Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)

Location: 2H-10
Phone: (706) 787-4801

IAW AR 635-40, paragraph 7-4, members maintained on the TDRL must undergo a periodic medical examination and Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) at least once every 18 months to decide whether a change has occurred in the disability for which the soldier was temporarily retired.


The mission of the TDRL section is to act as liaison between the TDRL member (to include Army, Navy, and Marine), and the Physical Evaluation Board. It is our responsibility to ensure that the member is promptly notified of pending medical examination appointments and that they respond to these notifications. There is special emphasis placed on the physicians in order to ensure that the soldiers report is completed and processed in a timely manner. At present, the TDRL office is servicing approximately 300 TDRL members