award transfer credit towards a masters degree.

The entire Master of Science in Logistics Management Degree Program is completed at Fort Lee, Virginia. The Master of Science degrees in Acquisition Contract Management, Materiel Acquisition Management, and Management may be taken either at Fort Lee or other sites.

On 7 January 1985, ALMC started operation of the Army Satellite Education Network (SEN), continuing its reputation for innovation. As part of a U. S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) reorganization, control of SEN was transferred to the U. S. Army Training Support Center in October 1992.

On 1 July 1985, ALMC assumed command of the Joint Military Packaging Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The following year, the center was renamed the ALMC School of Military Packaging Technology. In October 1997, the School of Military Packaging Technology was transferred to the command and control of the U. S. Army Ordnance Center and School.

A major milestone in the history of ALMC was its designation as the U. S. Army Logistics Management College in August 1987.

In the 1990s, ALMC operated through two schools, each offering specialized instruction in different functional areas. The School of Systems and Acquisition Management and the School of Logistics Science presented courses in logistics leader development, acquisition management, integrated logistics support planning, materiel management, and disposal operations management. They also offered courses in installation logistics management, environmental management, hazardous materials handling, financial management, decision risk analysis, and quantitative analytical techniques. In the new millennium ALMC expanded its offerings to include courses in multinational logistics, supply automation management, and intern development.

The Quartermaster School technical library was combined with the ALMC library in the 1990s.

On 1 October 1991, ALMC became a TRADOC school under the command of the U. S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and Fort Lee

In June 1992, ALMC began a program to prepare captains and first lieutenants in the aviation, medical, ordnance, quartermaster, and transportation branches to become branch company commanders or staff officers in multifunctional battalions. Renamed the Combined Logistics Captains Career (CLC3) Course in March 1999, it became ALMC’s pacer course.

On 1 August 1992, ALMC became an affiliate of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), a consortium of schools established to raise the level of professionalism of the Department of Defense (DOD) acquisition workforce. In March 2000 DAU reorganized into five regions. The DAU Fort Lee Center, although a separate organization, remained co-located at ALMC.

In the summer of 2001 ALMC began the process of seeking institutional accreditation from the Council on Occupational Education (COE). The resulting self-study afforded the ALMC staff and faculty the opportunity to objectively look at the college, its courses, and all aspects of care and support for its students. Formal accreditation status as a non-degree-granting occupational education institution was awarded by COE in September 2002. This accreditation was recognized by the U. S. Department of Education.

ALMC graduated over 30,200 students in FY 02.

The Multinational Logistics Course pilot class was conducted from 30 September to 4 October 2002. The course examined coalitions, alliances, multinational, and bilateral logistics operations, policies, and procedures and compared them to U. S. guidance. It was executive education for mid-level managers, both military and civilian, and was targeted to all services, across all components, and included international officers.

The Joint Course on Logistics (JCL) is a 2-week course focused on theater-level joint logistics operations by preparing military officers and civilians to function in assignments that involve joint logistics planning, inter-service, multinational logistics support, and joint logistics in a theater of operations.

In 2005, ALMC began the most substantial course revision undertaken since the JCL was first formed. The proponent for the course, the J4, Joint Chiefs of Staff, requested the course be changed to focus on a different audience – the logistics action officer at a geographic Combatant Command. The revised course centers on better preparing that action officer (who could be commissioned, noncommissioned, warrant or civilian) on what is typically their first assignment to a joint headquarters.

ALMC worked closely with individuals from the J4 as well as some individuals from LOGTECH, located at the University of North Carolina, to also incorporate some different teaching techniques including problem-based learning, a decreased emphasis on lecture, and an increased use of class participation, group projects, and student led discussion.

The Army Designated Logistician Program was co-developed by ALMC and SOLE – The International Society of Logistics. It provides three levels of recognition for military and civilian logisticians. The goals of the designation program are to provide a comprehensive path for recognizing the development of multifunctional logisticians, and to complement pre-existing educational programs and certifications.

