National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Stewardship Issues in the NERRS
SC Issues
  Three inter-related issues that reserve stewardship strategies respond to include water quality, changes in biological communities and habitat loss. Click above to learn how reserves address these issues.  
Water Quality Habitat Alteration Changes in Biological Communities
     A core mission of the Reserves is to protect and conserve the more than 1.3 million acres of coastal and estuarine habitat within reserves and to facilitate improved stewardship of coastal habitats outside reserve boundaries. The Reserve System's stewardship approach uses the best available science to maintain and restore healthy, productive and resilient ecosystems, and disseminates information to regional and national stakeholders. Site-based stewardship strategies assess and respond to threats from coastal development, human use of reserve resources, climate change, and invasive species.     
NERRS Reserve Map
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