Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)




Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continue to pose a significant threat both to the homeland and U.S. interests overseas. Pursuing this mission requires advancing detection and attribution capabilities across the spectrum of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high yield explosives (CBRNE). A comprehensive WMD defeat program requires U.S. Armed Forces be able to detect and interdict WMD before deployment and attribute the source of WMD material in the event of use.


Though we face a host of practical and scientific challenges to long-range WMD detection, the Department is pursuing a number of promising technologies to improve detection, to defeat WMD employment, and to conduct forensic analysis to implement the national strategy for combating WMD. Detectors based on nanotechnology, which can increase sensitivity to detection, and advances in our understanding of nuclear phenomenology exemplify the progress DoD research is making toward countering the WMD threat. In addition, the Department's Counter WMD research initiatives seek to harness enabling technology in crosscutting fields such as persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; data to decision tools; and global situational awareness.

S&T Emphasis Area Resources

Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction S&T Roadmap
Posted 11/11/2011

Current Solicitations
Updated 10/1/2012







< Naval Research Laboratory Office of Naval Research U.S. Air Force DARPA Force Health Protection & Readiness DTRA ASD(R&E) Army Research Laboratory Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics and Technology