Army National Logistics Curriculum (NLC) is an effort to develop a centrally managed and funded master’s degree program for U. S. Army military and civilian logistics professionals. To achieve this, ALMC will partner with some of the top graduate business colleges and universities in the country. The goal is to provide master’s degree-level multifunctional military logistics knowledge (provided by the Logistics Executive Development Course (LEDC)) and a Master’s Degree in Corporate Logistics (logistics, transportation, or supply chain management (SCM)). The ALMC Program Director administers the program and negotiates with the colleges and coordinates with both the Human Resources Command and the Logistics Proponency Office.

In June 2005, ALMC successfully transitioned the Logistics Transformation and Change Management Course (LTCMC) from The Pennsylvania State University. The course is now taught as a 1-week resident course geared toward process and product owner representatives, as well as individuals in supervisory, planning, and management positions at the GS-13/15 and O-4/6 levels. The course provides Army leaders an in-depth overview of past, present, and ongoing logistics transformation, logistics innovation and change management activities and strategies. The LTCMC is offered 3 times annually.

Two major changes were made to CLC3 during 2005. First, ALMC completely switched to teaching the Modular Force with the March class. This entailed changing every block in Phase 3 to reflect modular logistics and many of the blocks in Phase 1 to tailor company command instruction to modular logistics units. The second major change was to simultaneously implement incorporation of the TRADOC Common Teaching Scenario. This took extensive work to tailor it to meet logistic instructional needs to include modular combat service support (CSS). Other changes included piloting of 3 days of instruction in Phase 1 on the Battle Command Sustainment Support System, tailoring the course to concentrate on forward support companies, and overhauling the distribution management exercise to create a tactical logistics exercise.

ALMC also continued the great body of work to position the course for transformation to the new CASCOM model for CLC3 in FY06. Under the new model there are four phases: Phase 1 (common core distance learning), Phase 2 (ALMC), Phase 3 (branch schools), and Phase 4 (ALMC). Additional work was required to create two courses: a temporary duty course and a longer permanent change of station course.

TRADOC conducted an accreditation of CLC3 during the year. It culminated in a 1-5 August 05 visit. As a result, ALMC received full accreditation for the course.

Like CLC3, Support Operations Course (SOC) was totally redesigned to meet Modular Force requirements. SOC was also refined to focus more time on tactics, techniques, and procedures for actually running a support operations shop.

SOC personnel (along with help from the CSS Pre-Command Course Director) also worked on a Multifunctional Logistics Noncommissioned Officers Course (MLNOC). After developing draft lessons, the course was put on hold pending a review of requirements for an entire MLNOC Program.

U. S. Army Command and GeneralStaffCollege, Intermediate Level Education Program (CGSC ILE)

The U. S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) established a permanent ILE teaching team at Fort Lee in January 2006. The team was located in ALMC, and occupied eight instructor offices and four classrooms. The teaching team (Team 32) was able to teach a section of sixty-four students in four staff groups. The faculty consisted of one Team Leader and twelve instructors: four from the Center for Army Tactics (CTAC); four from the Department of Joint, Interagency, and Multinational Operations (DJIMO); two from the Department of Logistics and Resource Operations (DLRO); one from the Department of Command and Leadership (DCL); and one from the Department of Military History (DMH).

ILE Lee Class 06-001 arrived on 5 January 2006, and sixty-one students graduated on 19 April 2006. BG Mark Montjar, Deputy Commanding General of Cadet Command, was the graduation speaker. On 2 May 2006, Lee Class 06-002 arrived and thirty-nine students graduated on 16 August 2006. MG Roger Nadeau, the Commander of the Army Research Development and Engineering Command spoke at graduation. ILE Lee Class 06-003 arrived on 27 August 2006, and twenty-eight students graduated on 13 December 2006. MG David Rodriguez, Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, was the graduation speaker. LTG David Petraeus, the Commander of the Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, visited the team and addressed the students on 12 July and 31 October 2006. At the end of the year there were seven permanent faculty members on Team 32, and a total of 128 students had graduated from the CGSC-ILE core course.

School of Systems and Acquisition Management (SSAM).

