Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


ECIS-I2CNER: Hydrogen Infrastructure Research Aids Energy Independence Goal

Sandia National Laboratories’ unique experimental capabilities to quantify the effects of hydrogen on structural materials at high pressures are one of the reasons it was chosen to be a part of the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER). I2CNER is an international consortium established in Japan in 2007 with a main objective to develop [...]

ECIS-Automotive Fuel Cell Corporation: Hydrocarbon Membrane Fuels the Success of Future Generation Vehicles

At Sandia National Laboratories, researcher Cy Fujimoto, in partnership with Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation (AFCC), is developing a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) that can operate optimally with minimum on-board humidification and low gas crossover. Current fuel cell vehicles run optimally when the air and hydrogen fuel is humidified, which requires high pressures and additional systems [...]

ECIS and UOP (a Honewell Company): CSTs Clean Radioactive Waste in Fukushima and Worldwide

Radiation waste cleanup was in the public eye this year following the huge earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan. Sandia National Laboratories has a history of helping to solve challenging problems related to radioactive waste cleanup as part of the long-term effort to remediate radioactive waste at both government sites and nuclear power plants. Sandia [...]

ECIS-Veeco: Research Driving Down the Costs of Efficient LED Lighting

Solid state lighting (SSL), which uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs), has the potential to be 10 times more energy efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs. Currently, 20% of U.S. energy use powers lighting. SSL technology can potentially significantly cut U.S. lighting energy use, reducing electricity consumption for lighting by one-fourth. That’s why since 2003, the Department [...]

Sandia and General Motors: Advancing Clean Combustion Engines with Predictive Simulation Tools

On February 14, 2013, in CRF, Energy, Partnership, Transportation Energy

Sandia National Laboratories has been working with General Motors (GM) for over 30 years. In the last few years, this partnership has become a strategic alliance, which includes a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA), making it easier for the partners to work together. Our parthership’s research focus areas include systems modeling for energy, infrastructure, [...]

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