Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyRenewable EnergyWater Power

Water Power

Sandia National Laboratories, through a partnership with several national laboratories and academic institutions, is leading three topic areas for the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) research. The topic areas are:

  • Technology development through supporting research and testing
  • Market acceleration through environmental assessment
  • Reference model development

Sandia is also supporting work with Argonne National Laboratory in conventional hydropower optimization.

Sandia Water Power Technologies’ personnel describe the water power program and the importance of its contribution for America’s future energy picture and needs in a new video (4:39, 51MB).


Sandia will receive more than $9 million over three years from a DOE competitive laboratory solicitation for the development of advanced water power technologies (Complete Article).

Research Rocks: Cooking Up Science (KOAT-TV, Albuquerque). An interesting scientific partnership between the University of New Mexico and Sandia is just like cooking, some students say.

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