Department of Systems Acquisition (DSA)

In March 2006, the DA Career Manager (DACM) reviewed the Army’s Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL). As a result of this review, ALMC lost four of its five MAPL positions. The remaining MAPL position is located at the Huntsville Campus and is filled by an officer with a contingency contracting background. The U. S. Army Acquisition Support Center converted one of their civilian spaces from Acquisition Logistics Specialist (0346) to Program Management Specialist (0301) and ALMC was transferred one civilian position (0301) to the Huntsville Campus in order to maintain essential faculty expertise in program management within the DSA.

In November 2006, the three-week Army Acquisition Intermediate Logistics Course (AAILC) was dropped due to the course sponsor’s decision to restructure the FA 51 Basic Qualification Course into two parts. The first part consists of the Army Acquisition Basic Course (AABC) and the second consists of the Army Acquisition Intermediate Contracting Course (AAICC). Previously, military students were divided between the intermediate contracting and logistics courses. With all future military having to take the intermediate contracting course, there was not sufficient demand remaining to sustain a separate course on intermediate logistics.

Systems Management Department (SMD)

On 5 May 2006 ALMC conducted its first Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) Course (CORC) by Blackboard for deployed CORs across the Iraq Theater (including Kuwait). ALMC coordinated with 3rd COSCOM (Chief of Contracting Oversight) to train 14 personnel in this “test” of blackboard training in a deployed environment. From 25-29 September 2006 ALMC conducted a second COR Blackboard course for deployed Soldiers. The class graduated 4 students from Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan. Both classes were a success.

Demand for CORC continued unabated. To resource this demand with more COR instructors, the courses comprising ALMC’s Army quality program were stood down and the instructor cross-trained to teach CORC. Several environmental courses from the SED met the same fate to create another CORC instructor. In both cases demand for courses in these specialty areas had diminished significantly over the past several years.

In December 2006, the Dean of the SSAMS announced that the SMD would be merged into the Department of Systems Acquisition on 1 January 2007. The consolidated department contained three committees -- the Legal and Contracting Support Committee, the Requirements and Capabilities Committee located at the Fort Lee campus, and the Functional Area 51 Committee located at the college’s satellite campus in Huntsville, Alabama.

Systems Acquisition Department (SAD) - ALMC was given responsibility for developing and presenting the Functional Area 51 Basic Qualification Course. The course proponent is the Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA ALT). The Functional Area 51 Basic Qualification Course consists of: Phase I Army Acquisition Basic Course, Phase II Army Acquisition Intermediate Logistics Course, or Army Acquisition Intermediate Contracting Course. The pilot offering of the Army Acquisition Intermediate Logistics Course was conducted in October 2005 at the ALMC Huntsville Campus.

Systems Engineering Department (SED) - In 2005, the ORSA curriculum had seen a steady growth of students in all courses to include Navy civilians and officers, Marine Corps officers and enlisted, Air Force civilians and officers. The department conducted two deployment courses providing FA49 officers with the tools and skills necessary to be successful analysts deployed forward or with selected Corps and Division Units. The scope was expanded beyond the Army to include classes developed especially for the Air Force and the Marine Corps.

The department built an Operations Research and Systems Analysis (ORSA) toolkit for the FA49 officers who will deploy into one of the 32 billets established in the UEx or UEy units. These billets were created through the efforts of the G8, who is also overseeing and funding the development of the ORSA toolkit.

The department has been instrumental in bringing funds into ALMC to help establish Blackboard as a backbone to our resident classes; to enhance our communications with the Operations Research community; and to build life long learners who associate their education with ALMC.

An agreement was established between the college and the U. S. Air Force that designated ALMC to become the primary future educator for Air Force OR analysts. The Air Force will send 60-70 students annually to the Operations Research/Systems Analysis Military Applications Course (ORSA MAC) starting in FY 2010. The course will be renamed ORSA JMAC to include the Joint aspect. The Air Force will also provide faculty to support the course.

The department assumed responsibility for conducting the Army’s Functional Area (FA) 49 Qualifications Course and taught the initial pilot offering at Fort Lee. This course is part 2 of ILE for military analysts and is MEL4 qualifying. Previous to its transfer to ALMC, the course was taught at Fort Leavenworth. Bringing the course to ALMC made the college the primary educator for Army OR analysts.

