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Americans Use Many Types of Energy

Petroleum (oil) is the largest share of U.S. primary energy consumption, followed by natural gas, coal, nuclear electric power, and renewable energy (including hydropower, wood, biofuels, biomass waste, wind, geothermal, and solar). Electricity is a secondary energy source that is generated from these primary forms of energy.

Energy sources are commonly measured in different physical units: barrels of oil, cubic feet of natural gas, tons of coal, kilowatthours of electricity. In the United States, British thermal units (Btu), a measure of heat energy, is a commonly used unit for comparing different types of energy. In 2011, U.S. primary energy use was about 98 quadrillion (=1015, or one thousand trillion) Btu.

The major energy users are residential and commercial buildings, industry, transportation, and electric power generators. The pattern of fuel use varies widely by sector. For example, oil provides 93% of the energy used for transportation, but only 1% of the energy used to generate electric power. Learn more about the Use of Energy in the United States.

Domestic Energy Production Meets about 80% of U.S. Energy Demand

In 2011, energy produced in the United States provided about 80% of the nation's energy needs. The remainder of our energy was supplied mainly by imports of petroleum.

The three major fossil fuels — petroleum, natural gas, and coal — account for most of the nation's energy production. The breakout of total U.S. energy production in 2011 was:

The Mix of U.S. Energy Production Changes

The nation's overall energy history is one of significant change as new forms of energy were developed. The three major fossil fuels — petroleum, natural gas, and coal — have dominated the U.S. energy mix for over 100 years. Energy Perspectives provides insights into changing energy production and consumption patterns since 1949. Recent changes in U.S. energy production include:

  • The share of coal produced from surface mines increased significantly: from 25% in 1949 to 51% in 1971 to 68% in 2011. The remaining share was produced from underground mines.

  • In 2011, natural gas production exceeded coal production for the first time since 1981. More efficient, cost-effective drilling techniques, notably in the production of natural gas from shale formations, led to increased natural gas production in recent years.

  • Although total U.S. crude oil production has generally decreased each year since it peaked in 1970, it increased by 3% in 2010 from 2009, and about 4% in 2011 from 2010. These increases were led by escalating horizontal drilling and and hydraulic fracturing, notably in the North Dakota section of the Bakken formation.

  • Natural gas plant liquids (NGPL) are hydrocarbons that are separated as liquids from natural gas at processing plants and are important ingredients for manufacturing plastics and gasoline. Propane is the only NGPL that is widely used for heating and cooking. Production of NGPL fluctuates with natural gas production, but their share of total U.S. petroleum field production increased from 8% in 1950 to 28% in 2011.

  • In 2011, total renewable energy consumption and production reached all-time highs of 9 quadrillion Btu each; due mainly to relatively high hydroelectric power generation and continuing increases in biofuels use and wind power generation. In 2011, biofuels production was about 9 times greater than in 2000, and wind generation was about 20 times greater than in 2000.

Last Updated: October 15, 2012

Imports Fill the Gap between U.S. Energy Use and Production

The United States is one of the largest energy importers in the world. The nation was self-sufficient in energy until the late 1950s when energy consumption began to outpace domestic production. At that point, the United States began to import more energy to fill the gap. Net energy imports (imports minus exports) peaked in 2005. Since that time imports have declined while exports have increased. In 2011, net imported energy accounted for 19% of all energy consumed.

Net imports or exports reflect the difference between the total amount imported and the total amount exported. The United States is normally a net importer of crude oil and a net exporter of coal.

Petroleum Is the Major Imported Fuel

Most of the nation's energy imports are in the form of crude oil. For many years, the United States has been a net exporter of coal. In 2011, the United States exported more petroleum products, on an annual basis, than it imported for the first time since 1949.

Last Updated: May 21, 2012

U.S. Total Energy Statistics

Data for 2011 except where noted

Total Primary Energy Production 78.0 quadrillion Btu
  • Coal
  • Gas
  • Oil (includes Natural Gas Plant Liquids)
  • Nuclear
  • Renewable
  • 28%
  • 30%
  • 19%
  • 11%
  • 12%
Total Consumption 97.5 quadrillion Btu
    By source
  • Oil
  • Gas
  • Coal
  • Nuclear
  • Renewable

  • By sector
  • Residential & Commercial
  • Transportation
  • Industrial

  • 36%
  • 25%
  • 20%
  •   8%
  •   9%

  • 41%
  • 28%
  • 31%
Energy Consumption-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions 5,510 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
  • Residential & Commercial
  • Transportation
  • Industrial
  • 39%
  • 33%
  • 27%
Energy Consumption/GDP Ratio
  • 2011
  • 1980
  •   7.31 thousand Btu per 2005 dollar
  • 13.38 thousand Btu per 2005 dollar
Number of Households (2009) 113.6 million

Heated by: (2009)

  • Natural Gas
  • Electricity
  • Oil
  • Propane
  • Wood
  • Other
  • Do not have or use heating


  • 49%
  • 34%
  •   6%
  •   5%
  •   2%
  •   1%
  •   3%

More Statistics for Each Energy Source

World Energy Statistics

Data shown below is the latest available as of 12/14/2012:

World Energy Consumption by Fuel, 2008
505 quadrillion Btu
  • Liquid1
  • Coal
  • Natural Gas
  • Nuclear
  • Other2
  • 35%
  • 28%
  • 23%
  •   5%
  • 10%
1Liquids from biomass, crude oil, coal, and natural gas.
2Biomass, geothermal, hydropower, wind, and solar and other miscellaneous
World Energy Consumption, 2009
483 quadrillion Btu

By Top Five Countries

  • United States
  • China
  • Russia
  • India
  • Japan


  • 20%
  • 19%
  •   6%
  •   4%
  •   4%
Per Capita Consumption of Selected Countries, 2009
  • United States
  • Russia
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • China
  • 308 million Btu
  • 191 million Btu
  • 163 million Btu
  • 162 million Btu
  •   68 million Btu
Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2010 31,780 million metric tons

By Top Five Emitters

  • China
  • United States
  • Europe
  • India
  • Russia


  • 26%
  • 18%
  • 14%
  •   5%
  •   5%

Last Updated: December 20, 2012