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Landsat Missions

Landsat Science Team, 2006-2011

The members listed below served from 2006 to 2011, meeting twice each year. The meeting agendas and presentations can be found on the Team Meetings page.

The team was instrumental in the following major developments, which impacted Landsat data use and the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM):

  1. Contributed to the opening of the Landsat archive, making Landsat data free for download for all users.
  2. Provided proactive advocacy for restoration of thermal requirements on LDCM.
  3. Recommended and encouraged the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC).
  4. Advocated for future satellite missions.
  5. Established a foundation for higher level data products.
  6. Developed methodologies for using large volumes of Landsat data for long-term and/or broad-area studies.
  7. Published over 400 Landsat-related items.
Landsat Science Team, 2006-2011
Landsat Science Team, 2006-2011. Front Row, l-r: Alan Belward, Jeff Masek, John Dwyer, Prasad Thenkabail , Eric Vermote, Rama Nemani, Martha Anderson, Eileen Helmer, John Schott, Susan Maxwell. Back Row, l-r: Richard Allen, Michael Wulder, Bill Ochs, Warren Cohen, Curtis Woodcock, Chris Justice, Randy Wynne, Robert Bindschadler, Tom Loveland, Dennis Helder, James Vogelmann, Darrell Williams, Sam Goward, David Aaron, Lazaros Oeropoulos, Jim Irons, Feng Gao.

Richard Allen, University of Idaho
Martha Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Center
Robert Bindschadler, NASA Goddard
Warren Cohen, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
Feng Gao, Earth Resources Technology
Sam Goward, University of Maryland
Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University
Eileen Helmer, USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry
Rama Nemani, NASA Ames Research Center
Lazaros Oreopoulos, University of Maryland -Baltimore County
John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology
Prasad Thenkabail, U.S. Geological Survey (formerly with the International Water Management Institute)
Eric Vermote, University of Maryland
James Vogelmann, SAIC, USGS EROS
Curtis Woodcock, Boston University
Michael Wulder, Canadian Forest Service
Randolph Wynne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

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