The department sought out Lean Six Sigma (LSS) training though the Navy program. Three faculty members underwent green belt and black belt training. With this training, the department introduced LSS concepts in various courses.

The department also coordinated for and planned the initiation in January 2007 of a civilian faculty greening program ICW TRAC-Lee.

International Military Student Office (IMSO).

During Calendar Year 2006, as mandated by the Joint Security Assistance Training (JSAT) Army Regulation 12-15, the IMSO conducted 37 Field Studies Program (FSP) tours for 175 international students who attended a variety of ALMC courses. These tours included seven 5-day Washington, DC FSP for the CLC3 and the LEDC; overnight tours to Baltimore, MD; Harpers Ferris, WV; Philadelphia, PA; Charlottesville/Luray, VA; and Nags Head, NC. IMSO conducted many local FSP tours to places of interest including Norfolk, Richmond, Yorktown, Jamestown, and Williamsburg, VA. Forty-nine countries were represented at ALMC courses. ALMC IMSO hosted the TRADOC Security Assistance Training Field Activity Northeast International Military Student Office Regional Review, 7-9 February 2006. Participants included representatives from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Meade, MD; Redstone Arsenal, AL; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH; Annville, PA; Charlottesville, Fort Monroe, Fort Belvoir, Fort Eustis, and Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, VA.

This review presented opportunities for the IMSOs to dialogue on similar problems that may arise in assisting our international students share experiences of others and most importantly a chance to learn from each other and other members of the Security Assistance Training Team.

The School of Logistics Science.

Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) Course Development - In January 2006, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) submitted a revised proposal to complete the ALMC effort started under Delivery Order 0064 in October 04. The LMP contract was modified and renewed to complete the two course development efforts and instructor train-up under new Delivery Order 0080. Total cost of the contract was $700K, funded by HQ AMC. Under Delivery Order 0080, ALMC instructors received two weeks of training from CSC, conducted 8-12 May 2006 and 31 July-4 August 2006. In August 2006, ALMC accepted for the Government the following two contractor-developed courses:

The LMP Fundamentals Course addresses an overview of the LMP solution, the four major business processes in LMP, and an overview of the LMP architecture. The course also provides a “big picture” understanding of supply chain management processes, enterprise resource planning, and Single Army Logistics Enterprise. Focus of the course is on processes internal to LMP, but includes discussion of legacy system bridges and interfaces for end-to-end process understanding.

The LMP Application Course reviews the four major business processes in LMP and includes a computer exercise simulation that allows the students to practice actual LMP transactions. The LMP Fundamentals Course is a prerequisite to this course.

Pilot offerings of the two LMP courses were scheduled for February 2007.

The Fundamentals of Defense Supply Chain Management (FDSCM) Course, was launched in August 2005. The course, designed to elevate distribution management education to the higher level and broader scope of supply chain management (SCM), has received raving approval from the more than 90 graduates in 2006. The class is offered quarterly and maintains excellent student fill rates.

SCM provides the framework for DOD’s logistics transformation, and, as such, a critical need for SCM training has become a priority for professional military and civilian logisticians within DOD. SCM integrates supply and demand management within and across activities through the flow of materials and services, information, and financials.

A presentation on the design and development of the FDSCM was presented to the Royal School of Logistics delegation during the 2006 Logistics Information Training Exchange (LITE) seminar and was a topic of continuing interest for the 2007 LITE seminar.

MG Stevenson, the CASCOM Commander, initiated a study of gaps in SCM education. The study was conducted by the RAND ArroyoCenter and began in October 2006. The study strategy included:

(1) A review of commercial career paths and professional development for SCM managers.

(2) A review of SCM attributes of Army officers who work in SCM positions. This effort includes identification of candidate position; selection of survey respondents; and data collection survey instruments.

(3) A review of historical examples of Army SCM problems from existing sources and eliciting recent examples from current ARMY SCM leaders. This effort includes strategies for categorizing recurring log problems and possible sources of such problems fairly.

(4) A review of academic and service offerings in SCM education, to include length of instruction, content, and methods; differences and similarities of commercial academic and military approaches to SCM education.

