Group Alumni

The Plant Genomics Group is proud of the scientific and technical staff, and students, who have worked with us over the years and then, for various reasons, have moved on to new opportunities. Our list of distinguished staff and student alumni include:

Alina Campbell

University of Tennessee Graduate Student


PhD Candidate - University of Florida

Alyssa Deleon

Student Intern


Graduate School - Purdue

Abhijit Karve

Abhijit Karve

Postdoctoral Researcher 2010-2012


Brook Haven National Laboratory

Alex Meyers

2009 HERE Intern


Tennessee Tech

Laura Rochford

2009 HERE Intern

B.S. Biology, William and Mary College, 2009

Maya Strahl

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
Higher Education and Research Experience (HERE) Intern

Poornmia Sukumar

Poonima Sukumar

Postdoctoral Research Associate 2010-2012

Chuyu Ye

Chuyu Ye

Post Masters Research Associate

Tongming Yin

2005 - 2009 R&D Staff Scientist
2002 - 2004 Post Doctoral Research Associate

Xinye Zhang

2008 - 2009 Post Doctoral Research Associate