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At-Risk / Special Needs Populations


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Managing At-Risk / Special Needs Populations - General

  • At-risk / special needs populations require special attention during a radiation incident.
  • Health care providers must identify and respect their needs and respond appropriately to them, considering the resources available.
  • Selected issues particularly relevant to radiation incidents are discussed below

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  • Bone marrow reserve diminishes with age
    • Predisposition to anemia
    • Predisposition to infection
    • Predisposition to bleeding
  • May have increased risk of bleeding due to medications, poor diet, or other factors
  • Increasing number of co-existing diseases and conditions may be associated with
    • Inability to tolerate certain drugs
    • Lesser ability to tolerate aggressive salvage treatments, such as stem cell transplant for treatment of Acute Radiation Syndrome
    • Cognitive issues may need to be addressed


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  • Whole body radiation exposure will exacerbate pre-existing diminished immune functions.
  • Countermeasures (e.g., myeloid cytokines) used to enhance blood cell production may be less effective.
  • Affected individuals are more susceptible to infection.
  • These individuals usually require leuko-reduced, irradiated blood.
  • May not be able to tolerate radiation-induced prolonged pancytopenia or stem cell transplant due to underlying condition (e.g., cancer, congenital or acquired immune deficiency).

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Infants and Young Children

Policy Issues

Radiation Incidents and Children


Video: Decontamination of Infants and Children (HHS/AHRQ, Children's Hospital Boston)
(Watch video Watch video)

  • Decontamination of Children (HHS/AHRQ) provides a step-by-step decontamination demonstration in real time, and trains clinicians about the nuances of treating infants and children, who require special attention during decontamination.
    • For example, children may be frightened not only by the emergency situation itself, but also by the decontamination process as well.
    • Decontamination of children also takes longer than decontamination of adults.
  • Video focuses on chemical decontamination, but radiation decontamination is similar.
  • Some of the differences between chemical and radiation decontamination include:
  • Video, available for free, is produced by Children's Hospital of Boston with funding from HHS/AHRQ.

Mass Casualty Triage in Children

General Principles of Radiation Safety Are the Same as in Adults

  • Minimize time child is exposed to radiation source
  • Maximize child's distance from the radiation source
  • Maximize the shielding between the source and the child

Special Vulnerabilities of Children

  • Unique anatomy and physiology of children (adapted from Pediatric Disaster and Terrorism Preparedness, by David Markenson, M.D. (PowerPoint® - 1135 KB) (Text version))
    • Increased surface area/volume ratio
      • More absorptive surface
      • More susceptible to volume loss
    • Increased breathing rate
    • Shorter stature: lower breathing zone, closer to ground contamination
    • Enhanced transdermal absorption: thinner, underkeritinized epidermis
    • Immature blood brain barrier
    • Greater propensity to dehydration and shock
    • Psychological immaturity, dependent, more difficulty following complex directions
    • May have pre-existing conditions that confer extra vulnerability
    • Special vulnerability to late carcinogenic effects, especially thyroid
  • Special needs of children during decontamination procedures (Adapted from Considerations in Emergency Preparedness: A Two-track Conference, by David Markenson, M.D. (PowerPoint® - 95 KB) (Text Version))
    • Decontamination must be done with high-volume, low-pressure, heated water systems
    • Infants and young children may need to be held by adult during decontamination, but all surfaces must be reached
    • Hypothermia issues must be addressed; replacement clothing or covering must be available immediately in cold environments
    • Obtain Decontamination of Children video (AHRQ, October 2005)
  • Drug doses appropriate for children must be available (e.g., agents for decorporation and treatment of Acute Radiation Syndrome)
  • Treatment protocols for children are different from those for adults
PowerPoint® files can be viewed with Microsoft® PowerPoint® or with a free PowerPoint® Viewer.

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Pregnant Woman and Fetus

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Persons with Disabilities and Other Special Needs

  • Patients with diminished mobility may not be able to
    • Evacuate the radiation scene as directed
    • Tolerate the austere environments required during the emergency
    • Mobilize without assistance for transportation or decontamination
  • Transportation issues may need to be arranged to accommodate special needs.
  • Patients with diminished mental capacity may not be able to follow directions.
  • Patients with limited language proficiency or non-English speakers may not be able to follow directions.
  • Patients with medical disabilities may not be able to tolerate standard radiation rescue treatments and may be disconnected from chronic treatments such as dialysis, oxygen, insulin, and other chronic medications.


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US Department of Health & Human Services     
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response National Library of Medicine