RAND timeline to complete the study and provide written findings was 4th quarter FY07.

To coincide with Army Logistics Transformation and continue its tradition of producing first-rate Army logisticians, ALMC replaced the LEDC with a new course, renamed the Theater Logistics Studies Program (TLog), to educate select logisticians who will become the Army’s joint, multinational, and multifunctional logistics problem-solvers at the operational level of war. TLog is conducted in small-groups similar to those used by the Army Command and General Staff College’s School of Advanced Military Studies, with the purpose of developing agile, innovative logisticians with the decision-analysis skills to solve complex operational logistics problems in an environment of ambiguity, uncertainty and risk. The instructional methodology is designed to create an intense logistics study/hands-on experience targeted for senior captains and majors, with graduates targeted for key positions in the support operations and planning shops in our Theater Sustainment Commands, Expeditionary Sustainment Commands, and Sustainment Brigades. Development of the 19-week TLog pilot began in Summer 2006. The initial course offering began August 2007 with three small-group seminars.

Introduction to Army Logistics (ITAL). ITAL is a Distributed Learning (dL) course that replaced the classroom-based Army Logistics Introductory Course (ALIC). Although the content of the new the course remains the same as for ALIC, the mode of instruction is a high level interactive, forum-based online learning experience.

Defense Regional Interservice Support (DRIS) Course. DRIS had been transformed into a dL course that replaced the classroom-based version. Although the content of the new course remains the same, the mode of instruction is a high level interactive, forum-based online learning experience.

The CLC3 continued to transform during 2006. Development work and implementation of the 3Q06 model of CLC3 that resulted from the TRADOC June 04 OPORD to transform the course was completed. This extended the course by six days. It included a combined arms exercise as well as completion of the implementation of training the mandatory tasks received when the Combined Arms Staff Service School (CAS3) was abolished. This transformation was coordinated with all schools, input into the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT), and executed beginning in April 06. In addition, 63 Battle Command Sustainment Support System (BCS3) computers, as well as two contracted BCS3 training developers/instructors were received. These assets allowed full implementation of the 3 days of operator training in Phase 2. In January 06, direction was received from HQ, TRADOC to expand all captains career courses to between 20 and 21 weeks. ALMC staff coordinated with the logistics schools, came up with a plan, received approval from the CASCOM Commander, entered the data into ASAT, and began teaching the revised course in October 06.

In July 06, a request was received from the CASCOM Commander to examine the feasibility of adding a module of instruction on agile leadership. Additional time was sought to add the full recommended block of instruction on cultural understanding, as well as a new block on counterinsurgency operations. In working with the branch schools, a plan was developed to reorganize the course, resequence the phases, and move time from the branch schools to ALMC. The plan was approved in August 06 by the CG and the branch school Commandants for implementation in February 07.

The SOC was redesigned in two major ways. First, the distance learning Phase 1 was totally revised by transforming it to modular logistics and restructuring the format of the course. In addition, modules were added to Phase 2 on the actual day-to-day running of a support operations section.

As part of the Integrated Concepts Team (ICT) for the Logistics Corps, an analysis was performed of the new Basic Officer Leadership Courses at the branch schools. Findings were presented to the ICT in July 06.

ALMC served all branches of military service, the Defense Logistics Agency, other U. S. Government agencies, and international officers. It is known throughout the Department of Defense for the excellence of its endeavors. The faculty and staff of ALMC took pride in the history and achievements of the College.


As part of the restructuring of the TRADOC school system, ALMC was reorganized as the Army Logistics University.

The new Army Logistics University, or ALU, is home to three colleges and an Academy for military and civilian logistics leaders.

The Logistics Leader College (LLC) conducts professional military education for officers ranging from lieutenants through colonels. The Basic Officer Leader Course for quartermaster, ordnance, and transportation lieutenants, the CLC3, key functional courses such as the highly demanded Support Operations Course, and pre-command courses preparing lieutenant colonels and colonels for command of logistics formations, are all conducted by the LLC.

