National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Key Partners
The Coastal Training Program has developed an array of partnerships that both support the goals and objectives of the program and make sense to the individual reserve programs. Some of the key partners are:
  • State Sea Grant Programs are inherent CTP partners and a required member of a CTP advisory group or its equivalent.  As a key University-based NOAA training and extension capability, Sea Grant and Reserve CTP often partner to host workshops,events and trainings.  Sea Grant's technical expertise around specific issues complement CTP's collaborative relationships with communities and decision-makers both within and outside of the local watershed where NERRs are found.
  • State Coastal Programs are inherent CTP partners and required representatives on a Reserve CTP advisory group or its equivalent.   State Coastal Programs provide a key link to the coastal management community.  They are also often partners or hosts for workshops, events, and trainings.
  • NOAA's Coastal Services Center has a long-standing cooperative relationship with the CTP that includes partnering on many initiatives, such as site characterizations, development of GIS capabilities at the reserves, and data development and standards, as well as training for coastal decision makers.  Both programs complement each other in addressing the needs of coastal decision makers.  The Center responds to national needs by developing trainings and training materials for decision-maker at the national level and then working with local entities, such as the Reserve CTPs, to implement the training.  In an example of the collaboration between a CTP and the Center, the Center's partnership with the ACE Basin CTP indicates was instrumental in supporting informed decisions about important coastal issues on Edisto Island, S.C.
  • Local Partners are based on the geographic area CTP operates in or the audiences being targeted. Individual Reserve partners may include local universities and researchers, professional organizations, local government agencies, non-profi t organizations, and a variety of others with expertise, skills, training sites, and logistical support.
  • Internal Reserve Partners include research, education, and stewardship coordinators who all have a vital role to play in bridging the gap between the current knowledge and attitudes of coastal decision makers and the most relevant and up to date science available. The Reserve System is unique as a training provider because science generated or compiled by staff at the site can be used to meet issue-specific training needs of local and regional coastal decision makers.
Each partner stands to benefit from coordinating efforts to identify key coastal management issues and relevant audiences, and efficiently using available resources to implement effective coastal decisionmaker training. Coordination among partners reduces duplicative efforts and enhances the training experience for targeted audiences.

Last Updated on: Friday, October 23, 2009
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