• The Columbia River Basin Federal Caucus and salmonrecovery.gov

    The Columbia River Basin Federal Caucus is a group of ten federal agencies operating in the Columbia River Basin that have natural resource responsibilities and promote recovery of native fish and wildlife listed under   the Endangered Species Act. Thirteen populations of Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead are identified as threatened or endangered under the ESA. These amazing fish are one of the great icons of the Pacific Northwest.


    The Columbia River Basin Federal Caucus agencies work together to: 


    • better integrate, organize, and coordinate federal fish recovery and water quality efforts in support of protecting and restoring the Columbia River Basin aquatic ecosystem, and
    • assist in coordination for the execution of federal trust and treaty responsibilities to Native American tribes within the basin.


        The Caucus accomplishes these purposes consistent with each member agency’s missions and responsibilities.  












    • About this website

      The federal caucus website includes lots of information about what the federal agencies and their partners are doing to restore habitat, improve hatcheries, manage predators and improve dam passage for Columbia Basin fish. Check the site tree if you don't see a specific topic you're looking for.    

      If you have questions or comments about this site, contact the webmaster.