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Delegations Documents

Delegation Order No. 00-001.00 to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-001.00A to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-001.00B to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-001.00C to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-001.00D to the Deputy Secretary
Redelegation Order No. 00-001.01A to the Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration
Redelegation Order No. 00-001.02 to the Administrator of the Southeastern Power Administration
Redelegation Order No. 00.001.03 to the Administrator of the Southwestern Power Administration
Redelegation Order No. 00-001.04 to the Administrator of the Western Area Power Administration
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00L to the Under Secretary
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01E to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.03B to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.04E to the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.05C to the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.06C to the Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.10C to the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
Delegation Order No. 0204-15 to the Deputy Secretary
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.11 to the Director of the Office of Legacy Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-17 to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 0204-27 to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 0204-11 to the Deputy Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-003.00B to the Under Secretary for Nuclear Security
Delegation Order No. 0204-85 to Officials within the Department of Energy Possessing Rulemaking Authority
Delegation Order No. 0204-128 to the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Energy Emergencies
Delegation Order No. 0204-84 to the Deputy Secretary of Energy and the Under Secretary of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration Designation of Authority and Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-003.01C to the Director, Office of Acquisition Management
Delegation Order No. 00-004.00A to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 00-005.00 to the Executive Director of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
Delegation Order No. 00-002.06A to the Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Delegation Order No. 00-007.00 to the Director of Counterintelligence
Delegation Order No. 0204-156 to Designated Officials within the Department
Delegation Order No. 0204-168 to the Director of Counterintelligence
Delegation Order No. 00-004.00 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-1 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-1 Amendment No 1 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-105 to the Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-110 Rescission of Delegation to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-112 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 00-031.00A to the Chief Information Officer
Delegation Order No. 0204-136 the Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 033.00B to the Administrator and Chief Executive Officer, Bonneville Power Administration
Delegation Order No. 00-035.00 to the Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration
Delegation Order No. 0204-166 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 00-036.00 to the Administrator, Western Area Power Administration
Delegation Order No. 00-037.00 to the Deputy Secretary; Administrators of the Southeastern, Southwestern and Western Area Power Administrations; and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No 00-038.00A to the Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency--Energy
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Project Manager of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Management Office
Delegation Order No. 00-039.00A to Heads of Departmental Headquarters Elements
Delegation Order No. 0204-170 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Deputy Director, Field Operations, Office of Science
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Senior Realty Officer, Department of Energy
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Realty Specialist, Office of Engineering and Construction Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-163 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Acquisition and Contract Management, Office of Environmental Management
Re-Delegation of Authority Order No. 00-011.01 to the Acting Director, Office of Legacy Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-8 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Re-Delegation Order No. 00-011.01 to the Director of the Office of Engineering and Construction Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-14 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Re-Delegation Order No. 00-011.02 to the Director, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-18 to the Assistant Secretary for Resource Applications
[Note: This delegation is also numbered 00-008.18]
Re-Delegation Order No. 00-011.03 to the Director, Office of Information Resources
Designation Order 00-011.03-01 to Jerry Hanley
Designation Order 00-011.03-02 to Alexander Morris
Delegation Order No. 00-011.00A to the Director of the Office of Management
Delegation Order No. 0204-55 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Delegation Order No. 0204-146 to the Director of Intelligence
Redelegation Order No. 00-008.06 to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management
Delegation Order No. 00-000-012.00 to Administrator, Energy Information Administration
Delegation Order No. 00-013.00B to the Chief Financial Officer
Redelegation Order No. 00-001.01 to the Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00 to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Redelegation Order No. 00-013.01 to the Director, Loan Guarantee Program
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00A to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00B to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Delegation Order No. 00-013.02 to the Director, Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00C to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Delegation Order No. 00-014.00A to the Executive Director, Office of Loan Programs
Redelegation Order No. 00-014.01 to the Director, Loan Guarantee Program
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00D to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00E to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment
Redelegation Order No. 00-014.02 the Director, Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00F to the Under Secretary
Redelegation Order No. 00-014.03 to the Chief Operating Office, Loan Programs Office
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00G to the Under Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00H to the Under Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00I to the Under Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-015.00B to the General Counsel
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00J to the Under Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-002.00K to the Under Secretary
Delegation Order No. 00-016.00 to the Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01 to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01B to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-016.00-01 to the Expert Advisor and Principal Coordinator of Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Appeals of the Office of Hearings and Appeals
Delegation Order No. 00-017.00 to the Board of Contract Appeals and to the Chair, Board of Contract Appeals
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01A to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01C to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Delegation Order No. 00-018.00 to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.01D to the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Redelegation Order No. 00-002.02 to the Director of the Office of Science
Delegation Order No. 00-019.00 to the Inspector General
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For more information about Secretarial Delegations of Authority, please contact LaVerne Fuller (MA-90) at  (202) 586-1996 or Gail Cephas at (202) 586-1049.