The College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) (formerly ALMC) conducts functional education and training of military and civilian students in the areas of joint, multinational, operational, and strategic level logistics; ORSA for the Army’s officers and civilian interns entering the ORSA career field; and acquisition and contracting for both acquisition career field officers and civilians, and non-contracting professionals in the area of operational contracting support. The array of courses offered at the college include the new TLog Program, which prepares officers and civilians for planning positions at the operational level in sustainment formations, to the Intern Logistics Studies Program (iLog), which prepares high-GPA civilian interns for future leadership positions in Army logistics.

The Technical Logistics College conducts professional military education for quartermaster, ordnance and transportation warrant officers at the basic and advanced levels. Warrant officers serve as the Army’s technical sustainment experts in the field and thus require highly specialized and detailed education and training.

Instruction at the newly established Consolidated Logistics Non-Commissioned Officer Academy include professional military education for all quartermaster, ordnance and transportation non-commissioned officers at the staff-sergeant and sergeant first class levels attending their advanced and senior leader courses. As logistics branches make up between 30 and 40 percent of the Army’s enlisted forces, this sustainment training for the NCO backbone of the Army keeps America’s Army supplied and maintained on time, every time!

International Military Students from over 60 countries will train at the ALU. ALU is also expanding its outreach efforts through partnering with many civilian universities for both graduate and undergraduate programs of study in the areas of logistics management, acquisition and contract management, disaster relief, supply chain management, operations research, and business.

ALU’s extensive list of courses is available at the following website: http://www. alu. army. mil.

On 2 July 2009, history unfolded as the ALU, a composite campus for Army and DOD logistics leader education, opened its doors. The occasion was marked by an impressive ribbon-cutting event. An audience in the hundreds heard Congressman Randy Forbes and the Deputy Commanding General of TRADOC, Lieutenant General David Valcourt, talk proudly about Fort Lee’s evolution as the logistics capital of the world. This “state of the art” learning center provides professional military education, civilian education, and joint, multinational, and interagency education supporting America’s Army logistics leaders of today and tomorrow!

ALU is a beautifully landscaped walkable campus. The university building, with its striking exterior and interior design, provides 200 multi-use, reconfigurable classrooms that facilitate web-based teleconferencing, symposiums, and conferences. ALU has the ability to train 40,000 students annually. Nine conference rooms accommodate ALU staff and faculty meetings and conferences. Classroom technologies include interactive whiteboards and instructor-controlled work-stations that can interface with student computers. ALU’s classrooms accommodate small groups of up to 20 and can be reconfigured to support up to 48 students.  Twenty computer and Army support system laboratories allow students to train on modern Army systems. Cameras in each classroom have capabilities to project people or presentations globally. ALU students have the benefit of a variety of food options, a mini-retail store and bookstore, and a full-service barber shop. Plans for the near future call for adding lodging and dining facilities and a full-service gymnasium and running trail, all within walking distance of the academic buildings.

An impressive 2-story, 18,000-square foot Army Logistics Research Library will consolidate collections from the Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation Schools, as well as the CPCE. A community library, colocated with the ALU Research Library, contains leisure reading materials for students and residents of Fort Lee and the surrounding communities. Its 60 public access workstations, student study areas, and small team rooms make the ALU library a destination location.

ALU is home to the Army Sustainment professional bulletin, which replaced Army Logistician in the fall of 2009. The bulletin is a primary source of information on past, present, and future sustainment trends, initiatives, and operations for military and civilian sustainers around the world.

A new feature of the ALU campus is the Sustainment Center of Excellence Simulation and Training Center (STC). The STC supports the ALU education programs as well as collective sustainment training exercises.

The ALU is indeed the source for logistics leader training, education and information for America’s military sustainers. Senior leaders throughout the military community will use ALU as their logistics think tank and launching pad.

In summary, the ALU provides premier sustainment leader education and training, now and into the future!

The following table illustrates the enormous growth experienced as a result of the evolution of ALU:

Comparison of ALMC and ALU







Average Students/Day



Number of Courses   (resident, onsite, dL)






Facilities (sq. ft. )



Degrees Granted


Masters, Bachelors, Associates




Click here for the CY 2009 ALU Historical Report.

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